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"Its over..." sasuke said, rejoicing at finally gathering all his chakra and with a roar of thunder hitting his brother itachi, knocking him down, after a ruthless fight between the two.
But itachi had other words to say.
"Is that all you can do, you really did become stronger sasuke, if you have any more power please show it..." itachi said while coughing up blood, heaving and clutching his chest, he summoned his sussano, and absorbed orochimaru who came out from sasuke's curse mark.
Itachi slowly approached sasuke who his knees were buckling and shivering.
But a voice came out from far.
"ITACHIIIIIIIIII........" itachi stopped marching slowly, towards sasuke. The gentle voice... Mikoto, no! Someone like her. Hinata.
Sasuke mouth widened. He couldn't believe it, Hinata she is alive.
He looked puzzled, hinata is itachi's comrade.
She ran towards itachi.
He clutched more his chest and coughed, resting on his knees when hinata ran and supported his body.
"You...promised me...you broke it..." hinata tears fell down while holding itachi.
She then stood up infront of him, with an activated Byakugan and ready to attack.
"I won't let you harm him..." She said.
Itachi stood up. Of course sasuke had ran out of chakra and couldn't match to itachi, but he can take care of hinata. Or thats what he thought.
"Hina- chan... " itachi stood up and walked towards hinata slowly, his body wobble, blood coming down his lips.
Hinata turned and supported his body.
"Itachi.. please... just let me help you, i can heal you..." she sobbed quietly, Itachi leaned on, their forehead touched. Then he knocked her down.
"Sorry hinata..." he murmured as he supported her weight while her eyes shut down slowly.
Sasuke was bewildered at his brother's action, the ruthless murderer killing all his family members showed affection toward hinata and let naruto live.
And then itachi poked hinata's forehead while she was lying down.
Sasuke gasped at such gesture, itachi only did that to him.
His sussano was still activated, he marched slowly towards sasuke, sasuke's feet were shivering.
He took steps back, until his back hit the wall, that had an uchiha sign.
Itachi stretched his arms slowly, poking sasuke's forehead.
Then collapsing on the ground.

Sasuke laid down for minutes beside itachi's body, he couldn't believe he killed him. Well technically itachi was dying already.
All memories of his deceased clan came to his mind until he heard a whimpering voice.
"It..ita-chan..." hinata held her head slightly, she was knocked down, she rushed up.
"ITACHIII.." she yelled as she stood up seeing itachi's dead form infront of her.
"No..no..no" she ran and straddled itachi's body to her lap, she started forming CPR, trying to gather her chakra to wake him up again.
No avail. Itachi isn't waking.
Sasuke was looking at the desperate ink head trying hard to wake his dead brother.
His look was full of rage, detest. He swore to kill itachi, and he'll kill any comrade to him.
Thats includes..hinata.
"Itachi..itachi its not funny wake up..." hinata pleaded rocking his body back and forth.
"Itachi.. come on, i.. i promise i'll eat healthy, i'll cut down sugar, i promise i won't be little myself again just get up please...itachi get up its not funny...." hinata cried hysterically as she pleaded for itachi to come back to life.
She remembered him scolding her for eating too much sweets, and belittle herself.
"Itachiiii...please noo..please pl..get..up.. don't leave me..." hinata begged.
"Pathetic.." sasuke spat.
Hinata's gaze shifted towards sasuke.
She placed itachi's gently.
She stood up, gathered her chakra and her twin fist lion.
She looked at sasuke with a death gaze and an activated Byakugan.
Sasuke's chakra started to flow back to him, he activated his sharingan and both started battling.
At first sasuke underestimated hinata's, he remembered how she was shy, and weak.
A failure who loved naruto.
A girl who wasn't on his fan girls base, only he was interested in her because she was the only one who didn't even see his existence.
But now, he was impressed, she is really his brother comrade. Itachi student, trained as a machine.
And she was. Just with a sweet heart.
Hinata punched sasuke, he blocked her punch, to see her twisting her body, sending a kick to his face, sasuke couldn't dodge, he was sent flying, but gained his composure and landed on his feet.
He charged his chidori to insult her, but hinata dodged and threw the kunai at him, he dodged but one cut his face.
Then hinata suddenly appeared repeatedly punching sasuke's stomach, he coughed blood, but tripped her sending her on the ground.
He repeatedly kicked her stomach, she winced in pain, then she tripped his legs, but sasuke dodged.
They both battled until it was almost, almost a tie.
But hinata's knock by itachi and the drug he gave her worn her out. Hinata started to collapse as sasuke repeatedly punched her, her vision was blurry.
Hinata stumbled and as she was falling sasuke held her.
"I promise i'll make your life a living hell..Hinata" he hissed as her eyes closed with last words.

Sasuke looked at hinata's sleeping form. His mind was lost in many thoughts. Many things had taken a different surprising turn.
He has to admit, hinata was really pretty strong. This shy, stuttering girl. His brother comrade, formerly he swore to avenge her along with his family, just to find her one of his enemies.
Do enemies fall in love? Well.. they do, maybe even harder than anyone.
Her hair was spread around her gentle angelic, pale face, like a black halo, her lips were slightly parted.
Hinata did assemble Mikoto.
Sasuke turned his gaze, with a sarcastic sadistic smirk.
He will make her life a living hell.
He can even steal her Byakugan.
He thought of all the possible ways to torture the Hyūga.
First the genjutsu.
Hinata opened her eyes, to find herself in a strange place, looks like a hideout. She tried to wiggle her hands just to find herself bonded with a chakra absorbing chains.
She looked around but her eyes were still blurry, to find a pair of black orbs starring at her.
"Itachiii..." she said but as her vision came, it was no one other than sasuke.
Now she remembers, itachi is dead, a single tear left her eye.
"Huh, so you are finally awake." Sasuke said monotonous.
"H..hai" hinata is back to her stuttering, she is nothing more than a broken piece now, she lost everyone, deidara, sassori and itachi. She wished that sasuke would kill her already and end her misery.
"Interesting...," he said as he walked around her.
"You know Hyūga, you really did impress me.." he said.
Hinata didn't flinch nor responded.
"But i swore i'll make your life a living hell...i was pretty sunk in wether to kill you, or not... but then i got that idea.." he said with a devilish tone.
"Why not make you suffer... you with your gentle, hopeful voice, and above all, my brother's comrade," he spat as he approached hinata and clutched her face, gazing into her deep..beautiful lilac eyes. Yes indeed they were capturing. Sasuke reminded himself not to stare too much. As those eyes may be the reason he will be doomed.
"I'll make you beg for me to kill you..." he finally spat before letting go of such soothing, soul.
Hinata didn't respond. She doesn't care anymore.
Sasuke put hinata under horrible genjutsu and sat down watching her agonizing screams on top of her lungs.
Sasuke smirked.

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