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Sasuke carried hinata back to his room. He cleaned her mouth, himself. Jugo came as he heard a scream.
"What happened..."jugo asked worriedly.
"She..she just fainted.." sasuke said as he was panicking. He can't lose hinata, he can't, even if he is cruel to her, he musn't, she  is the only second precious thing he has after naruto.
Jugo looked at sasuke and walked away.
Sasuke laid hinata down.
She had a bandage on her eyes.
Luckily sasuke started to feel her chakra flows.
He decided to unite their chakra and see more deep in her memories.

Sasuke saw his brother itachi coughing up blood and having a severe chest pain.
He approached to find that itachi was again looking down, he tried to speak while hinata was holding him.
He approached to hear what he was saying.
He heard itachi's confession, and hinata's expressions changed as sasuke's expression did.
He heard everything and then he heard hinata scolding itachi.
Telling him that those who would have attacked konoha those who should pay, but not to massacre a whole clan killing innocent children, and women who hadn't done anything.
She scowled at itachi that how had he could do this. And what about his brother, and the elderly are wrong. They should pay, and such blood he stained his hands with, will hunt him down forever. And he can't play a hero.
And what he has done is unforgivable and what they had done is unforgivable because murder is still a murder.
Sasuke was bewildered at hinata's words. And he was more tormented than before.
Now his whole life was a lie as well like hinata said.
He vowed he will kill the elderly and make everyone pay, even those who will oppose him.
But then hinata's words came again. Those who commit anything wrong shall be punished.
And the system needs to be changed just from within.
And he will.

Sasuke separated their chakra. He swore to make it up to hinata, all her suffering, all the bullying she gone through as he knew how she suffered. The system needed to be changed for future generations.
The elderly are corrupted and needed to be changed.
He will have his revolution.
Sasuke went over to jugo and asked him about hinata's vision.
Jugo assured him that hinata's blindness is temporary, and her vision will get back but needs quite the medication. And the only medicine she'll find is in the near village.
Sasuke decided to take hinata's to the nearest village.
Hinata at first refused and turned him down. But sasuke literally begged her, she felt him going down on his knees, bowing his head to her feet, asking her to accompany him, and crying for her forgiveness.
Hinata told him she won't forgive him now. And she needs time however she'll accompany him to the village.

Hinata had blind folds over her eyes, she was scared to walk without her vision.
Sasuke held her hands and guided her, hinata felt his hands possessive and warm. But she dismissed that feeling. Its just a Stockholm syndrome .
Hinata felt a little bit tired from walking a distance, she still was drained and she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.
However she started to trip and her pace went down, sasuke did feel it because he was guiding her.
He stopped and looked at her.
"Are You tired..."he asked.
Hinata gave a slow nod.
And out of now where she felt sasuke's arms wrapped around her, flipping her over on his shoulder.
Hinata yelped at such surprising action.
But she gave no response.
Sasuke walked through the woods until hinata heard a river.
"Uh...." she didn't want to say his name so she just poked him.
"Yes.." sasuke answered.
"Can we stop by.. the river?" She asked unsure.
"Sure." Sasuke stopped and put her down.
Hinata sat down. She felt sasuke by her side.
Hinata flinched then crawled a little bit further.
Sasuke face was crumbled and his heart was torn she has all the right but he felt immense guilt.
Sasuke then suddenly found hinata gets up,
"Where are you going.." he asked but hinata gave no answer, she tried to find her way towards the voice, towards the river. Sasuke watched as hinata steps were careful. Her hands were infront of her stretched. And she was struggling to reach the river.
"Let me help you.." he said in sincere voice but hinata pushed him.
Then he scoffed and carried hinata, she yelped.
"Put me down.." she said but sasuke didn't comply, he then went down to the river. It was a small bank to be precise.
He then sat down, and straddled hinata on his lap, she felt the water touching her clothes and skin, and sasuke's hands around her, her back to his chest, and his legs surrounding hers.
The position was comforting yet she doesn't want to forgive him.
Hinata was gentle, selfless, genuine but when she is broken and hurt, she is nothing but a cold hearted, non forgiving human being.
After a while, though sasuke's body was warming hinata inside the river, she started shivering.
"You cold?" Sasuke asked
She gave a slow nod, and sasuke carried her out of the water.
They he placed her gently on the ground, brought some dry woods and with his fire ball jutsu he light a fire and they both sat by the fire until their clothes were dry.
They headed again for the next village, however something very unfortunate was waiting for them.

One of the otsutsuki clan were watching them, the perfect target. Hinata's Byakugan.
Sasuke felt a chakra and decided to keep his guards up. Such chakra was unfamiliar.
Sasuke activated his sharingan, and charged his chidori, he felt an attack from behind, he pushed hinata and dodged.
"HINATAAAA" he yelled as he saw a couple of ninja's heading towards hinata.
Sasuke rushed to protect hinata, he hugged her and dodged the attacks.
Sasuke battled the culprits, they were on a different level of strength.
Where the hell did they come from, they posses a Byakugan and a sharingan.
Hinata was in panic, without her vision she is a liability, and she is a cripple.
However hinata decided to charge her lion fists and attack towards the noise, haphazard, but still she can hit.
The enemy dodged but it gave sasuke an opening to attack.
However sasuke looked as a culprit moved towards hinata and pierced her with a kunai, from her back.
"HINATAAAA" sasuke yelled as he marched towards her but he was knocked.
Everything went black.

Sasuke woke up, as someone was shaking him.
"Oi, wake up." Sasuke's vision was blurred, however he saw a blond guy waking him up.
"Hinata... where is hinata..." he growled.
The man raised his eye brows.
"The girl there was a girl, with me, where is she?" He asked panicking.
"There was no girl with you..." the man said.
Sasuke went down running, he felt his head hurts him, he put his hands on the back of his head, he was bleeding but it won't stop him from finding hinata.
Sasuke started to yell.
"HINATAAAA, HINATAAA"  sasuke yelled trying to find where hinata is.
"Oi, there is a girl down here... come" the blond guy summoned sasuke.
Sasuke ran down to find hinata's body, drowning in the river.
He panicked and ran and flipped her over, started to Do CPR and mouth to mouth breathing but nothing.
Her face was bluish, she wasn't breathing.
He tried again and again, even with his chidori to resuscitate her heart, but no avail.
"NO, NO NO YOU WONT DIEEE WAKE UP HINATAAA WAKE UP" he growled as he shook her trying to revive the body before him.
Sasuke straddled hinata between his laps, rocking her body and crying hysterically.
"Hinata noo hinata please wake up, i am sorry i humiliated you, i am sorry please, i'll kill myself but come back, i'll cripple myself just come back, i promise i'll be good but please don't leave me" he wailed and begged, but she was limp.
The blond guy watched as sasuke weeped, he placed his hands over sasuke's shoulder.
"Let's go and burry her"
"She is not dead" sasuke growled
"Its not safe around here boy, lets go"
"Let me go, i am not leaving her" sasuke spat.
The man had no choice but to knock sasuke's again.
He carried sasuke away from the village. A war was starting.

"Where...where am I" Hinata said panicking, she is blind she can't see anything but just feel she was on a comfort bed.
"Welcome back... Hina chan" a soft voice said with a smile.

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