Chapter 11

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Several weeks earlier


"I know."

"Should we wake them?"

"No, you and I will handle this." The orange haired teen stood from his spot by the fire followed another teen wearing an orange mask with a single eye hole. "Take us there." He told the masked boy who nodded and grabbed his shoulder before the two disappeared silently from the small camp sitting in the middle of the snow covered forest. Moments later the pair appeared on a tree branch overlooking a small group of soldiers all wearing Atlesian uniforms, a woman with white hair stood at the front of the group leading them through the dark forest. "Obito, let them know we're here."

"Sounds good." The masked teen replied as he flipped through a series of signs and then jumping into the air. "Fire style, Great Fireball!" He shouted sending a large orb of flames at the spot several yards in front of the group causing them to halt completely and take up defensive positions. Obito land just between the soldiers and the fire than was now scorching the once snow covered ground.

Every soldier took aim at the teen and the woman drew her blade pointing it at him ready to attack. "You in the mask, identify yourself now!" The woman demanded though Obito just stood silent.

After another few seconds Pain broke the silence. "Who we are is of no concern to you, leave now and you will not be hurt. This is your only chance." His voice surprised the group as it came directly behind them.

The woman split her sword in two and pointed the second blade at the orange haired teen. "You are threatening an officer of the Atlesian military young man, now I'll say it again. Identify yourselves."

Pain sighed lightly, he was really hoping an officer wouldn't be among them though he knew from the start he would be disappointed. After he, Obito, and the others were forced to destroy several large automated mechs that had identified them as a threat after Juzo got curious and jumped on top of one, he knew the military would be sending someone to investigate. "What is your purpose here?" Pain asked the woman still remaining calm.

"We have video evidence that four individuals wearing black cloaks with red clouds, are responsible for destroying experimental Atlesian technology. We are here to place said individuals under arrest and to bring them in for questioning. Judging by your cloaks I'd say your the ones, am I correct?" The officer asked.

"Yes, that was us and I apologize. We desire no quarrel with your military, and I can promise such a thing will never happen again, now please leave this place." Pain spoke one final time.

"I can see you have no intentions of coming with me willingly, so I'm sorry but I'll have to take you by force." In an instant the woman disappeared from where she'd been standing and reappeared in front of the former god bringing the back side of her blade down onto his neck, though was surprised to hit something metal instead of flesh.

"Now I'm all for letting us sleep, but I can't help but feel like this whole thing is my fault Leader." Juzo chuckled as he stood back to back with Pain, the handle of his sword sticking over his shoulder blocking the womans attack.

"That's likely because it is all your fault Juzo." A female voice came from behind the woman with the sword.

Jumping away from the two boys the woman looked back at her men only to find all of them unconscious with the masked boy from before sitting on top of their piled up bodies, standing next to the pile was a beautiful teenage girl with purple hair and orange eyes. "Ah come on Konan, I already apologized and even stepped in to protect Leader. What more do you want from me?" Juzo asked with a smirk across his face. Turning to the white hair attacker Juzo stepped between her and their orange haired leader. "So Leader, want me to get rid of her?"

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