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The genjutsu was horrible, but luckily, one of itachi's training was how to break out of genjutsu. And how to know it is just an illusion.
It was full of her terrible past, her father disowning her, bullies, her sister, naruto not even noticing her existence.
However hinata screamed in agony as the repeated scene of itachi's death played again, and again.
Sasuke was hearing the loud screams, but something inside him clicked.
He remembered when itachi put him into genjutsu.
Why was sasuke still in rage, radiating such rage on his brother's comrade. Shouldn't itachi's death bring peace to sasuke.
But no, he wasn't in peace, not yet.
Sasuke's thoughts were cut as hinata's screams seized and finally she opened her eyes.
Sasuke was bewildered. Then he grinned. And walked towards hinata, who was bonded by her hands.
"I see, you broke through my genjutsu." His voice came. Hinata looked at sasuke. His black one met lilac whitish eyes. He turned around.
She remembered itachi's corpse. She remembered his death.
"Why..sasuke.." she murmured.
Sasuke stopped.
"Why did you have to kill itachi..." she murmured
Sasuke scoffed.
Why is hinata crying over a murderer's death. She is mourning.
Sasuke felt rage, his brother has taken everything he loved, even the affection of the only girl he showed slight interest in.
Hinata let a silent sob come out, and sasuke left the room for a while.

"Sasuke killed itachi, hinata is in the Akatsuki, sasuke on the loose...this is quite a mess" lady tsunade spat.
"We have to get hinata back, they kidnapped her long ago, how come we couldn't get her back.." Naruto growled.
"Because they faked her death.., hinata and sasuke in the Akatsuki is adding up to their power, a Byakugan user and a sharingan."
"Hinata isn't evil, she is just brainwashed" naruto retorted.
"We have to get her back..." neji said in agony.
"The girl we encountered isn't hinata sama that i know..." neji continued.
"She came when i fought sassori... she just was in rage.. " sakura retorted
"Shut up sakura... hinata will never be bad or evil..." naruto snapped at sakura.
"Okay guys calm down please..we need to think of it..the Akatsuki will attack soon..." kakashi said.

Sasuke came back to check on his hostage.
He found her still starring at the ceiling, her once pale lilac eyes that held life, hope inside it, is now dead, and blank.
Sasuke went over  and starred at her, she is like a dead doll. Stoic face.
For sasuke, who was still fill with rage, and wants to take it out, but its no fun when someone is not struggling.
He went over to her with a kunai. He pointed the kunai to her throat. Hinata didn't even flinch, she didn't even winced, struggled or even moved.
She just starred at him.
Sasuke dug the kunai more into her throat, until it pierced her delicate skin, still hinata didn't flinch.
Sasuke and hinata gazed at each other.
Hinata's eyes were really pale that they reflected sasuke's gaze to himself.
Sasuke gazed intently. They are filled with sorrow, same sorrow as sasuke.
He starred more into hinata's form, as if Mikoto is lying there.
Sasuke scoffed then he removed his kunai.
"Kill..me" hinata murmured.
"Why should i, when you can live your life suffering... " sasuke said monotonous.
  Hinata sobbed... she can't take the pain.
"Why are you mourning anyway..., itachi deserved to die, he is a murderer, he massacred the clan mercilessly, every child, every woman..."
"Its not like that..." hinata snapped..
"You..you don't understand, he is not a murderer... don't you dare disrespect itachi..." hinata sobbed
Sasuke snapped and went over her, he wrapped his hands around her tiny neck and squeezed a little bit.
"You..little..." he scowled and then with the back of his hands sasuke slapped her.
Then he took a fist full of hair and pulled her up.
Hinata winced in pain.
"Look at me. Look..." he growled.
Hinata shifted her eyes towards sasuke..
"I detest you, and itachi.. you can both rot in hell" he spat.
Hinata tried to struggle with her shackles but, her chakra was drained.
Sasuke gripped more of her hair again, and landed another punch on her face.
"Stop struggling... "
"Aarghhh..." hinata winced while crying.
"I'll torture you to death..." he spat as he broke her chains, and dragged her out of the lair.
Hinata was wincing and struggling but she was weaker now.
He pushed her down and summoned jugo.
"What sasuke.." jugo asked
"Bring me the  seal that we developed" he growled.
Hinata tried to push him but he twisted her hands at her back and sat on her straddling her.
The seal is what sasuke and the taka team developed, if they drew it on someone, he should obey the one who drew it otherwise, the slave would face severe physical torture.
"Arghhh..haaaa, let me go..sa..sasuke..., please..." hinata begged, but no avail.
"You will pay for following my brother.." he spat, he grabbed her, and pulled her up, teared her fishnet crop top open showing her cleavage.
"Oh..no..no..please..." hinata pleaded.
Sasuke drew the seal on her cleavage and then let her fall.
Sasuke looked at her form who was crawling on the floor.
"Get up.." he ordered.
Hinata didn't comply, however she felt a severe electric shock upon her body, she screamed in agony.
"If you kept not obeying me, you'll face the worst torture..." he said with a devilish tone
She stood up.
Sasuke' checked outside to find it raining.
"You stand on one leg in the rain, for three hours, and never let your other feet touch the ground.." sasuke commanded.
Hinata mouth gaped.
But again the seal strikes her, and she again screamed in agony.
Then she nodded and walked outside.
Jugo gave sasuke that look.
"You don't need to do that sasuke.."jugo said worriedly.
"Shut up, jugo" he growled
Sasuke didn't want to face himself with the truth that he was jealous, jealousy ate him, why did hinata was so attached to itachi, why didn't his father acknowledged him, why is it always about itachi.
He stole his family, and now he stole hinata.
He couldn't get himself to kill her, but he will hurt her, that whats inside him, and that what he can do, hurt, avenge anything dark.

Half an hour passed, sasuke was watching as hinata stood under the rain, with one leg, and the other bent over.
Hinata beard the pain. She was scared of the pain inflected by the slave seal, she has upon her cleavage.
Sasuke watched, how strong can she endure, her pale skin was reflected like the moon, her beautiful ink silky hair, like his mother Mikoto.
He watched and he felt his heart twist, hinata was struggling but she stayed.
Another ten minutes passed, and still hinata endured the pain, the rain was heavy, she was drenched, her legs started to feel numb, and she was losing consciousness, but as her eyes lid felt heavy, she prayed to god.
"Itachi..come..please..save me" she prayed, she felt like falling, a couple of arms were wrapped around her, held her up bridal style and took her inside.
Hinata fluttered her eyes to see who came to her rescue.
She saw those black onyx, this raven head, it looks like itachi, but he is no itachi.
"Sa..sasuke.." she whispered before going into her deep slumber.

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