Chapter 16

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Kisame stood leaning against a tree at the edge of a small clearing in the Emerald forest, several yards away sat Pain in the lotus position in deep meditation. He was there to insure the former god didn't turn to stone during this training he was attempting, if he began showing any symptoms that something was wrong then Kisame was to swipe at him with Samehada to cut the intake of nature energy and adsorb the excess in his body. The ability to devour chakra made the sword the perfect tool for this.

From a short distance away came a low growl, which was the other reason he was present. He had several water clones scattered throughout the surrounding forest eliminating any grimm that may try and attack the orange hair leader. Kisame had no doubt that these beasts had a better chance of learning quantum physics than actually harming Pain, but having to deal with interruptions would only slow his progress.

Turning to the noise Kisame placed a hand on his blade only to remove it a moment later just before the beowulf lunged at him only to be kicked in the side of the head hard enough to snap it's neck killing it instantly. "It's rather odd watching a bunny rabbit kill a wolf." He chuckled as Velvet walked over to him and leaned in for a quick peck on his cheek.

"This is coming from a shark in the forest." She giggled in response. "What are you doing out here?"

Kisame point over to Pain leading his 'girlfriends', as these people called it, gaze. "I'm helping out with his training, it's complicated, but basically I'm here to make sure he doesn't turn to stone. Don't ask, again it's complicated." He grinned before pulling the rabbit eared girl closer to him earning a slight 'eep' as she hadn't expected it. "But I don't mind taking a short break."

The suggestion earn a blush to appear on the naturally timid girls face, this slight blush soon shifted to a deep red as she felt his breath on her neck. A slight moan escaped her lips as his razor sharp teeth just barely grazed her skin. It was an incredibly complex feeling for the girl. On one hand she was a teenage girl in the arms of the boy she shared strong feelings with and knew she was safe as long as she was close to him. On the other hand she was a rabbit faunus with the instincts of an animal that was typically a prey animal. The feeling of her boyfriends teeth graze against her neck set off both signals of joy and intimacy as well as danger alarms. It always sent her mind into chaos and oddly enough she loved it, something her blue skinned boyfriend quickly picked up.

Kisame moved his lips until they were hovering millimeters from hers and was about to kiss her when there was a quiet ring from his pocket earning an annoyed growl. "Sorry babe, let me check this." He pulled out his scroll and read over the message on it gaining a slightly surprised look. "I'll be right back." A moment later he disappeared in a blur and reappeared next to the man sitting at the center of the clearing. "Leader, we have a situation."

"What is it?" Pain never moved or opened his eyes.

"Itachi, Sasori, Obito, Kakuzu, and Hidan have all just engaged in combat with an unknown Uchiha using a Susanoo down at the Vale docks." Kisame explained.

Pain was silent for several seconds. "Five Akatsuki members should be more than enough, especially with two Uchiha capable of using Susanoo as well. Inform them to keep the damage to a minimum and alert both Konan and Juzo just encase they do actually require assistance."


The Docks

"DRAGON FLAME HORDE!" Obito shouted sending a half dozen dragon of fire towards the back of the Susanoo that was clashing with Itachi's own Susanoo. He knew full well that the flames would never be able to break through the ultimate defense even if it was still in it's incomplete state, but that wasn't the point of the attack.

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