Chapter 3

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"Remember the plan." Itachi spoke as he watched student being launched one by one.

The first of their group to be launched was Deidara who immediately pulled a premade bird from his sleeve and activated it causing a burst of smoke before he flew out of the cloud on the back of his sculpture. Sasori wasn't far behind him and quickly cast several chakra strands onto the bird and swung himself closer before sticking out his arm which was grabbed by Deidara and he was pulled up onto the back of the giant bird as well.

A short distance behind the two were Itachi and Kisame who were that last to be launched. Reaching into his pouch Itachi pulled out a long thin chain with weights on either end, giving the chain a quick spin he threw the chain towards his swordsmen partner who caught it and gave a strong yank pulling the Uchiha towards him. Once within arms reach Itachi threw the chain down towards the trees below slowing the two enough to allow them to gain enough of a grip to stick to the trees.

"How long do you think it'll take them?" Kisame asked his 'new' partner as he watched Deidara and Sasori speeding into the distance.

"It shouldn't take more than a few minutes." He replied leaving the two in silence for a moments. "By the way, I was approached by a girl this morning who was looking for you and Deidara. She wished to thank you for helping her friend yesterday. I'm guessing this has something to do with that 'kidnapping' that Deidara mentioned?"

Kisame laughed at the question. "Yeah, two punks were giving this girl trouble for being a faunus, so I kicked their asses. After that she fainted from looking at me."

"Again?" Itachi raised an eyebrow. "How many times is that now?"

Kisame groaned. "Five times since we woke up, twelve since we met." Itachi couldn't help but grin at this, contrary to what many believed, he did have emotions as well as a sense of humor, though it was rarely seen by many. In fact out of the Akatsuki only Kisame had ever seen him laugh. "Anyway, I picked her up and took her to the schools garden and watched over her until she started to stir. After that I bailed."

Itachi nodded. "Well it seems you've earned yourself some points with our upperclassmen. Here they come." He pointed towards the other pair of ninja flying towards them at high speeds, the moment they pasted over Kisame and Itachi jumped up and grabbed onto the birds feet.

"Here, I grabbed the black knight pieces." Sasori said as he leaned over the edge and handed Itachi one of the relics. "A little cliche I'll admit, but I think it fits us."

Less then a minute of flying later the four landed back on the cliff where they began with a smiling Ozpin and Glynda who looked to be somewhere between shock and outrage. "Congratulation boys, you've just shattered the previous record for fastest initiation. I believe the previous record was fifty eight minutes. You four did it in six." Itachi and Sasori both handed over their relics to the older man who nodded. "The second through forth years are currently watching the new students in the auditorium if you want to go join them, otherwise feel free to return to the ballroom and rest."

The four nodded and took their leave as Glynda narrowed her eyes at the group. "Sir, can we really allow them to pass with such a performance, not only did they not display any form of skill in combat, but two of them did absolutely nothing as the other two completed the task for them. I would even goes so far as to guess that they some how cheated to get information on the initiation before hand."

"Oh they definitely had prior information, that Uchiha boy stated that Sasori Red was rather adept with computers." Ozpin spoke before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Then shouldn't we fail them for cheating and not displaying adequate skill?" She asked knowing that Ozpin had no plans of failing the team, he always had reasons for his strange actions and she was hoping he'd explain.

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