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Three years has passed, sasuke joined for the war, he tried to kill naruto, and sakura several times. However, in his last battle with naruto, he came back to his senses as they shared chakra, naruto found out about hinata's death, and that sasuke grieved alot, and still was grieving. He promised he'll listen to what hinata has told itachi, the system must be changed. Naruto became the Hokage and by the help of sasuke, they decided to change the whole system. And naruto worked through with him.
Sasuke was on his atonement mission, he wore his head band, his poncho over his cloak, and he decided to work and negotiate instead of revenge. Just like what hinata told itachi, when sasuke looked through her memories.
Sasuke roomed the woods, the world, during his redemption. Sakura tried to join him on his mission trying hard to win his affection. Sasuke decided to give sakura a chance and himself a chance, maybe he can love her, but he couldn't.. he can only imagine single face, a single person, sleeping by him, making love to her, being his company. Hinata.
But hinata is long gone, he can't get over her. Yet sakura's persistence made sasuke get into a relationship with her, yet he couldn't marry nor sleep with her. He kept her only to fill the void that hinata left.
Nothing was more painful than hinata's death to him. And it was true, only you know you lover her when you let her go.
Sakura decided to go back to konoha upon sasuke's request that he needs this time alone.
Sasuke was actually pushing her away, he needed to be alone, solitude is his choice, because hinata was the only one who he didn't feel lonely with.

"Ita..itaiii" sasuke looked down as a small child bumped into him and eventually fell on the ground.
The boy looked panicked, he had a red spiky hair, and brown eyes.
"Sir sir" the boy gripped sasuke's cloak, trying to get his attention.
Sasuke looked at the boy with a stoic face.
"Hn" sasuke hummed.
"Help.. please, my mother was attacked.. she is bleeding and i can't do anything... help me please..." the boy was not older than seven years old and he was panicking.
"Please sir... please help us, we are alone..please" the boy begged and sasuke decided to comply.
"Show us the way.." he said stoically, as he lifted the distressed boy over his shoulder and ran.
The boy guided him into a wooden cottage, inside the woods, behind a place deep hidden inside the woods. None would ever imagine a place like this.
Must be the culprits were tracking down something, or they found it by chance.
Sasuke let the boy down who opened the cottage, sasuke followed, as he heard a voice calling the boy's name.
"Sakuragi, is that you.." that voice, that gentle voice, that familiar voice, sasuke heard, could it be? But he couldn't sense any familiar chakra.
"Haii... mommy... i am coming.." sakuragi answered as he ran into what was claimed 'his mother'
Sasuke followed with a scared feeling, he went inside the room, to find, those pale lavender eyes, this pale smooth skin, the inky silky long beautiful hair.
No other than...
"Hinata..." sasuke muttered quietly in shock.
He went pale.
He found hinata. With ripped cloths, and a bleeding arm, and bruised face.
"Sakuragi, is someone with you" hinata asked gently, as she stretched her hands so her so 'claimed child' would reach for it.
Who is this child, when did hinata give birth, wasnt she dead, sasuke swore he would die from shock. He held hinata's body. He buried her. was it a shadow clone. But shadow clone tend to vanish. Sasuke's mind couldn't comprehend.
No words can describe his feelings. He was happy yet, bewildered.
As for hinata, she could sense a strange smell, this smell, this strange aura, she could swear it sent shivers through her body.
"Hai mommy, i found this strange, raven head gentleman, he came to help... i couldn't find anyone but him" sakuragi held his mother's hand and kissed them.
Hinata looked slightly up, she is still blind that what sasuke tented to know. She smiled genuinely at him.
That smile again.
He could swear she breathed  life back into him by such smile. Sasuke wanted to run to her, hug her and cry, beg again for forgiveness. But he had to contain himself, surly she hates him.
He did horrible things to her, and maybe even though he asked himself a question, why didn't she go back to konoha,... he'll seek the answer later.
"Thank you, sir.. i am sorry.. i can't host you pretty well, and i am sorry, i have no sight, sir... thank you for helping us" hinata smiled genuinely at sasuke.
Sasuke didn't want to speak, he knows she'll know it was him. He didn't want to go away he wanted to stay.
"Hmm" sasuke hummed, and hinata furrowed her eye brows, she knew someone who always did that. But she dismissed.
Sasuke approached hinata slightly, hinata's smelled that smell again, the same as the uchiha's kimono.
She flinched a little bit, and shivered. Sasuke felt pain inside him.
"Its okay mommy, mister will help you..." sakuragi assured hinata as he held her hands.
Hinata nodded.
Sasuke started to heal her, he knew some of the medical ninjutsu.
The bleeding stopped.
Then he reached for the first aid kit, that sakuragi had on his lap, he started to take care of the bruises and bandaged her wounds.
"Thank you..." hinata murmured.
"Hm" sasuke hummed he had to make sure hinata doesn't listen to his voice.
"Thank you mr, we owe you" sakuragi said.
"Please accept our hospitality... and stay with us for dinner" hinata smiled.
Sasuke shook his head and sighed.
Hinata couldn't see so she asked sakuragi.
"Sakuragi, is something the matters..is mister okay?"She  asked
Sakuragi was puzzled he looked at sasuke and then at hinata.
"Please mister stay with us.." sakuragi begged.
Sasuke nodded at sakuragi.
"He'll stay mom.." sakuragi said enthusiastically.
Hinata smiled and stood up.
"Then please let me prepare you dinner, sakuragi, show our guest the bathroom...he may need to wash his hands.." hinata said gently as she got up from her bed, wincing in pain, and walked slowly towards the kitchen.
Sasuke watched her, she must have lived here a long time, as she walked and knew the directions although she was still blind.
He watched her stretching her hands infront of her, and walking slowly, feeling her way.
"Mister, please follow me..." sakuragi cut sasuke who was ogling hinata.
"Hm" sasuke hummed.
"Here is the toilet..." sakuragi showed him.
"Uhm, sakuragi.." sasuke asked
"What happened.."sasuke asked unsure
"I'll tell you as we dine mister."sakuragi didn't want to seem rude.
"Isn't it a little bit dangerous that, your mother will cook? I mean... because.." sasuke was unsure but was interrupted.
"My mom is adapted to this situation, mister, besides, i'll help her.." sakuragi smiled and left as hinata called him to come.
Sasuke sighed, he washed his hands and went to the dinning table.
Sasuke watched intently as hinata was cooking and sakuragi was helping her.
He wished to hug her so much, and kiss her.
He imagined being married to her, with their children and cooking together, dinning like he used to do with his family, she sang to him to sleep, and she would chase the demons away.
He wanted her to heal him with her love.
How can she be so close yet still so far.
Sasuke sighed. Maybe thats his real payment. Wanting hinata and not getting her, its the least he can do to atone for his sins.
"Sakuragi, give our guest tea until dinner to be ready... sorry sir." Hinata smiled.
Sakuragi gave sasuke a cup of tea, sasuke sipped and waited.
After a while they sat down and ate.
"May we know your name, Mr" hinata asked politely.
Sasuke has to answer, but he was scared she'd know his voice. He coughed and said.
hinata furrowed her eye brows a little bit, she know that deep voice.
"Oh, welcome...," hinata gave an unsure smile.
"Mommy, natsu-san asked what happened i shall tell him how you were a hero" sakuragi eyes were shinning in admiration.
"Oh saku-chan.. don't embarrass your mommy..." hinata giggled.
"No. Mom you were awesome, Natsu san you had to see her, fighting and dodging the attacks as if she can see the enemies and read their minds and movement." Sakuragi said.
"My mom is awesome, i am lucky to have her those weird people from whats so called otsutsuki clan are over powered but mom could wash them out" sakuragi said.
"Saku-chan, you embarrassing me.." hinata giggled again and looked down blushing.
How much he missed this giggles and shying smile.
He missed her smile he was the one who took them away.
"And how is that.." sasuke tried to change his voice.
"Well, i had extensive training while i am blind, so i am able to attack..." hinata smiled again.
"Impressive..." sasuke said with different tone.
"Natsu san, do..do i know you..." Hinata asked.
"Ehm.. No"
"Pretty awkward.. you remind me of someone..." hinata said with a sad voice that sasuke felt he wants the ground to gulp him and burry him.
"Did you like the food.." hinata asked
"Hm" sasuke hummed.
"Mom is the best cook" sakuragi said.
After they finished dinner, sakuragi and sasuke decided to help doing the dishes. Sasuke wished so much to do this as a family, he felt nostalgic and home. Its warm. Hinata gives that vibe.
"Natsu-san. Please accept our invitation and stay for the night, its already raining outside, we have an extra room" Hinata asked politely.
"I hope i am not a burden" sasuke wanted to stay so much if he was given a choice, he'll never ever leave.
"No please, its the least to pay for helping us" hinata smiled.
Sasuke hummed.

Sasuke watched as hinata fixated sakuragi in bed, she started to stroke his hair and sing a lullaby like his mother's used to do. She then bid sakuragi a good night kiss and left off.
Hinata felt sasuke's presence.
"Natsu san, are you here.." she said as she stretched her hands and sasuke caught it.
Hinata flinched a little bit, she knows that touch, sasuke led her to the main room, right to the chair, she remembered when sasuke guided her to the village. She grabbed her hands suddenly and sat down.
"Uh..gomen.. i... i just remembered an unpleasant memory" she smiled.
Sasuke felt a tear in his eyes but said
"Hinata-cha..san.. i.. where is your husband..i mean.. uh.. sakuragi's father" sasuke asked unsure, he hoped for an answer that won't devastate him.
Hinata chuckled.
"Gomen.. Natsu san, i am not married.. sakuragi is an orphan that i came to raise..." hinata smiled at the memory.
"Hm" sasuke hummed.
"Thank you natsu-san.. for healing me... i hope many out there are like you..." Hinata smiled at sasuke.
"Good night..Natsu san" hinata bid sasuke a good night as she walked back to her room.
Sasuke's tear fell.
"Good night, my hina-chan"  he whispered.

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