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"HINATAAA HINATAAA" sasuke yelled as he grabbed hinata who blinded herself.
He cupped her cheeks, his face was crumbling, and his eyes started to tear.
"What have you done...what have you done.." sasuke was panicking, he didn't know that hinata would do something like that.
He came back to his senses, what he did was horrible... . Far more worse. Breaking the girl into two, pushing her to the edge to the point she blinded herself.
Sasuke took off his half kimono, and wrapped it around her eyes.
He ran outside his room to jugo.
"Jugo...JUGOO" he pleaded, his voice was cracking, sasuke was shaking.
Jugo flinched as he got up from his deep slumber.
"Wha..what sasuke, you scared me" He said as he gulped.
Sasuke rested his hands on jugo's shoulder, bending down to his knees, and started weeping and crying.
Jugo was amazed at sasuke's pleads and vulnerability.
"HINA..HINATAA, PLEASE HELP..HELP HER...SHE BLINDED HERSELF..." jugo gasped as sasuke cried and his voice was shaking.
Jugo ran off towards hinata, he saw her curled to herself, covered with sasuke's half kimono, wincing in pain. Her eyes were bleeding, jugo looked at the bruises on hinata's face. She had punches marks, and a bruises by her eyes due to the assault she pointed to her Byakugan.
Jugo rested his hands around hinata but she flinched and screamed.
"Hinata..hinata, its me..jugo" he tried to calm her down as she kicked and punched screaming.
Sasuke was watching in agony.
Jugo gave sasuke that 'what have you done' look and sasuke didn't dare to meet his eyes. He looked down shameful.
"Hinata.. listen to me calm down, what happened.." jugo asked.
Hinata weeped and didn't dare to say. Jugo carried her towards his room. He summoned Karin, and ordered sasuke to bring him an ice bag, and bandages.
Hinata couldn't see anything. She blinded herself to end her misery.
Karin came and looked at hinata's form.
"Wha..what happened.." karin stuttered as she looked at hinata's bruised face and a bleeding eyes.
Jugo gave her a look of uncertainty and then gave sasuke a ' how could you..' look.
"Karin, take care of hinata, and cover her eyes... dress her. Until i come" jugo said in stern tone then gave sasuke the sign to follow him.
Sasuke followed jugo. His guilt was immense. How could he do that to the girl. Is this the payment she shall endure, because he was falling in the dark.
Jugo punched sasuke in the face and grabbed him by his collar.
"What have you done..HAVE YOU RAPPED HER" He spat and growled, jugo's fury was immense and he felt like killing sasuke this instance.
"No..NO I DIDN'T I....I I I SWEAR I DIDN'T JUGO I JUST..." sasuke sobbed and tried to explain.
"Then how the hell did she got naked, and blind, HER FACE WAS BRUISED WITH SLAPS,HOW DARE YOU SASUKE" jugo growled.
"I SWEAR I I DID NOT I SWEAR I..." sasuke went down on his knees and weeped.
"I didn't know what gotten to me jugo, i was..i.." he couldn't explain his horrible deeds but was it redeemable or he won't be forgiven for what he had done to her.
"You disgust me" jugo murmured and got off.
He was right, forcing himself to a weak subject, taking advantage of the situation. That's not forgiven to jugo.
He had a mother and know if she was subjected to such act, he'll swear he will torture the culprit to the point he'll make him beg to die.

Karin took care of hinata's, she dressed her and treated her wounds, she wrapped a bandage around her eyes. And didn't dare to ask what happened.
The weeping girl was breaking karin's heart.
Jugo came back, hinata flinched, and asked unsure.
"Who..who is there..." hinata asked as her voice shaken.
"Don't worry Hinata its jugo" karin assured.
"Hinata, its me.. karin, get her food.." Jugo asked karin and she complied.
"What happened hinata...did he put you into a genjutsu.."
hinata weeped again, and jugo felt immense pain, unbeknownst to them, sasuke was sitting on the floor, listening as jugo talked and hinata cried, his legs near his chest and he was weeping.
"Did he ... hinata.." jugo asked again.
"He..he didn't..but..he..he..wanted me..to pluck my nails" hinata couldn't continue as she cried hysterically. She lied
Jugo patted her lap, then he inspected her eyes.
"Karin will feed you, and you shall rest.." jugo took off, he didn't know how to react.
He saw sasuke on the ground, crying.
He gave him a detest look and walked away.

Hinata heard a foot steps, and its so familiar, that sent shivers down her spine. She can't deny that aura.
"Who..who is this..karin is that you"Hinata flinched she wished so much to be karin. She wanted to hear any other voice than sasuke's.
But not all wishes come true.
Suddenly she felt someone grabs her feet, and a kiss landed on her feet, kissing each toe.
Sasuke leaned over and kissed her feet. Its the least he can do to beg for her forgiveness.
Hinata flinched at such act, she tried to grab her legs but he wrapped his hands around them, and rested his head on her laps.
Hinata heard weepings.
"I..i am ..sorry hinata...forgive me..i would beg for you..just...don't..i..please.. i'll do anything for your forgiveness" He pleaded
Hinata pushed him, she pulled her legs towards her chest and murmured.
"I am happy...i am blind, i don't get to see..your face..." hinata cried and sasuke bit his lips until they bled.
Karin came back with a tray of food, she looked at sasuke's form, he looked horrible.
sasuke gave karin that look, he took the tray from her.
"Karin chan, is that you.." hinata asked
Karin looked at Sasuke who gave her a look to answer.
"Hai. Hinata, lets feed you.." she looked at sasuke puzzled.
Sasuke took the tray, and sat by hinata, he looked at karin, she understood.
"Open your mouth hinata, i'll feed you" karin said.
Hinata nodded and opened her mouth.
Sasuke fed hinata, while karin watched that act.
"Karin, you..why..do you smell like sasuke..." hinata stuttered.
Sasuke looked at karin and shook his head.
"I...no it must be..when you wore his kimono..hina chan..." karin stuttered.
Hinata smelled herself and she nodded, indeed its her smell, however she can still smell sasuke around.
"I..need..to.." hinata felt pain in her stomach, she was nauseous, and suddenly she throw up on sasuke's.
"H..i..i am sorry karin..chan..." Hinata apologized as she held her mouth.
Sasuke panicked her suddenly wrapped his arms around hinata and took her off to the bathroom.
Hinata knew it was sasuke, she started to yell and punch here and there, but sasuke kept his grip, he reached for the bathroom, put her on the bathtub and washed her face and himself.
"Karin..help me..help" hinata yelled, as she was panicking she was scared from sasuke.
Until he pulled her into his hug, he wrapped her tightly, squishing her.
Hinata was shivering. But she needed comfort.
Stopped by a slap on his face, hinata pushed sasuke away.
And then she fainted.
"HINATAAAA..." sasuke yelled.

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