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Six months passed, hinata's bump was getting bigger, she became a little chubby. Sasuke would always poke her swollen, tender breasts teasing her, and hinata would always smack his hands away, telling him 'stop teasing me' and giggle.
Sasuke always laid his head on her lap, or stroke her beautiful bump, kissing it and feeling the baby's kicking.
As for sasuke and sakuragi, they used to spar together.
Hinata used to spar with them, but she got pregnancy complications and she had to lay down, and get rest.
Sasuke got into a fight with hinata because the baby is absorbing her chakra making her pale and tired that she can't even walk.
Sasuke told hinata that she may die because of the baby and he told her to abort it, he can't lose her, and they can make another one. Hinata snapped and cried telling him he wants to get rid of her baby and that he is irresponsible, but hinata was getting weaker everyday and even started to lose weight.
He was trying to convince her he can't lose her but the baby is replaceable but she cried until she would have passed out.
Sasuke decided to put such predicament away and take care of his hinata.
Also sasuke was thrilled to know she got her sight back after a month from remedy, and some training. She was glad to see sakuragi... she kissed him and her tears fell over as she got her sight back.
As for sasuke, she saw his new' hair style' his hair grown a little bit and he had a head band wrapped around it, a rinnegan and a sharingan. She teased him telling 'what happened to the duck butt hair style'  and sasuke cringed and scoffed.
He was glad that hinata has to see him again, to see him smiling at her and feel the blush and his body heat.
They also celebrated sakuragi's birthday. However sakuragi was a bit jealous because he felt his hinata would love her children more than him, as they are of her own.
But hinata always assured him that he is her son and she would always love him like them no matter what.
Sometimes sakuragi and sasuke would compete for hinata's affection. But always hinata giggled and choose the little redhead and sasuke pout a little but she had her ways.
However unexpected things always happen.
But sasuke never expected that the Ōtsutsuki would be ready for such. They surly were overpowered but sasuke knew he could take care of them. But no he was so wrong.

Sasuke was laying down on hinata's lap when both felt a strange chakra. Sasuke got up and activated his sharingan and got up.
Hinata got stand by, and she called for sakuragi, to align  back to back with hinata and sasuke.
The Ōtsutsuki attack throwing a flash bomb like naruto's rasengan, sasuke carried hinata as hinata held sakuragi's hand and both dodged, the cottage's ceiling was going to fall over hinata's sprawled body, but sasuke ran off to take the hit but sakuragi's flew and kicked the falling ceiling.
A couple of kunai's were thrown towards sasuke  but hinata  threw her's blocking the assault on sasuke.
She got up a little bit, she can't move like she used to do because of her pregnancy.
Sasuke yelled for Sakuragi to protect hinata, three of the Ōtsutsuki members landed and started battling sasuke and he activated his chidori, hinata tried to activate her Byakugan but her chakra was a little bit drained.
The baby was absorbing hinata's chakra making her more vulnerable to attack or battle.
She was on verge on collapsing but she had to aid sasuke and sakuragi.
As they battle sasuke was severely injured, he lost too much blood, he looked as hinata battled and sakuragi as well, but she was taking hits and he couldn't afford losing her or the baby.
He opened a void and grabbed their hands and went to another dimension.
They fell inside the cave. Sasuke had terrible wounds that was bleeding.
Sakuragi was bruised and hinata was drained of chakra.
Hinata crawled to sasuke and cut a part of his cloak and started to take of his wounds along. With sakuragi.
However the Ōtsutsuki are no normal enemies, they located them inside the cave and followed. Sasuke felt their chakra again and yelled for hinata.
But before hinata would dodge, sasuke was chained with special shackles, wrapping all his body, draining and paralyzing his chakra, he tried to activate his sharingan and assault but no avail.
They also pinned sakuragi, and broke his legs, sakuragi screamed in pain and he was helpless.
He saw three culprits straddling hinata with their leader hissing.
"Oh... finally the Byakugan princess..." their leader hissed.
Sasuke watched as three men straddled hinata and he was stroking her face, hinata flinched.
"Touch her and i'll make you suffer until you beg for me to kill you.." sasuke spat as he saw their leader hands over hinata's.
"Oh, i enraged the uchiha sasuke.."
Sakuragi looked amazed at the name. He is no natsu... he is..
"Sasuke..uchiha..." sakuragi stuttered.
He is the one who placed the seal on his mother.
"You...you..liar" sakuragi growled.
Sasuke looked pained but he can't now hinata is straddled their are priorities.
"Oh the little family is falling apart" he mocked
"Sakuragi listen" hinata addressed her little child but was met by a slap on her face.
"You bastard..." sasuke growled.
"Its really bad, my princess is pregnant... oh how i wished you were mine princess, but i still can..." he smirked an evil one.
"Don't fucking touch her" sasuke growled as he saw their leader approached hinata, he laid her down, and ripped her clothes.
Hinata screamed.
"No please don't don't... NO NOO I AM PREGNANT DONT MY BABY..." but he slapped her again.
And forced her legs opened.
"HINATA GET AWAY FROM HER" sasuke growled as he tried to approach her but his chakra was drained and he was bonded to shackles.
"MOMMY..." sakuragi yelled as he saw the guy ripping her clothes off.
"I will make sasuke suffer for taking you, and i'll make you mine.." He growled as he took her pants off, hinata tried again to activate her Byakugan but no avail she looked at  sasuke that growls and sakuragi that was weeping and wailing.
"Don't look don't look..." she cried at sasuke and sakuragi.. she tried to struggle but he was stronger.
All of a sudden hinata gathered her powers and kicked the guy, she activated her twin lion fist and gave him thirty two palms, she hit his chakra points and hit all the culprits.
She picked a rock and throw it to those who were straddling sakuragi, they ran to attack while their leader growled in pain.
Sakuragi was free and he ran to free sasuke, sasuke activated his sharingan and
"Amaterasu" and the black flame gulped the culprits.
Hinata ran to sasuke who would lose his conscious.
She supported his limp body.
"Hold on sasuke..." she said as she lifted him a little bit up.
She reached for sakuragi.
"Get on my back, your legs are broken" hinata heaved as she tried to head back to konoha.
"No mom, leave me.. i can.. i will survive, you can't carry both of us" sakuragi fought tears but was met by a slap on his face.
"Get on my back... right now i said.." hinata snapped and sakuragi complied.
Hinata carried sakuragi, and sasuke, she was vulnerable and tired but she walked and walked.
"I will..reach..konoha..no..matter..what..happens.." she said while heaving and struggling to walk.
She dragged sasuke along with sakuragi, until she saw the village gates.
As she approached.
She smiled and said
"Finally...we... are here..." hinata suddenly collapsed at konoha's gate.
The guards ran to her.
"Isn't this hinata..., and sasuke.." one said
"Yes..., oh god, they are extremely wounded, summon naruto and lady tsunade hurry"
They all ran rushing to the hokage's.
"Naruto- sama.. sasuke uchiha is at the gate, extremely injured, and..." one guy said
"What... say.." naruto growled
"Hyuuga hinata is with him..." naruto's eye snapped opened and he jumped from his office, shikamaru followed him but was shocked at the new information.
They ran and found hinata collapsed, pregnant, sasuke was bleeding and a redhead boy lying crying shaking both of them.

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