Chapter 23

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Ghira Belladonna smiled as he stepped off the boat and down the ramp to the small dock of the island not far from his home, in fact if he squinted he could just make out the outline of the Menagerie coastline on the horizon. The island was larger than it had been the last time he'd visited, though that had been back when he was only a boy exploring the seas around his home. He and his friends would come and camp out on the island during the summer, the island had been so small that grimm couldn't breed on it, now however the island had multiplied in size by a factor of at least a dozen with the arrival of the new lord of the island. The very man he was there to see.

"Chief Belladonna, welcome to Oto." A tall young man with blue hair wearing a formal looking ukata approached giving a bow. "My Lord has been very excited to make you acquaintance sir. My name is Tashi and I have been given the honor of being your guide."

Ghira nodded. "Please, there isn't any need for formalities like that." He gave the man a pat on the back while looking around at the small town before him, everyone looked rather happy, though he could see the looks in their eyes. While they seemed happy at the moment he could tell each had gone through their own hardships. Ghira gestured for the man to begin leading him gaining an smile and a nod in response. "So Tashi my boy, how did you come to live on this island?"

"The same way as almost everyone here, I was bought as a slave." This sent Ghira's eyes wide and made him halt in his tracks.

"You're a slave?" He growled lowly clenching his hand into a fist.

Tashi held up his hands while shaking his head. "Not anymore no, my Lord bought me and set me free as he did with everyone here. He buys us one at a time or sometimes in groups from across Remnant and when we're delivered he sets us free, we can leave anytime that we wish, but almost everyone stays and desires to repay his kindness." The boy explained earning a look of surprise from the chieftain.

After a moment Ghira began laughing loudly. "That's good to hear my boy, if you people were slaves held here against your will, well I'd likely lead a siege here with the militia back home." He slapped the boys back again.

"That's kind of you to say sir, though I fear if that happened my Lord would most definitely defeat your forces. He is a warrior of greater skill than any huntsmen I've ever seen." Tashi explained further with a wide smile.

"Is that so, well now I'm even more excited to meet this man!" The chieftain wasn't lying as he wanted to meet the man this boy spoke so highly of.

"I'm glad your as excited as I am Chief Belladonna." A rough voice spoke from ahead of the two, now standing in front of the two was a tall man with long black hair and incredibly pale skin, he wore a high quality purple silk kimono.

"Lord Orochimaru, my apologies! I didn't see you arrive." Tashi gave a deep bow. "I was just bringing Chief Belladonna to you mansion sir."

Orochimaru grinned and shook his head. "Don't worry about it Tashi, I merely got bored and decided to stretch my legs a bit. So I figure I'd come down and greet our honored guest myself." Holding out his hand to the larger man Orochimaru smiled, his fangs flashing as he did.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Ghira took the offered hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"The pleasure is all mine, now please follow me. I have quite a few thing I'd like to discuss with you." Turning to Tashi while still holding up his smile. "Tashi, could you run ahead and ask the staff to prepare some tea for Chief Belladonna and I?"

"Of course my lord." Tashi bowed again before taking off.

"Such an eager boy, now please come." Orochimaru began walking with the large man just behind.

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