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Sasuke and hinata dressed in kimonos, as well as sakuragi, sasuke wore a black kimono and wrapped his head band. He took his katana and hide it, along with his kunai, he can't risk anything.
Hinata wore a lilac dress that matched her sweet pale orbs, she wrapped her hair up to a messed bun. She was breathtaking.
as for sakuragi, he wore an orange kimono.
Sasuke looked at how beautiful hinata was. He can't deny he is lucky to have her. He does love her deeply and wished to die in her arms.
He hoped to be the one who shared his life with, to bear his children, and to die along with her.
Hinata wrapped the blind fold around her pale orbs, and sasuke grabbed her hands and off to the festival.
Sasuke started to tell her about the decorations, colors and everything.
Hinata was blushing and smiling at how their hands entwined and how sasuke was possessive.
Then he took her to a quite place.
"Fire works should start shortly.." sasuke said as sakuragi sat beside them licking his ice cream.
Shortly the fire works started hinata could hear it.
She wished she had her sight back, so she can watch them with sasuke, and go star gazing with sasuke, lying down in each other's arm.
Sasuke looked at hinata in the sweetest way, hinata leaned over and rested her head over sasuke's shoulder. He leaned and rested his head above her.
"Are they beautiful.." hinata asked
"Not as much as you are" sasuke whispered and kissed her forehead.
"Ewww... cut it out..." sakuragi said as he looked at the romantic couple.
Hinata giggled and sasuke cringed.
Sasuke could swear if he could lose himself tonight, it'll be by hinata's side.

Days has passed, sasuke and hinata became more romantic around each other. Finally hinata acknowledged sasuke's love. Sakuragi watched as his foster mother fell in love with sasuke, but still he didn't tell sakuragi the real deal.
Once sasuke went out on a mission and came back extremely injured with lethal wounds.
Hinata sat down and started to take care of his wounds.
Sasuke watched as hinata gently touched his bare chest, sensitizing the wounds.
He saw hinata's eyes filled with tears.
"Hina?" Sasuke asked tenderly as he wiped  her   Tears.
"Sasuke..." hinata tried to keep her voice contained.
"Whats wrong hina.." sasuke asked in the most sincere gentle way.
"I..i can't sasuke... i...i lost my comrades... i... can't.. i can't lose you... i don't want to..." hinata sobbed.
sasuke leaned over and kissed her gently.
He stroke her face and brushed the bangs of her hair behind her ears. He leaned and whispered.
"I..know hinata... i.. have to protect you...its all for you..." sasuke said huskily as he gently kissed her, hinata shuddered as he touched her gently.
He pushed her gently on her back, undressed her and made love again.
Her body was addictive, he was addicted to her touch to everything.
In the end, hinata is the sun that keeps him alive.

Ōtsutsuki attacked many times, seeking hinata's however, still, sasuke and hinata fought together, along with sakuragi. But the threats are getting extreme and sasuke felt he couldn't handle this anymore.
Two months passed, for three days hinata has been suffering from nausea and morning sickness, sasuke noticed as her breasts were bigger than usual.
When they had sex, as he leaned to kiss them or squeeze them, she always winced telling him, it hurts.
She was really moody, and caught up a fight with sasuke for everything and anything, her period was late she noticed, and she couldn't bear his smell.
Even his sweet perfume and scent she started to resent.
She ate alot and always vomit.
"Here drink this..." sasuke gave hinata mint.
"Thank you.." she drank the mint, and sasuke went off.
He went to the nearest village to find a doctor, but all doctors turned him down when he asked them to escort him to see his wife. Sasuke paused. Yes he wished to marry her. He'll declare her as his wife until he court her.however as he asked them to escort him to check on hinata  who is extremely sick, the doctors told him to bring her over, he snorted inwardly  he can't risk hinata's well being. So he decided to ask them about the symptoms.
The doctors told him she is pregnant, sasuke felt rush in his veins... hinata is with his child. He will start a family with hinata.. the love of his life. But he shook that info away, he asked them how he could be sure, they gave him pregnancy stick, and told him to make her pee on it and see the results. Also they told him if he wants to be sure, there is a vaginal examination and gave him couple of magazines and guidelines to follow.

Sasuke went back to hinata.
"Where have you been.." hinata sobbed.. she was too sensitive now and can't bear sasuke's leaving.
Sasuke looked at hinata and sakuragi who was sleeping on her lap.
Sasuke held sakuragi up his shoulder and headed to his bedroom, he placed sakuragi gently on his bed, covered him and went back to hinata.
"Hinata... i..think you are pregnant..." sasuke said
Hinata was shocked.
"What... it can't be... how"
Sasuke raised and eye brow and almost chuckled.
"Hina hime, we had sex... its called baby making... this is how.."
"Are you making fun of me.." hinata sobbed and started crying...
Sasuke leaned forward quickly and hugged her tightly.
"No..hina no... just relax okay... i 'll bring you a bottle of water drink it up... and pee on this" he showed to her that stick..
"Just for check up dear" he kissed her forehead she nodded.
She drank a lot of water.
Then she went inside and sasuke followed.
"Hey..why are you here.." she asked embarrassed
"I just want to check on you.. besides hina, you always peed when i am around.." sasuke said
Hinata's face went beat red.
She peed and gave sasuke the stick.
Sasuke read the 'how to use it' and saw.. its true hinata is pregnant.
Many things has to change now, he can't risk it, he needs full attention to hinata and they have to head back to konoha, his train of thoughts was cut by hinata's question
"What did it say..." hinata asked.
"Umm hina, i need to recheck okay?" Sasuke said
"Well... vaginal examination.." sasuke said
"What...it can't be no.." hinata stuttered and blushed fiercely.
However sasuke wanted to make sure.
"Hinata... its like sleeping together, besides hina. Are you embarrassed of me" sasuke said
Hinata blushed again.
"Hinata, its... its easy, like when i fingered you..its the same" he said chuckling looking at the flustered hinata, he loved to tease her so badly.
Hinata smacked his shoulder.
"Besides i have seen you naked... but you didn't..." sasuke smirked.
Hinata threw at him a pillow.
"Now lay down hina...i promise i won't hurt you..." sasuke laid her down gently, hinata blushed. Its too embarrassing.
Sasuke gently took off her panties
"Hina..please can you spread your legs.. for me" sasuke asked, he could swear he'll make love to her, but the check up is important.
Hinata opened her legs and looked away, she was blushing. She knew sasuke made love to her million times but this was awkward.
Sasuke inserted two of his fingers, hinata winced and flinched, sasuke reached for the cervix, he felt it as the book said, intact.
"Hina... " sasuke took out his fingers and leaned forward to kiss hinata on her lips.
Hinata smiled at sasuke... she hugged him back.
Tonight they slept cuddling.
But hinata woke up in the middle of the night, she went to the remedy. She had to gain her sight back.
Its for the best. And for the baby.
She dropped a couple of drops on her eyes, blindfolded herself. And went back drifting to sleep.

Things would change and take a different turn from now on. The Ōtsutsuki will attack soon and unbeknownst to both sasuke and hinata, they'll face the worst battle.

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