Chapter 32

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"This certainly is troubling." Pain sighed from his seat in Ozpin's office, leaning against the wall was Kakuzu who looked less than pleased about the situation. Ironwood stood a few feet away from the still exhausted Pain, sitting behind his desk was Ozpin. After a few more minutes of silence the elevator pinged and opened allowing Glynda, Qrow, and Konan into the room as well.

Ozpin rubbed his temples. "Well, now that we're all here, please explain Mr. Kakuzu what happened this evening in the CCT." The headmaster spoke first.

Kakuzu nodded. "Very well. I was in the CCT doing research on one of the terminals for a personal project of mine when the elevator opened and that woman you're all after stepped in. She thought she was being sneaky a by trying to kill me with an arrow to the back of my head, but the arrow simply shattered against my hardened skin. After that I proceeded to begin beating her rather savagely, I think Hidan may be rubbing off on me, just as I was about to deal the blow that would knock her unconscious I felt a blade pierce my chest. I turned to find Izuna Uchiha standing behind me, he claims to have used the forth Hokage's jutsu to infiltrate the tower without my knowledge and get the drop on me. He then proceeded to grab the woman and leave, I doubt he expected me to survive the wound he dealt to me so he didn't bother trying to hide his actions just before he left. He did something to the CCT that cause a black queen chess piece to appear on all the screens. After that he left and I contacted Leader." Kakuzu finished his explanation.

"You said he used 'the fourth Hokage's jutsu' what does that mean?" Ironwood asked the masked man.

Pain was the one to answer him. "The forth Hokage was the fourth leader of the village known as Konoha in our world, largely accepted as the most powerful of the five great villages, and the fourth Hokage was widely fear as one of the most powerful shinobi to have ever been produced by it. His Jutsu was known as the Flying Thunder God technique. It allowed the user to instantly teleport to anything anywhere that had a mark specific to each user place on it. He used this jutsu to become known as the fastest man alive as well as the earning himself the moniker of 'The Yellow Flash'. It's said that he used the technique to take out over one thousand enemy ninja in a single night. If Izuna truly has master this ability then he has just proven himself to be an even greater threat than before." Pain explained to the people present that didn't already know. "Fortunately there have been a very small handful of people who have faced this technique in battle and survived."

"And how pray tell is that fortunate?" Glynda asked the orange haired leader.

"We happen to have one of those people here at the academy." Pain smiled. "Obito managed to fight the fourth Hokage himself to a stand still. His Kamui is arguably an even greater teleportation technique than the Flying Thunder God."

"Well then it would seem hope is not lost." Ozpin lifted his mug from the table and took a sip from it. "James would please have your best engineers search the CCT network for whatever they did to it?"

"Already have people doing that, whatever it was they'll find it." James said taking the open seat next to Pain looking tired. "By the way, how's the maiden doing?"

This brought a smile to Ozpin's face again. "She doing very well, I asked Mr. Red and young Penny to watch over her while we had this meeting."

"Good, if you don't mind Oz I'd like to increase security, especially around the infirmary where she's being kept. Patrol's, armed guards at her door." James requested.

Qrow chuckled lightly as he pulled a flask out of his shirt only for it to be plucked out of his hand by Konan. "You don't need any alcohol." She stated while taking off it's cap and downing a swig before stowing it in her shirt.

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