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Sassori walked with hinata to find some remedies for Itachi, since her stay with the Akatsuki, she learned that itachi had a severe illness eating his lungs away, and too much chakra use would lead to worsening for symptoms. She hated to see itachi's suffering.
He was cold in the outside, but held a big heart in the inside, he always looked for hinata. He out of many people who discarded her as weak, worthless and outcast, he always along with deidara and sassori motivated her.
As for sassori, hinata nurtured his broken heart, he felt safe around her, she reminds him of his family. Hinata gave anyone that vibe anyway. Why would sassori be an exception.
"Hinata." Sassori started as he looked at hinata who was picking up medicine intently.
"Uhm?" Hinata hummed.
"I'll depart tomorrow for a mission." Sassori said as if he was saying goodbye.
Hinata stood up and gazed at sassori's eyes. She was puzzled. They always went on missions why this one is so different.
"Already sasso! Then i'll join..." hinata said
"You can't hinata.. it'll be dangerous.." sassori lied.
Hinata raised an eye. Brow
"Dangerous sasso! We walk through hell together, besides are you underestimating me?" She retorted.
Sassori looked at hinata, she changed, developed, she is more comfortable around them.
"Its a puppeteer mission, an old enemy of mine hinata.." but he was interrupted by hinata
"But you trained me sassori.. i can help.. please" she pleaded
Sassori had to finish off this mission, and he was scared about her well being. Which was pretty awkward for an aloof person like sassori.
"Fine.." he retorted.
"Yaay " she cheered kissing his cheeks.
Sassori smiled. Hinata is like the summer breath.
A soothing balsam.
"Okay off to itachi-san" she said and dragged sassori back to their lair.

"Sasuke joined orochimaru.." deidara said.
"I see, i remember putting him in terrible genjutsu when i went to take his only friend Naruto" itachi sighed.
"Now he is fill with hatred..." itachi felt his heart twist, sasuke was meant to kill itachi, but guess itachi will die before even come to confront his younger brother.
He lied to him, kept his distance, itachi the one was labeled as criminal who was actually the hero protecting konoha from the uchiha attack, leading to the massacre of his lovely family.
He wanted his brother to be stronger.
But sasuke is walking down the darkness path. And he knows who will help sasuke come back to his senses.
"We are back.." itachi's train of thoughts was interrupted by no gentle voice other than the only one that soothed itachi's broken soul. Her aura that gave Mikoto's vibe. His lawful comrade. Hinata that he grew fond of.
She always looked for him. Being around her soothed him, even without speaking, or interacting.
Hinata is still the light that intact his sanity.
Itachi looked at hinata with shinning eyes, the same he gave to his mother.
"Welcome back, hina.." itachi smiled.
She went to his bed, supported him to sit, and started to give him the remedy.
"Hina is taking good care of you, lucky you... being an uchiha and having a Hyūga by your side" deidara said.
"Come on deidara, we have to talk" sassori pulled his blond friend outside.
Itachi looked at hinata's pale lilac eyes.
He smiled. The blue haired girl, with sun shining smile. He thought.
"Itachi-san" hinata started as itachi finished gulping the medicine.
"Yes hina-chan"
"You promised me you won't use to much chakra..your case is worsening, you have to rest" hinata pleaded.
Itachi rested his palm on her cheeks and smiled.
"Hina chan, i'll be alright..don't worry.." he said sincerely.
"Please itachi..i..can't lose you...please..." hinata pleaded.
"You won't.." itachi lied.. he knew his death is inevitable but he need to tell her some things she needs to know.
But when the right time comes.

The next day hinata woke up, she looked for sassori as they promised to go for the mission, only to find deidara telling her he is gone.
Hinata's fury crept in and she headed to where sassori was going.
Unfortunately sassori forgot to tell her, that the puppeteer had a comrade, the pink hair team seven member. Sakura, also known as sasuke's biggest fan girl.
Sassori started battling the puppeteer with sakura to find that sakura had developed an antidote for his poison. Both battled each other.
Hinata felt sassori's chakra, and she ran toward the battle field, only to feel a familiar chakra.
She kept on running but unfortunately, she was late. Sassori was stabbed by two puppets.
Hinata looked as sassori was crumbling down.
"Sassoriiiiii....." she yelled only to find a gaze and a gasp coming from her old peer. Sakura.
"Hi..hinata...!?" Sakura couldn't believe her eyes. Hinata was called dead, they couldn't find her only just to be one of the Akatsuki. Isn't that enough that sasuke joined orochimaru and found the Taka team to kill his brother.
Hinata jumped and with twin lion fist she hit sakura, to fly away, hitting the ground.
Hinata ran to sassori's form.
"Sassori..hold on" she heaved as she held his limp body.
"Stand down..hinata...i am dying anyway.." sassori coughed up blood, as hinata held him, entwining their hands.
She squeezed his hand.
"Sassori..you promised... " she said as tears fell down her face.
Sakura was shocked at sight before her own eyes.
Hinata is crying over a criminal.
"Hinata chan" sakura yelled.
"What happened to you, Akatsuki are group of criminals... how we, we thought you are dead.." sakura 's mind couldn't comprehend nor she can find the right words to express the eruption of emotions.
"Thought, i was dead because all of you are too vulnerable to face the truth that you are all weak... you didn't even bother to look for me..." Hinata said with a stern tone, she activated her Byakugan.
"Hinata chan, i don't want to fight you... but.. please come back they are criminals, how can you join such despicable people..."
"Shut up...don't you dare disrespect my comrades.."hinata's tone was devilish, even sakura shivered , the sweet hinata is becoming a real devil.
Hinata charged and punched the ground, crumbling leading to sakura's fall, holding to a stone.
Sakura looked back to see hinata carrying sassori's body back to the lair.

Hinata, deidara and itachi grieved over sassori's loss.
Hinata was so upset, that he broke his promise. Deidara and itachi tried to sooth her grieving heart.
They were lucky they had a comrade like hinata, the rest of the Akatsuki members were only focusing on their target and mission, even though they lost sassori, they had no problem. Only hinata had made the  four of them act like family.
They indeed were lucky, she ignites all the colors inside their hearts.
Deidara discussed that sasuke is still looking for him, and he hates his younger brat brother.
Itachi chuckled at such thing. Deidara said that his time has come and he know sasuke will come to face him to know itachi's lair.
Itachi told deidara to take care, and hinata unbeknownst to her didn't know the upcoming event. Only she thought deidara was going on a regular mission. However she begged him to come back safe, she doesn't want to lose another family member. He promised he 'll survive for her.
As deidara and sasuke were battling, deidara promised to come back alive, for hinata.
However, he committed suicide just to finish off sasuke, but he couldn't.
Before he died, he whispered.
"Sorry hinata..i broke my promise..." smiling and dying.

"Hinata..." itachi started as hinata was sharpening her kunai and sword.
"Uhaa" she gave itachi all her attention.
"I..want to tell you something..." itachi started.
"I am all ears ita-chan" hinata smiled.
He loved to be called ita chan, he is reminded by his mother, when she pampered and nurtured him.
"You..know..i am.. an uchiha... hinata"
Hinata nodded, in the end he is a sharingan user.
"I am sasuke's elder brother.., i am responsible for the eradication of my clan.. "
"I know ita-chan..yet i don't believe that..i chose not to." Hinata interrupted.
Itachi was shocked... never ever he had someone to choose not to believe he was that bad, he had been hated for the sake of konoha, And everyone choose to believe and feed on such hatred, yet here is hinata, choosing not to believe. He knew he can tell her the secret that burdens him.
"Why don't you believe.." he wanted to know.
"How can someone be so good to me, give me a family, protect me.. and is bided as a murderer and a criminal... something is off..itachi san, i know i am stuttering, shy, but i am not idiot... i can know good people when i see them.." she smiled.
Itachi sighed. He told her the whole truth.
"B..but..itachi..san, i know there was another way, why did you choose this..."
"I had no choice..hinata... i wished i could just erase it, but.. i couldn't..."
"Itachi san.. i will walk through hell with you..." hinata held itachi's hand. She smiled at him. He rested his forehead on hers.
He can't be more happy.

Itachi woke up, he looked at hinata's form who was sleeping by his side, cuddling to his warmth.,he sighed and got dressed, headed to the place he knew he would meet sasuke there.
His disease was eating him up, yesterday he promised hinata he won't go, but he drugged her, her sleeping angelic face couldn't leave his mind.
He had to meet sasuke and fight him, its inevitable, but it must be done, the unfinished business.
Hinata woke up to find itachi left.
Her heart was twisting, yet she knows where to go.
Yesterday she received deidara's death news and grieved again, itachi promised he won't face sasuke, but he broke it. She knows too much chakra would kill itachi. His death won't be because of sasuke's but because of the battle and the disease.
She can't lose the only family she left.
Hinata wore her cloak and headed to the battle field.

"And what i see with this eyes, is your death" sasuke growled at his brother.

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