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It was still raining outside and sasuke didn't want to sleep,  he was scared that the dreams come back hunting him, he'll scream and hinata will definitely know he is sasuke, they spent time together formerly and she knows how he screamed and that she chased   His demons away.
Sasuke sat on the chair by the window, watching as the rain fell, and the thunder roared. All of a sudden he heard a foot steps from across, he watched carefully as sakuragi the little kid walked over to hinata's room. Sasuke watched intently.
He followed slowly and he saw sakuragi gently shaking hinata.
"Mommy.." sakuragi whispered.
Hinata turned and whimpered, he could swear she is still the cutest girl he was interested in when they were in the academy.
"Uh..saku-chan whats wrong.."hinata asked gently.
"Mommy..i am scared...can i sleep over with you tonight please" he asked shyly
Hinata chuckled and hugged sakuragi.
"Silly saku..hop in" she lifted a small part of the blanket and took sakuragi into her hug.
And she started singing to him, hinata sang with a gentle voice.
I will be there when you fall, and there will be no pain at all, because i'll be your shelter, your shelter from the storm, i'll be there when you fall, and if you walk a lonely road, know that i'll be there, and i'll be you shelter, your shelter from the storm.
Sasuke felt a tear going down his face, such a beautiful melody, he wished those words were said to him. His mother used to do the same.
Sasuke smiled inwardly, he kept daydreaming that he would nuzzle behind hinata, and they'll all be warm and cuddling together as a family.
He wanted a family with her so much.
Hinata felt someone presence,
"Natsu-san, is that you" hinata's voice made sasuke snap out of his thoughts.
Sasuke kept silent, so he watched hinata nuzzled back to sakuragi and murmured
"I must be imagining..."

Hinata yawned and woke up, she knew sakuragi is going to wake up a little bit late. He is a heavy sleeper. So she decided to go for her morning routine.
Hinata walked towards the kitchen, she started sensing for the tea, she boiled the water, she didn't want to make any noise so she won't wake her guest nor her adopted son.
However unbeknownst to her, she pushed a glass over the counter that fell on the floor and broke.
Hinata leaned down to collect the shattered pieces however she had her hands cut, and her feet. In the end she is blind.
"You should be more careful you know.." a deep voice came from no one other than sasuke who watched hinata but was scared to scare her.
Hinata flinched as she heard his voice.
"I..natsu san, you..you scared me"
"Sorry.. but you shouldn't move..., and your hands are bleeding.." sasuke retorted stoically.
"I...." hinata stuttered
"Stay where you are..." sasuke ordered and hinata nodded and all of a sudden she felt herself being raised up from the floor, she yelped as sasuke carried her, and walked out of the kitchen, hinata's face was burning in embarrassment.
However this scent she is really familiar with. But she denies.
Sasuke grinned at such scene.
He sat her down on a the couch and went over to bring the first aid kit. He started to sensitize the wound and wrapped a bandage around her cut.
"Thank you...Natsu san... i..i am not acquainted to nice people..."hinata said with a sad voice. Surly sasuke knows about her childhood and the hardship he put her through.
Sasuke sighed.
"Uh..natsu san.." hinata asked blushing
"Uhmm" sasuke hummed.
"May..may i touch your face...i mean, i just need to.." but hinata was interrupted by sasuke's grabbing her both hands and placing them on his face.
Hinata was shocked, however she started to sense his face gently, her touch was so smooth that sasuke could feel himself excited.
Hinata touched his face, his nose, lips, ears, and hair, she knows that silky hair, but it was longer, neck long, and he had a headband wrapped around.
The hair, she knows it, its like sasuke's hair, but sasuke's hair had a duck butt spikes like. This one wasn't, so she felt a little bit relieved.
After all he is not sasuke, her last encounter with him when they were about sixteen-seventeen, now she is nineteen.
Sasuke didn't want hinata to take her hands off him. But she had to let go.
"You are quite handsome i think. Natsu-san"  hinata said as she blushed.
"Well, maybe..." sasuke answered.
"Mommy.." sakuragi said as he was rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"Good morning saku-chan" hinata greeted her child as he hugged her and gave her a morning kiss.
"What happened to your hand mommy"he asked worriedly
"Uh saku-chan have no worries, i just broke a glass"
"Mommy, didn't i tell you to wake me up anytime"
"Oh saku. Sorry i just didn't want to bother you.."
"I'll cook breakfast, natsu san, please give me a hand" sakuragi asked and sasuke nodded.
As they cooked sakuragi noticed sasuke's rinnegan eyes, so he cracked the question.
"Natsu san, why is your other eye is purple and looks like this.." sakuragi asked innocently, sasuke gulped and hinata gasped.
She approached them, and sasuke knew he was in trouble.
"Sa..sakuragii.." hinata stuttered
Sasuke was holding his breath
"Hai" sakuragi answered.
"How..how does natsu-san lo.look like..." hinata stuttered.
"Purple mommy, with weird circles " sakuragi said.
"Pain?" Hinata cracked.
Sasuke let out  a sigh.
"Pain is dead.. na.." then sasuke stopped, he would have a slip of a tongue.
"You..you know..pain?" Hinata stuttered. He must be from konoha.
"I...yes...well not really, but the news were all over, konoha and the sand village.." sasuke said
"You are from konoha?" Hinata asked she started to feel uneasy and shocked
If he said he was from konoha, it will be a big trouble, he had to lie.
"No, sand village.."
"Hmm" hinata sighed. She felt relieved but still she is unsure.
"Mommy. Who is pain" sakuragi asked
"No one my love.. finish off breakfast so we can eat" hinata said as she smiled.
They all sat and started eating and then sasuke decided to crack the silence.
"Are you from konoha" sasuke asked.
"Hai" hinata said
"You are a Hyūga right..i mean i noticed from your eyes..." sasuke retorted.
Hinata nodded.
"Why are you staying here...?" Sasuke asked.
"I..." hinata's voice cracked.
"I..have no place to go.." hinata's eyes filled with tears.
"Mommy, you okay" sakuragi asked
Hinata patted his back assuring she is fine.
Sasuke was curious, why did hinata stay here, why didn't she go back to konoha.
But his train of thoughts were cut as he sensed a strange chakra and a couple of kunai were aimed through the cottage. Sasuke in a mere of a second stood up and jumped towards hinata and sakuragi, hugging them and landed on the floor.
"Saku, Hinata... hide" he growled as he charged his chidori and activated his sharingan and attacked the culprits.
However they all retreated.
He went back to check upon hinata and sakuragi.
"Mom.. have you seen his eyes, they were crimson red" sakuragi said amazed.
Hinata gulped. She only knows one man who's eye turned crimson red. But she doesn't quite remember anyone with the rinnegan except for pain.
Besides... she doesn't remember telling natsu her name.quite silly, maybe sakuragi already told him that her name is hinata.
She ditched the thought.
"Hinata.. sakuragi, you both fine.." sasuke asked concerned.
Again that deep voice, hinata's still denying. She nodded as sakuragi did the same.
"Sorry natsu san... thanks for protecting us" hinata said shyly.
"Don't mention, why are they after you.." he asked. Acting as if he didn't know, he knows quite sure they wanted hinata for the Byakugan.
"Its quite mercenary's ninja's come by the cottage. Yesterday they were couple of the otsutsuki who came.. i blocked them, they wanted my Byakugan, however i am blind its no use..." hinata exclaimed.
"I understand.." sasuke said monotonous.
"Natsu san, thanks for helping us, and sorry for bothering and burdening you, please you can come anytime, i believe we distracted you from your mission..." hinata apologized and bowed, however sasuke interrupted.
"No worries, i am rooming the woods to protect the villages from otsutsuki clan, i am doing my job, and i believe i shouldn't leave you.. you are no safe, hinata" sasuke exclaimed, he doesn't want to leave her, he won't. This is his chance.
Hinata gasped.
"I shall stay and protect you..."
"Please natsu, we don't want to be a bother"
"You are not" sasuke said sternly.
Hinata smiled genuinely at sasuke. Sasuke could feel his heart skips a beat.
"Arigato" hinata bowed.

Sakuragi went out to play, while hinata washed the dishes and sasuke sat on the couch watching hinata, he decided to ask why she hasn't gotten her sight back, and how she ended up here.
Some questions needed to be answered and he'll seek them.

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