Chapter 29

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Pain sat cross legged on the floor as sweat dripped from his face, he breathed heavily as he desperately tried to get more air into his lungs. Glynda was on her knees next to the ame nin with her hand on his back while Ozpin was over by Amber's pod. "I had... no illusions... that this jutsu... would be easy... but this is beyond my imagination." Pain spoke through his breaths, slowly he began forcing himself to his feet with the assistance of Glynda. "The last time I used it, I died right afterwards. I used my life essence to power to jutsu allowing me to bring so many back to life at once, but to use it with just chakra, even in sage mode. If I had to guess, I'd say I only have around five percent of my total chakra right now."

Ozpin analyzed the screen on the machine holding the maiden with wide eyes. "Her aura levels are stabilizing, my gods, it worked." Ozpin turned to the orange haired man with a bigger smile than Glynda had ever seen on him. "You did it, you don't know what this means to us. It will take her body and soul to recover but as of right now she doesn't need any assistance from this machine to keep her alive." His voice showed clear excitement.

Pain nodded his head before stabilizing himself and letting go of the concerned looking Glynda. "That's good, now if it's all the same to you, I'm going to go get some rest." Ozpin nodded as the former god turned and began walking.

After only a few steps however Pain began falling forward, Glynda was quick to catch him with her semblance and sprint to his side. "Nagato!" She grabbed him and turned him over to find him completely unconscious. After checking his vital she let out a breath of relief when she found a strong pulse and felt him breathing. "Professor, I'm going to take Pain to the infirmary to rest."

Ozpin nodded still smiling. "Good idea, I'll remain down here a bit longer to watch over Amber." With that he turned back to the maiden.

With Itachi

Itachi laid back on a small cot in the back of the bullhead, he'd been resting ever since they'd boarded and could his chakra replenishing itself within him. They'd been flying for several hours and were likely getting close to Vale. Raising his hand he grabbed the damp rag he'd used to wipe the blood from his face and subsequently used to cover them as he rest and pulled it off before sitting up.

The moment he opened his eyes he felt a slight drop in his stomach. "Damn." He muttered to himself.

"What?" He heard from nearby. Kisame stood leaning against the wall looking out the window, the members of team CFVY were all still sleeping on other cots and seats nearby.

"My eyes." Itachi looked to his partner, the blue man was very slightly but noticeably blurry. "I over used the Mangyeko Sharingan during that battle, now my eyesight is worsening slightly. It's far from where it was before my death but it's something to keep an eye on for sure, no pun intended."

Kisame nodded. "How's your breathing?"

Itachi was confused for a moment before the question made since to him. "Fine, no signs of my illness returning has shown itself. Funny though, I don't remember ever telling you I was sick."

"I was an S-ranked missing nin with a history in black ops, you really think I wouldn't notice you getting up in the middle of the night during your watch shifts and hacking up blood? Then there's the fact that your stamina was being to drop over the course of our partnership, you hid it well don't get me wrong but you'd run out of breath quicker and quicker over the years." Kisame explained without his usual cocky grin. "So, are you sure yur not still sick?"

Itachi was surprised once again that the kiri nin seemed to have cared enough to pay that close attention, he chuckled lightly before shaking his head at the question. "I'm absolutely positive. Remnant has far better medical technology than we had back home, if I were still sick I would see a doctor."

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