Chapter 2

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"Now isn't that interesting." Sasori thought aloud as he read through a book on weapon designs. "With a little tweaking I could use this in one of my puppets, but how to compensate for the recoil." He smiled to himself as he closed the book and grabbed his scroll from his pocket as he walked towards the exit of the large library. "Orientation is starting soon, I wonder if I should go."

Itachi would likely be there and would relay any useful information on to the others if needed, Kisame was iffy on whether or not he'd be there, it was still hard for him to read the shark man. Deidara definitely wouldn't be there, he was likely off causing trouble with his 'art'. As if on cue Sasori heard an explosion in the distance and let out a tired sigh. "That brat really needs to be put on a leash."

Using the body flicker he moved towards the source of the blast to begin damage control, when he arrived however he was surprised to find that the blonde bomber was nowhere in sight and instead a young girl in a red cape was being yelled at by a girl in all white. He was about to turn and leave sense there was no reason for him to get involved until he noticed something, normally he wouldn't bother with any form of socialization but if he wanted to gain information and gained new contacts he'd need to start somewhere. "Excuse me miss." He spoke up while stepping forward getting the white haired girls attention as she began to walk away from the crestfallen looking younger girl.

"What." She stopped and turned to Sasori with an irritated look.

Reaching into his pocket Sasori withdrew a small vial of a green gooey like substance. "I couldn't help but notice the palm of your hand was burned slightly from that explosion, this salve works wonders on burns." He spoke with a smile, he knew who this girl was the instant he saw the mark on her back, she was a Schnee which meant becoming her friend would lead to a gold mine of possible contacts, information, and resources. "A friend of mine specializes in explosives an frequently is injured by his testing of them, so I usually keep some on me just in case." It wasn't a complete lie sense Deidara did frequently have his art blow up in his face, he created and began carrying the salve so he wouldn't wine about the stinging so much.

The girls face actually shifted slightly. "Oh, thank you and I'm sorry for snapping. I've just had a long day." She gave him a smile as he handed her the salve and she poured some into her hand before rubbing it in. "Wow that works fast, where did you get this?" She asked looking at her hand as the pain had also completely disappeared.

"I made it actually, it's my own personal blend of herbs. It contains a natural numbing agent as well as multiple herbs that do magic with burns." Again he spoke with a fake smile across his face, he held out his hand to her. "Sasori Red, it's nice to meet you."

She took his hand and shook it. "Weiss Schnee."

With Deidara

"Shit I hate these things." Deidara grumbled as he pulled at his gloves. The first time anyone saw the mouths on his palms they freaked out, ever since Itachi made him hide them when they weren't in battle and even then to be discreet if others were around.

At the moment the bomber was merely wondering the grounds of the school with a pair of earbuds in. After about three weeks on Remnant Deidara had discovered that the music in this new world was far better than most anything he'd heard back home, if fact each of the four found certain genres they really enjoy.

Itachi enjoyed classical music, Sasori liked heavy metal surprisingly. Kisame had grown to like classic rock, though oddly he had a fierce hatred of rap music. Deidara himself found he liked a large variety of music, though his favorite currently was punk rock.

"This place sucks." He groaned to himself as he walked down a hallway. "I wish I could play with my art." He moaned.

"Hey you." He heard faintly from behind him, turning his head he saw a girl wearing sunglasses approaching from a short distance and a pair of young men following behind. One had dark skin and white eyes while the other was tall enough to make Kisame look up. The girl didn't appear to be very happy from the glare on her face.

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