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"Itachi..."deidara said
"What is it, deidara... i hope its something important." Itachi said.
"Well, follow me i have something nice to show you.."
Itachi scoffed and followed deidara.
They went inside a room in their lair, itachi was eager to know what deidara is showing him is worth the effort.
Deidara switched on the lights to show a figure sleeping on the floor, wrapped in a blanket.
A navy blue hair, white pale smooth skin, an innocent child's face.
Deidara went over and pushed the child with his legs.
"Wake up... .." deidara pushed the child roughly.
"Stop deidara what are you doing.." itachi snorted
But itachi was interrupted as the small child pulled himself up, and opened his eyes.
"A.. a girl.." itachi retorted, as he saw the girl opening her eyes, showing her petit form, she had a tom boy cut. As both their eyes met, he saw that unique eye color, the white one but had a tinge of lilac.
A girl from a Hyūga clan.
She looked at itachi puzzled.
Itachi crouched down near her, and deidara put his hand on her head and pushed her down roughly, as if he is forcing her to bow.
"Bow down to your new master... Girl..." he growled.
"Stop it deidara... what are you doing.." itachi scowled as he pulled the puzzled child into his embrace.
The child looked up at itachi's form.
"She will be your new slave.. and weapon..." deidara said.
"You can't say that to a child... deidara" itachi gritted his teeth.
"Heh, you were always having a soft spot.. Uchiha.. anyway do whatever you want to her..." deidara said as he took off.
Akatsuki attacked konoha and kidnapped hinata under the command of pain, he wanted a Hyūga in his team. It'll be of use.
He thought of itachi as he has the sharingan and he is the only one he can trust in making her stronger.
Deidara complied.
Itachi looked down at the small form he straddled.
"Whats your name..." he said
"Hi..hinata..." the girl said unsure.
Hinata was in state of shock. She doesn't understand whats going on, and her mind can't comprehend whats happening.
"What a beautiful name hinata..." itachi smiled.

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