Chapter 22

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"And I'm bored as all hell." Izuna groaned as he laid on the bench outside the CCT. "You'd think sight seeing would keep you interested longer than ten minutes." He muttered to himself. Sitting up he looked to the massive tower before him, the first time he'd seen one he was in awe, the level of engineering required to build something like it was unimaginable to the ninja. Now after all these years the novelty had warn off. If he could go get something to drink he would but looking only nineteen made it rather difficult to purchase booze of any real quality.

As he sat thinking to himself his scroll rang in his pocket, the tune was from a video game he'd started playing on his scroll lately. "Yo?"

"Where are you, the meeting is starting in an hour?" Roman's voice came over the feed.

"I'm not going, between you and Neo I'm sure you can handle recruitment. Besides, you're the showmen out of our little trio remember?" Izuna spoke leaning his head backwards lazily, as he did this he noticed two girls walking by, one of which he recognized.

"What if one of those freaks in the cloaks show up?" Roman actually sounded a bit worried about the question.

"If that happens then I've got you covered, trust me, I just found our trump card." Izuna stated as he stood and started walking over to the two girls who caught his attention.

"Fine, but if my suit get's ruined then your buying me a new one." Roman sounded annoyed that he wasn't gonna have the back up he wanted.

"Yeah yeah, I love you to. Later." With that he ended the call. Walking up behind the two talking teenagers he threw his arms around their shoulders. "And here I thought a fall from the heavens would kill you, but it seems you angels made it out just fine." Izuna smiled at his pick up line.

The girl with white hair quickly spun around with an angry look on her face. "Get your hands off of you you cree-" She stopped when she got a look at him.

"Woah, he looks just like Itachi!" The younger of the two stated not seeming to mind his arm being around her shoulder nearly as much as the girl in white.

The girl in white looked him up and down before swatting his arm off of Ruby and pulling the girl away from the strange man. "Who are you and give me one reason I shouldn't call the police for sexual harassment?" Weiss glared at Izuna.

Izuna only chuckled at this. "Now now, no need for that, I was just trying to be friendly. My names Izuna Uchiha, what's yours?" He gave them his most charming smile.

"Uchiha? So you are related to Itachi and Tobi!" The red and black themed girl stuck her hand out to him. "It's nice to meet you, my names Ruby Rose." Izuna shook the girls hand with a genuine smile, it was so rare he met someone so innocent sounding. Ruby then grabbed the other girl and pulled her over to him. "And this is Weiss, she's dating Itachi!"

Weiss blushed furiously at this. "Ruby! Itachi and I are not dating, we're just attending the dance together." She corrected the girl.

"Tobi and Itachi, it's good to hear those two are doing well." He spoke as if he knew the two in question, though in reality he was desperately hoping not to have to guess which of the two he met the other night was which. "So seeing as you're spoken for by my cousin snow angel." He gave Weiss a wink earning another blush. "Maybe you would mind showing me around Red? I'm a traveling Mercenary and have never been to Vale, I only came here because the CCT makes a good landmark to help find my way around."

"We're actually a little busy rig-" Weiss was cut off.

"Sure!" Ruby smiled.

The older man grinned widely. "Thank you so much Red, I'm looking for a weapons shop to restock on dust rounds, know any good one?"

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