Chapter 12

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"Iron sand hail storm!" Sasori shouted as tiny clusters of iron sand shot forward towards Itachi who merely call forth a partial Susanoo to protect him from the attack, as iron sand continued to pelt the ribcage surrounding him he felt a rumble from below just before a large solid spike of iron sand tore through the floor where he was standing.

Using bodyflicker Itachi disappeared and reappeared on a nearby steel beam jutting out of a wall and flipped through several hand signs. "Dragon flame bullet!" The Uchiha fire off a massive dragon shaped mass of fire at the red headed puppeteer who quickly pointed his open palm at the fire and unleashed a wall of fire himself from the barrel sticking out of his hand. The two masses of fire continued to clash for dominance for several seconds before Sasori's eyes widened at the sight of black flames over taking his fire.

With his free hand the suna nin pulled the third kazekage to his side and quickly forms a spherical shield around himself and the puppet. Any sand touched by the fire Sasori sent away towards a wall. "Iron sand world method!" Hundreds of branch of the iron sand shot out of the black mass of sand in all directions tearing through anything that stood it it's path while Sasori raised himself up into the air on a platform of the sand. Itachi jumped from branch to branch using his sharingan to follow the hundreds of branches trying to skewer him, until one such spike of iron sand pierced his chest from behind impaling him. Sasori frowned knowing that it would never be that easy and was proven right as Itachi's corpse dispersed into a flock crows. Spinning on his heels Sasori pointed his palm towards the Uchiha who was bringing the blade of his tanto down at the puppeteer, an intense blast of fire slammed into the Uchiha's face causing him to burst into smoke just as a second blade met with a wall of Iron sand at Sasori's back. Itachi jumped away from the redhead as the third kazekage swung a spinning buzz saw at his head.

In the air above three giant birds flew in circles around the battlefield that was the roof, on the back of each was a Deidara clone who was tossing explosives down upon Kisame who was busy fighting multiple clay creatures being controlled by another Deidara. "Give it up fishman, your completely out numbered by my art and every time you take one out another two are made hn!"

Kisame chuckled. "Don't get cocky kid. Water shark bomb barrage!" Out of the kiri nins mouth shot several shark shaped balls of water that all began homing in on the flying Deidara's who in turn began taking evasive actions trying to dodge. When the sharks got close enough to the clones they exploded violently damaging the birds the clones stood on. Deidara's clones each brought their birds down into a dive bomb attack against the ninja swordsmen who had just cut down the Deidara clone controlling the multiplying clay monster. "Water wall!" Kisame shouted flipping through several hand signs causing a surge of water to envelope him as the three clay bird as well as the multiplying bombs all detonated causing a massive explosion.

During all this the real Deidara stood sweating slightly inside a barrier of red energy with Penny standing behind him in the barrier as well. "Dammit, he survived it. I've got plenty of clay and chakra but I can't hold this shield up and make more clones at the same time. I also doubt that this barrier would protect us very long anyway hn." Deidara spoke to himself, glancing at his leg which was still injured just enough to leave him at a disadvantage in close combat and then to Penny who Sasori told him to guard. "Not a great situation."

"I'm so sorry." He heard from behind him causing him to look and find Penny with tears running down her face. "I didn't mean to do this, I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I'm so sorry." She sobbed with her face in her hands, pulling her hands away from a moment while still sobbing. "I didn't know I could cry."

With the Zombo Combo

Kakuzu held a local drug boss by the throat and grinned at his pained look. "That's another eighty thousand." Throwing the man over his shoulder he stepped out of the large warehouse where he found Hidan laying on the ground impaled at the center of one of his circles of blood. Nearby were several dead bodies that were once thugs under the bosses employ. "Get up, we've got a bounty to turn in. Not a large one, but the money is still good."

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