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Jugo watched as sasuke went outside, he couldn't understand why was sasuke's mind is at no rest.
Killing his own brother, even if he loved him that much is pretty traumatizing, and he is still snapping on hinata. But why didn't he kill off hinata, its must be easier than killing itachi.
Hinata maybe was an Akatsuki but she had a different aura. Its like when you see a girl that doesn't belong to such place. Its obvious for hinata.
She is different. And for sasuke, its obvious that he has something for her, maybe he didn't reach love, but something that makes him confused.
As for sasuke, he walked and sat on a tree branch, his heart and his mind were in torment, he couldn't get himself to kill hinata. She is literally looks like Mikoto, inside out.
Sasuke laid down, his mind couldn't get the moment when hinata hugged him, all those feelings, too much emotions. He felt safe, comfort, home.
Nostalgic to when his Mikoto used to hug him and comfort him. Warmth, as if he was lost and found the light, as if he was falling and a hand grabbed his.
But he is too proud, to admit. He hates to admit and he hates to feeling weak. He has to fight these feelings off. But the more you fight, the more you fall harder.
Sasuke bit his lips, and scoffed.
He went back to the lair. Where hinata was sleeping, her hands shown marks from the shackles.
She was his sleeping angel. He looked at her intently, how she was serene in her sleep, he envied her, he couldn't sleep, all the murders he committed and all the nightmares are hunting him.
But hinata's face gave him comfort. He decided to go to bed.

Hinata opened her eyes panting as she heard sasuke's literally screaming, his voice was echoing, though she was bonded luckily, she wasn't bonded to the bed post.
Sasuke was sweating and panting, his hands were clutching the sheets.
She ran off to his sleeping place, she tried to shook him.
"Sasuke..sasuke wake up, wake up..."hinata said panicked.
"ARRGHHH...ARGHHH" he was screaming and panting.
Sasuke snapped his eyes opened, and he sat up suddenly, finding himself inside hinata's hug.
Hinata wrapped her arms around him, from his head wrapping his neck, her shackles stopped her from patting him, but she tried hard to whisper in his ears.
"Its just a nightmare, calm down...its just a nightmare..., calm down"
Sasuke panted and gulped, he was shivering.
But hinata's embrace was like his mother's.
Again, he felt comfort, he didn't want to let go. He wanted to sleep so much.
After several minutes, sasuke calmed down, her hugs were different from sakura's. Her hugs were comforting. Her whole vibe, was comforting.
Sasuke decided to swallow his pride just this time.
He laid on hinata's lap, and hugged tightly her waist.
"Please, could...you..sleep by me..." he murmured as he buried his head inside her lap.
Hinata patted his head, and stroke his hair.
"I..i don't know who i am anymore, i have blood on my hands..i am..."
But hinata interrupted him.
"You are not a monster..sasuke.. you just need guidance... everything will be okay..." she murmured with her gentle voice.
Sasuke's single tear fell, as hinata started to sing a lullaby, same with his gentle voice as his mother.
Sasuke closed his eyes, and he was right, hinata chased the demons away, she chased the nightmare away.

Sasuke opened his eyes to find himself on top of hinata's chest. For a long time he didn't get quite the sleep.
Then he came to his senses and got away.
Jugo watched as sasuke walked outside.
"Oh..sasuke.." jugo tried to summon him but sasuke was in space out phase.

Hinata woke up, to find sasuke wasn't there. She looked at the door, and found jugo with a food tray.
"Good morning, hinata... i hope you had a good night sleep. " jugo said as he was puzzled why hinata was sleeping on sasuke's bed.
"Morning..j..jugo..san" she said gently as she looked down.
"Here, eat.." jugo pushed her the food tray.
Hinata smiled shyly, but as she was going to eat, sasuke smashed in.
"Who told you to feed her" Sasuke snorted.
"Sasuke.." jugo said worriedly.
Hinata looked puzzled, once he is weak, and now he treats her like trash.
"Take the food away... Jugo." He snorted.
Jugo complied and took off.
Sasuke went off to hinata as jugo went away.
He marched towards hinata with intimidating eyes.
Hinata flinched and took couple of steps back, crawling on her back.
Sasuke suddenly gripped her hair, twisting it painfully, hinata flinched as she arched her head to minimize the pain.
"Ah..uh.." hinata winced , sasuke approached her face, placing his mouth near her and said with a devilish tone.
"Aren't you my prisoner " he snorted
"Uhaaa..haiiii..." she said while crying..
"You belong to me..."
"Ahuh haaaiiiii" hinata couldn't bear the pain.
"Then you obey me..." he spat.
"Haaiiii.....uhaaay..ita..itaiiii..." hinata winced and cringed and sasuke finally let go roughly.
Hinata sobbed quietly.
But all of a sudden sasuke felt a chakra and an attack, he activated his sharingan, and ran towards hinata, hugging her dodging the swords that were aimed at her.
Hinata was bewildered.
Sasuke got up, and charged his chidori and attacked towards the culprit.
Surly they were from konoha, but he couldn't know as they were masked and their chakra weren't familiar.
"JUGOOO, PROTECT HINATA" sasuke yelled.
Jugo ran off and shielded hinata from the attacks.
But the masked men retreated.
Hinata was shivering. Sasuke looked as jugo was hugging hinata, shielding her, and she clutched into him in fear.
Something inside him clicked. And he couldn't name it, or face himself with it.
Hinata is his.. the unfamiliar feeling it is, nothing other than jealousy.
Sasuke snorted.
Jugo noticed sasuke's stoic face showing an unpleased emotions. He let go of hinata. Jugo understood.
Sasuke must be experiencing love.
"You fine hinata.." jugo asked.
Hinata nodded.
But again, hinata sensed a kunai aiming at sasuke, in a mere of a second she ran, pushing sasuke away from the kunai, and she dodged.
"Watch out..." she yelled.
However, the kunai was attached to strings, it came back aiming at sasuke, hinata twisted her body, and jumped again, taking the assault.
The kunai hit her shoulder, luckily.
Sasuke's eyes snapped as he watched hinata's actually saving his life. Was his life worth saving, but this girl.
Even after those two horrible things he did.
But hinata was too selfless and gentle.
"Idiot..." he snapped as he cut a part of his half kimono, and took out the kunai.
He wrapped the piece of cloth around her bleeding shoulder. Hinata winced in pain, then with a gentle voice she said.
"Don't flatter yourself too much.. and know your place slave" he spat and then walk away.

Hinata was sitting on the bed, she started humming and singing to herself, she was sasuke's hostage. She did horrible things that she didn't know she was committing, itachi and her comrades are dead, even though they were the villains but she knew deep inside they were good but needed guidance.
She has no place to go now, even if she ran away, her home won't accept her. Only being with sasuke, even if it's tormenting still she has to figure out where to go. She wanted to ran away to a place where none knows her and starts over.
She sang unbeknownst to her, sasuke's was watching her intently, as she sang, her voice was comforting him.
Her sways like the sea waves, dancing. She was a piece of art.
Sasuke remembered last night, he remembered her saving his life, and him being actually nice to her.
But what was literally tormenting him is the thought of him losing her, when. The kunai was aimed at her, for a mere second he thought hinata was going to die. And that thought killed him.
Literally. He can't bear the thought of losing her.
He cursed himself and he went off. He knows he will fight off this feelings.
Sasuke smashed open, hinata flinched in terror.
Sasuke marched towards her and sat down.
"Are you singing..." he asked intimidating.
"I...i am..sorry..."hinata stuttered in terror. Sasuke swore that he'll infect her mind, until no thought would be there except for sasuke. He'll had her his submissive brat. She'll be unable to think about anything but him.
"You think you can sooth yourself.." he spat.
"I..i am sorry.." she stuttered while her eyes were filled with tears.
"You know you are my prisoner now..right" he said with a stoic intimidating voice.
Hinata nodded slowly while looking down.
"ARE YOU NOT" his voice was stern.
"Haiii" her voice cracked.
He unlocked her chains then said.
"Then pluck your fingernail hinata..." he smirked
Hinata looked at him in shock.
"..wh..what.." she stuttered with terror.
"Are you dumb... ..." he retorted.
"Or do you want to experience the physical pain of the seal" he spat.
"Bu..but.. i..don't know..how" she cracked.
He activated his sharingan.
"..wha..plea..please sasuke" he ordered.
"Pleasure your self " He commanded.
"Please sasuke no"
She flinched, and slowly bitting her lips, she started doing it unwillingly crying.
"Now do it with your pinky... hinata.." he ordered as he watched her squeezing her hands until she bled.
"No..please sasuke..." she pleaded while sobbing.
"DO IT" he growled.
"NOOO" she snapped back. She can't do it, but she must, she must be strong. A shinobi must face such things.. She is a Hyūga.
Sasuke went over and griped her hair.
She winced.
and then suddenly a punch landed on her cheeks.
"DO IT" his voice was stern.
"Haaiiiii...ita..itaiiii" hinata pleaded
But no attempt he landed another punch.
Isn't she a shinobi...she must put up with the torture.
"DO IT" he growled.
"Yess... ..." as she pleaded he landed another punch on her bruised face.
Sasuke looked as his fists started to mark her cheeks, and her nose bled.
Hinata was weeping.
He pushed her away.
"DO IT..." He growled.
Hinata weeped and stood up.
He smirked.
She was crying, her chakra was drained and she can't even attack.
Hinata got the kunai.
She placed a cloth between her lips.
She squeezed with her teeth.
She closed her eyes.
Sasuke watched as hinata was struggling., he looked at her perfect facial expressions that gave him
The feeling of superiority.
A porcelain doll, a well crafted status. A smooth skin, beautiful eyes and hair.
Hinata looked at herself. Sasuke was sitting with a mirror above him and a mirror behind her back. She can see her back, her front and sasuke, and so for sasuke.

Sasuke bit his lips to put her further into pain.
".you have three seconds " He ordered
"Sasuke..., please.." she pleaded.
"Aren't you a powerful shinobi, who did horrible things with itachi!" He said.
She fell down. She sobbed hysterically.
Then hinata took a deep breath.
"3" sasuke kept on counting.

She couldn't take it,.
She couldn't take it anymore.
"Plea..." she tried to manage but no avail.
Until all of a sudden she took her hands out, and with a hit, she injured her eyes, hitting main points for the Byakugan vision just not to see where her fingers were.
"NO HINATAAAA" sasuke yelled.
Hinata went blind. She blinded herself.

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