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Hinata felt dizzy as she heard her name being called by the most intimidating voice that sent shivers down her spine. She could swear that sasuke's calling out her name may make her melt.
She couldn't believe she slept with him, he deflowered her, its like sleeping with the enemy.
Sasuke's face was grumpy, he was eaten by guilt.
Three years had passed yet, he kept his promise, that he would spam hinata's mind.
He saw as the petite girl's was wobbling, and her face went pale.
Sakuragi went to his mother, supporting her.
"Mommy...you okay???" Sakuragi asked worriedly.
Hinata held her tears and gulped.
She rested her hands on sakuragi's shoulder as she sensed.
"Saku-chan... could you pick up some strawberries and berries for breakfast... i am fine sweetie don't worry" she wanted sakuragi to go away. She was scared from the trauma of seeing her suffering. She doesn't even know what will sasuke do now.
"Are you sure mommy?" Sakuragi asked.
"Hai..." she gave a broken smile.
Sakuragi went over to sasuke.
"Please natsu san, take care of mommy..." sakuragi pleaded.
Sasuke shut his eyes and nodded slowly. He then patted sakuragi's red hair, and murmured
"Don't worry, no one shall hurt her.." he said
And yes, nobody shall hurt hinata, as long as sasuke is around... but sasuke is the main source of the pain.
Sakuragi went away. Hinata waited until she heard the front door shut sound echoed.
"Except you..." hinata said in a cold tone.
"What?" Sasuke asked puzzled.
"None shall hurt me, except you..." she said in a dark voice.
"Hinata..I..." sasuke approached hinata but hinata stood in a defense position, she took couple of steps back, as she heard his foot steps.
Sasuke stopped and grumbled.
"Don't approach me... what do you want...sasuke..., you came to destroy my life again... i am already blind... what else do you want" she tried to keep her voice from shaking but it betrayed her.
"Hinata listen...I" sasuke tried to compose the words but he couldn't, he knew he had done many horrible things, but to hinata it was extreme.
Hinata fell on the ground, and started sobbing.
"Whaat..what about the hug...the kiss... why..why did you heal me... you..last night what shall i call it? Cheap fucking or making love... i can't even name it.." hinata sobbed hysterically.
"Hinata listen...please.." sasuke pleaded, but hinata shaken so sasuke stopped.
"And what about thisss..." hinata hissed as she pulled down the bed sheet a little bit to show the slave seal.
Sasuke checked the slave seal he drew three years ago.
Sasuke bite his lips until they bled.
"Hinata... I..." sasuke tried to approach her but she took a step back as she heard him.
"Don't come please... i am a cripple...don't" hinata pleaded.
Sasuke rushed quickly to hinata and all of a sudden he grabbed her hands and pulled her tightly to his embrace.
Hinata tried to struggle but no avail, sasuke held her tightly. Hinata had no choice but to clutch his chemise and sob quietly.
"I am sorry hinata..i am" sasuke murmured, he kissed her head.
"Was it all a lie..., i suffered alot, i just... need peace" hinata hiccuped
"And you shall find with me... i promise hinata, give me a chance...i'll make it up to you" he murmured quietly.
Hinata gathered all her powers and then all of a sudden she pushed sasuke away, ended up sprawled on the floor.
Hinata got up and ran towards the door but sasuke held her ankle and tripped her, so she fell on her stomach, hinata twisted her body and kicked sasuke again, but he was stronger, he pulled her but she punched his face.
Hinata ran off but suddenly sasuke wrapped his arms around her waist and held her up on his shoulder, hinata struggled and kicked and punched here and there. But sasuke laid her down on the bed and straddled her arms.
"Hinataa STOP IT JUST STOP OKAY..." sasuke growled.
Hinata stopped struggling.
"Listen hina.. i won't hurt you i promise... i am here to protect you..." he said
"Protect me... from what sasuke... you are the only one who would hurt me..." hinata scowled
"Hinata, Ōtsutsuki are after you i promise i won't hurt or come near you... just let me stick around... " sasuke sighed.
"Please" sasuke pleaded.
Hinata nodded after closing her eyes for a second and sighing.
Sasuke let go of her and walked away.
Hinata got inside the bathroom to take a shower.
Her mind was in turmoil. What shall she do now.
Shall she give him another chance. As he was so gentle with her, he hugged her... he lied to stick around her. He protected her and came back for her, but yet, he humiliated her in the past, she couldn't forget what he has done.
Sasuke walked out of her room, he was being eaten with guilt, he can't blame hinata, he only wanted a second chance with her,, just to make it up for her.
Just to prove he is worthy of her love. He loved her so deeply he can't lose her, when he thought she died, he was a dead man, soulless, he wandered around but he lost interest, hinata was his sunshine.
He lost the meaning of living, but now she is here, right before his eyes. He can't let her slip away.
Sakuragi came back with a basket full of strawberries and berries.
"Ohyo, natsu-san" sakuragi greeted.
"Ohayo. Sakuragi..." sasuke faked a smile.
"Are you okay natsu-san?" Sakuragi asked unsure.
Sasuke nodded.
"Lets make breakfast for mommy shall we" sakuragi gave a big grin.
Sasuke nodded and started to cook with sakuragi.
"Oi, natsu san, may i ask a question"sakuragi cracked the silence.
"Hmm" sasuke hummed
"What happened to your arm..."
"I lost it in a battle.." sasuke said.
"You know what natsu-san... you brought the smile to my mom's face"
Sasuke gulped. He looked at sakuragi who was smiling at such words.
"My mom has suffered a-lot, i could see it, she never smiled before you came, only giving a broken smile... i know she loves me a lot, but i am sure she feels the same towards you... you are the third one to be good to her... since yukine found her" sakuragi said.
"I maybe young but i understand..." sakuragi continued
"I hope she finds real love natsu san, i know you don't feel the same to her, but i am sure she'll find someone like you..." sakuragi smiled at sasuke.
Sasuke felt immense pain, what if sakuragi knew sasuke's real deal.
Then his train of thoughts were cut by sakuragi's words.
"She is easy to love, but its hard to stick around a cripple, natsu san, i know that... she lost her sight for someone who had nearly raped her" sakuragi's voice turned ominous.
"He even placed a slave seal on her..." sakuragi gritted his teeth.
Sasuke gulped.
"I hate him from the bottom of my heart, and i swore that it'll be me to end his life for hurting mama.." sakuragi said with tears in his eyes.
Then sasuke leaned forward and rested his hands over sakuragi's head.
"Don't worry, i assure you, everyday he is being tormented by guilt.. and its the worst feeling ever.. regret..is greater than gratitude.." sasuke said.

Hinata came out of the shower, dressed in a short pink dress.
"Saku-chan..." she summoned
"Hai. Mama... breakfast is served" sakuragi said as he prepared the table.
All sat to eat.
Sasuke could smell hinata's scent, her vanilla shampoo, so intoxicating.
She was beautiful, glowing. A greek goddess.
"Mommy, can natsu san stick around and spar with us..." sakuragi asked
"Yeah sure, natsu san will stick around for a while saku-chan, but don't be a bother to him... okay" hinata was an actual facade, she can handle extreme situations, and act as if nothing happened.

After breakfast, sakuragi asked sasuke to spar with him, they spared outside while hinata washed the dishes and started to read again by the windows.
Days passed by, many Ōtsutsuki attacked and sasuke blocked their assaults, protecting hinata.
Hinata started to talk again with sasuke, giving him another chance as he was desperate for her forgiveness.
He used to bake her cinnamon rolls as a peace offering, bought her a new kimono, a pair of shoes. He even started to learn braille and wrote her a letter.
And not to mention, he always came to her in the middle of the night, crying sometimes and asking her to sleep by her side, as he was scared to sleep alone, and needed her to chase the nightmares away.
Hinata always nodded and gave him space to come and sleep by her.
Sasuke started to notice that hinata became warmer around him, smiling sometimes, reading with a loud voice. Singing to him sometimes to sleep.
Also knitting a new scarf for sasuke, and fixing his poncho, and cloak.
When he protected her from the Ōtsutsuki, he got hurt and hinata took care of his chest cuts and even staying by his side until his fever dropped.
One day sakuragi was sleeping, hinata was reading as usual and sasuke as usual stared at her intently.
He couldn't get enough from such beauty, he murmured..
"You have bewitched me..hinata"
"Ha? " hinata asked..
was i that loud.. sasuke thought to himself, or maybe her hearing is a little bit stronger.
"Uh.. nothing... i mean.." sasuke stuttered.
Hinata raised an eye brow.
"You know... there is a festival, coming up... and..i was hoping you know... we can... take sakuragi... and go..." sasuke muttered unsure.
Hinata giggled a little bit.
Sasuke blushed, luckily hinata won't see such blush.
"I would love to..sasuke-kun... but i am blind.. i won't see anything.." hinata said
"Don't worry, i'll be your eyes... hina-chan" sasuke said.
Hinata blushed fiercely.
"But.. on one condition..." sasuke said
Hinata chuckled..
Sasuke was taken aback, her smile is breath taking. He wished to keep that smile, he was glad that he made her smile and actually chuckle.
"Sasuke-kun... you already making conditions on your invitation.. "
sasuke smiled back..
"You are beautiful..when you smile.." hinata blushed fiercely.
"Wh..what...con..,condition" hinata stuttered and tried to change the subject.
"You should wear a blindfold so none would know you are a Hyuuga..." sasuke said
"And another thing...wear the new kimono..." sasuke said.
"Hai.." hinata nodded and smiled.
After a while.. sasuke watched hinata, he wished to kiss her and make love to her that night.
"Hina-chan.." sasuke cracked the silence.
"Uhh..."hinata asked puzzled.
"Can i kiss you..."
hinata blushed and started to fidget and dwindle her fingers.
"I.." but she couldn't continue as she felt suddenly sasuke's lips on her's in a passionate, love kiss.
And tonight, they made love. Again.

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