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Hinata woke up to find herself sleeping inside a lair. Her mind was still blurry, from the past events. She does only remember being kidnapped by an orange haired guy, his hair covered with piercings.
And his eyes was different.he had the rinnegan
They took her from konoha. Pain thought he needs a Hyūga with some vigorous training the Hyūga can surpass many of the Akatsuki.
Hinata started panicking and sobbing she got up and headed to the door trying to run away.
But the door was locked.
She tried to ran for the window but there was no windows. Nothing.
But then the door just opened to show a tall, well built man, with dark hair that resembles sasuke's hair.
And a pair of a sharingan.
Hinata looked at the tall man..
"Sa..sasuke-kun?" She stuttered. He looks like sasuke but he is not.
"You woke up, hinata.." he said calmly.
"I..who..who are you..?"
"I..why am i here.."
Itachi couldn't answer the little girl, what would he answer her, though itachi is somehow cold, and aloof, he isn't a bastard, hinata is too young, she is sasuke's age.
And to a fact that they kidnapped her to be a ruthless killing machine for their own desires and goals.
The girl looked so innocent and pure, with a calming aura, that itachi himself couldn't deny. She looked even like 'Mikoto', even her gentle voice reminded him of his deceased mother.
Well lets say his murdered mother, by his own hands.
He put down the tray of food he brought to her.
He grabbed her hands gently, at first she flinched, then she was dragged. He sat on the bed's edge, and pulled her closer to his lap.
He started patting her hair, that was silky.
He smiled genuinely at her, he remembered when he used to pamper his little brother.
"Hina...listen to me, you are here to be trained"
"Why? I..i..want go back to konoha...i. Want..i want to go home, to see my otosan and hanabi ." She said in a weak voice, itachi could feel his heart breaking, he has to lie to her.
"Forget konoha, hina, you are home, besides we are all here training, and we are like family, no one will treat you bad don't worry.." he said while stroking her cheeks.
"B..but.. naruto, kiba.. shino my friends.. i.."
"Hinata, its upon your father request..and you should be a good girl and obey your father.." itachi said, he doesn't know the predicament concerning hinata's father calling her useless and worthless and weakling.
She starting sobbing.
"Hey.. whats wrong.." he wiped her tears away.
"Is..is it.. because.. i am weak... and he ..disowned..me, is it be..because, hana..bi won.." she managed to say between sobs and hiccups.
Itachi was shocked, did he press a wound. Did he awaken her traumas.
He was left speechless.
"Please itachi-san, i..let.. me train hard, i..i want, to.. show them.. i am not a failure.." she sobbed.
Itachi felt the urge to hug her deeply, he remembered his younger brother when he told him that his father always favored itachi and that makes him sad. Maybe hinata is feeling the same way.
Itachi kept sasuke always away, he pushed him away, which he always regretted.
Hinata resembles the opposite of sasuke, she is gentle and doesn't feel any grudges.
He pulled her inside his embrace.
"I promise you, hina-chan, i'll make you stronger"
Itachi refrained to tell her they are the Akatsuki.
He hoped that no one would tell her the truth.
Hinata clutched to his Akatsuki cloak.
"Oh, the little princess woke.." deidara cut the moment between hinata and itachi.
Hinata looked at deidara.
"Hi, i am deidara.." he approached her and shake their hands.
Hinata smiled.
"Hi, deidara san"
Deidara was shocked at hinata's sweet smile and gentle voice.
He smirked.
"Welcome to the Akats..." but he was pinched by itachi. So he stopped.
"Welcome to our lair... hina.., our newest member"
She giggled like a child at deidara's antiques.
Deidara looked at how hinata smiled and giggled like a child, something so sweet and pure.
"Deidara san, are you training here with us as well, is itachi.. sensei, training you..." she asked with a gentle smile and an endearing stuttering that both itachi and deidara fell for.
Deidara chuckled.
"No, i will be training you as well, Hinata.." deidara said.
Hinata smiled , then looked down in a broken smile.
"I..i.. might.. f.fail..you, deidara sensei..." she started to sob again.
"No, you won't... we trust you, hinata.." deidara said
Hinata looked up, her eyes were shimmering light, no one ever praised her.
"I..i promise to do..my..best..sensei and never fail you.." she said in enthusiastic voice, however her voice died when Hidan joined and blew the whole thing.
"Welcome Hyuuga to the Akatsuki "
Itachi and deidara glared  at Hidan.
Hinata's eyes snapped opened...
"Akatsuki..." She stuttered...
She started to take steps back in terror.
Tears streamed down her face..
"Oh....no..no..noo... " she knows she is no match to them.. she fell to her knees and started crying hysterically.
Did her father sell her to the Akatsuki to kill her and get rid of her. Did he hate her that much. Where are her friends, hanabi, why didn't they stop him, did they want her dead that much, is she outcast and not wanted that much.
It hurts, her heart is burning with pain.
"Please..i am..i am sorry... don't kill..don't kill me, please..i..i am sorry.. i am weak...tell my father, i'll try..please..don't..why..why he wants me dead..i am sorry for being me..please...." she sobbed hysterically that the three guys looked at hinata with pity and pain. They felt their heart ache at the girl pleading them to spare her life, she must have a terrible story like most of them have.
Itachi ran to hinata and hugged her tightly as she wept inside his embrace.
"Hinata, hinata listen listen to me" he said
She stopped weeping,
"No one will harm you here, and no one can lay a finger on you, as long as i am living and you have my word.." itachi said with his deep voice as he buried his face into her shoulder, hugging the petite girl tightly.
Hinata cried again like a child.

"And how did that happen, how they managed to take hinata, this is ridiculous..." the hokage growled at kakashi and all his comrades.
Hinata has been gone missing, she was kidnapped by the Akatsuki.
Sasuke sat on the lake, he got the news like a strike in his heart.
The Akatsuki took the only girl he showed somehow interest in her.
Though she was in love with his rival, which drove him crazy, sasuke had many fan girls, and was more powered than naruto at this level, but he only wanted hinata the only girl that never showed him attention, to love him.
And then his mind drifted again, that itachi is in the Akatsuki, why does itachi has to steal everything he loves from sasuke, he took his parents lives, his parents attention, maybe they killed hinata as well, he will take the life of hinata Hyūga the only girl sasuke was interested in.
He was fury, in rage, he decided to leave konoha with orochimaru.
Now he won't only avenge his clan.
But he'll avenge his hinata.

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