Chapter 18

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"Ah shit, my aching head." Juzo groaned as he stumbled through the halls of Beacon towards the cafeteria. "I can't tell which is worse, the hangover or the knot from falling out that window." Juzo continued to groan as he pushed the door to the cafeteria open and made his way towards the buffet line. Grabbing two water bottles and large slab of steak he looked around the cafeteria for a seat. Every table was taken and he didn't know anyone which meant that either he'd have to take his food and leave or he'd have to spread his social wings and meet some new people.

Looking around for a group that looked interesting his eyes ended up falling on a table where four girls sat happily chatting. "Well if I'm gonna meet new people, they might as well be good looking." Juzo smiled before making his way over to the four. "Yo, is this seat taken?" Juzo asked pointing to the spot next to a girl with short black and red hair.

All four stopped and looked at him for a moment, or more specifically his coat. "Sure thing, you're friends with Konan and Itachi right?" The girl with the red cape smiled surprising him slightly.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you know them, Itachi and Konan aren't really the most social members of our little family. The names Juzo Biwa, nice to meet you." He returned her smiled.

"So you're Juzo, Tobi mentioned you." The black haired girl next to the blonde smiled. "My name-"

"Blake, Tobi hasn't shut up about his 'new best friend' in two days. That makes you four team RWBY, let's see now." Juzo looked over the three remaining members of the team. "Kisame mentioned a Schnee, and if I remember correctly, Schnee's usually have white hair so that makes you Weiss." He pointed to Weiss. "And Tobi also mentioned something about a little red headed girl kissing him last night, and if your blush means anything then that make you Ruby." He smiled at the younger girls embarrassment. "Which leaves you... I don't know who you are." He deadpanned looking at Yang, his eyes looking her up and down. "Which is definitely a surprise."

"I'm hurt, you don't know the great Yang Xiao Long!" Yang gave off mock offense.

"YANG! Ah shit now I remember, Deidara mentioned you getting owned by Itachi in combat class. Kinda weird he'd laugh about that sense he also got beat by Itachi, huh, must be a blonde thing." Juzo shrugged taking a bite from his steak and downing half a bottle of his water not noticing the rage filled aura now emanating from the blonde, and the fact that all three of the girls teammates were moving away.

"A blonde thing huh?" Yang growled with her eyes turning red.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, Tobi was telling me about another time Itachi got this other blonde kid caught in one of his illusions." Juzo let out a loud laugh. "I guess it's just preordained that blondes will fall for that trick!" He continued to laugh until suddenly a fist slammed into his face sending him flying through a nearby wall.

"Never make blonde jokes around Yang, it's a taboo for her and dad." Ruby whispered as she hid behind Weiss.

Juzo growled picking himself up and glaring at the now flaming blonde. "Yeah, you die now."

Two hours later

"And that's what happened." Juzo grinned from his spot on his bed, laying on her back with her head resting on his lap was Yang who was now on her scroll. Konan stood with her arms crossed and her foot tapping.

Konan glared at the two bruised brawlers. "You two start a fight that lasted half an hour and destroyed not only the cafeteria, which Glynda is pissed about fixing by the way, and tore hole into the courtyard before finally falling off the edge of the cliff to the Emerald Forest where you proceeded to continue pummeling each other until you both tired yourselves out and, for some reason that I will never understand, started making out in a crater you created. And now your taking her out next week to something called a 'rave'." The purple haired ninja deadpanned.

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