Chapter 10

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"And you don't see these two becoming an issue?" Ozpin asked taking a sip of his steaming coffee.

Itachi shook his head. "No, Hidan may be immortal but he's without a doubt the weakest of the Akasuki. With enough effort, and if their good enough, a team of huntsmen shouldn't have to much trouble incapacitating him." Itachi responded raising his own cup to his mouth, though his was filled with tea.

"What about the other one, Kakuzu I believe?"

Itachi set his cup down. "Yes, he's a much larger threat though an easy one to handle. According to Deidara he seems to be able to gain the semblance of anyone whose heart he takes and integrates into himself. He could do something similar in the past as well. To my knowledge he can only have up to five at any given time but I'd rather not jump to any conclusions over whether or not that has changed. Deidara also informed me that he currently doesn't have his max number of heart and is looking for more, hence why he attacked them in the first place. The only ability we were able to identify for certain was that he can now create and control ice. I'd highly recommend not confronting him in battle if possible, he's got more battle field experience than anyone you could send and is incredibly skill, he's on a totally different level than Hidan."

Ozpin listened closely absorbing as much information as he could. "You said he was easy to handle, please explain."

"His motives are and have always been the same, money. If offered enough he'll do just about anything, he couldn't careless about who he works for or why they want him to do it, as long as he's paid. Though this also brings up the possibility that an enemy could out bid us for his allegiance."

Ozpin smiled slightly. "Well hopefully it will not come to that, but if it does, Beacon has a rather large budget." Pulling up his scroll he flipped through several files. "In the meant time I'd say we should keep those two busy, here." Itachi's scroll vibrated. "Send those to Kakuzu, their a list of bounties generally kept from the public and reserved for hunters, hopefully that'll satiated them for a while. Now, how are Mr. Iwa and Ms. Valkyrie?"

"Nora wasn't ever touched by those two, Deidara made sure of that. He on the other hand suffered a puncture wound through his right thigh and a bite wound to his left shoulder. Nothing serious, he's been through far worse. Still, I'm gonna ask that he doesn't have to fight in class for a few days."

Ozpin smiled again. "Of course, I wouldn't let a student push themselves like that, even if they are a 'ninja'."

Itachi stood and bowed to the headmaster. "Thank you sir, now if we're finished I need to take care of a few thing."

"Dismissed." Ozpin nodded before the Uchiha burst into a cloud of smoke. Ozpin chuckled slightly before turning to look out the window. "Ninjas."

The next day

"And then it was like BWAAAAAH and we were like WOOOOH! It was seriously the COOLEST, art rules!" Nora exclaimed from her spot at the lunch table.

Sasori scoffed. "Until a piece of wood spears you in the leg from a stray blast." He referenced the false story they had invented to explained to everyone how Deidara got injured. Deidara was originally against a story that would make him sound 'amateurish' but in the end wasn't given much of a choice, Nora had to be convinced to lie about the events but after some reasoning from Deidara they managed to get her on board.

"Oh shut it." Deidara growled at the puppet master before taking a swig of his soda.

"Still though, blowing stuff up sounds like the best kind of art I've ever heard of." Yang added. Next to her was Blake who was still purposely avoiding eye contact with Kisame after the two shared words, Ruby had noticed this and was still thinking of a way to fix things.

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