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Sasuke and hinata sealed their lips in a passionate, demanding kiss. Sasuke nibbled her lower lip, sucking, hinata cupped sasuke cheeks stroking it with her thumbs.
Sasuke started to kiss her cheeks, in places where he slapped and hurt her, he wanted to take all the pain he given her away. He then started to kiss her neck, sucking on to leave his marks, marking and reclaiming hinata his own, hinata moaned as he sucked and left his hickey.
Then he worked on his way down her neck towards her collars, hinata flinched and pulled back.
"I..i..am sorry..." she said unsure, she wasn't sure if she must do that. The feeling was tremendous, but the what if's are rushing through her mind, what if Natsu left her, what if he was bad. What if he is using her.
Sasuke cupped her cheeks and rested his forehead over hers, he looked into these lilac white eyes, that he told himself not to stare too much.
Their nose tips touched.
"I..i promise you...i won't leave..." maybe sasuke was a ruthless bastard, but he is a man of his own word.
Hinata nodded and sasuke gently placed her on the floor, he gently undressed her, kissing her on her breasts, down her tummy. Hinata was moaning in pleasure, she arched her back towards sasuke's lips.
He then pulled down her shorts and panties, opened her thighs and kissed her beauty marks, until reaching her womanhood, sucking and kissing, hinata breathing hitched and she moaned in pleasure.
Then hinata helped sasuke to take off his chemise, and he pulled down his pants, she touched his well built chest, sensing how hot and sexy he was, sasuke smiled inwardly at her gentle touch, he then pulled down her pants, he pulled her hands and placed it on his hard member, hinata blushed fiercely, and pulled away, but sasuke hardened his grip and moved her hands rhythmically on his member pleasuring himself.
Sasuke then entwined their hands and laid on her, positing himself on her wet caverns.
He leaned over, so all their body was touching, whispered in her ears.
"Relax, i'll be gentle..."
hinata nodded and he thrust deeply in her, she winced in pain until she got used to it, its now a pleasure she knew she will never forget.
As for sasuke, he wanted the time to stop, he is making love to his beautiful hinata, he could swear if he'll lose himself, he'll lose it by hinata's side.
If he'll die, he wants to die in her arms.
Sasuke and hinata reached their nirvana and collapsed.
He brushed her damp bangs off her forehead and looked intently in her eyes.
"You are so beautiful hina-chan..i love you..." he sealed his promise with a kiss.
Hinata smiled and slept sweet and sound, sasuke carried her to the bedroom and they nuzzled. He knew he won't have anymore nightmares, as she used to chase his demons away.
Sasuke got up in the middle of the night, he got dressed and opened a black hole and headed for his best friend.
The hokage.

"Ahaa sasuke, you are finally back." Naruto greeted his old friend.
"I found hinata... she is not dead.."
"Whaat...but you said you held her body" naruto gasped.
"Konan used another body as a decoy, someone has managed to hide her"
"Really..." naruto retorted
Sasuke nodded then added.
"The Ōtsutsuki are after her..." he said stoically.
"You got to be kidding me, bring her back then"
"We can't naruto, she doesn't want to"
"Why is that sasuke..."
"She doesn't want to come to konoha, she is saying she has done horrible things, besides.. i.." sasuke stopped.
Naruto looked at his best friend intently, he can feel his friend has changed a little bit, he sensed something different
"Sasuke?" Naruto asked puzzled
"I need to go back to her, to protect her.." sasuke wanted to speak his mind up, but he knew naruto knows whats deep inside better than anyone.
He knew naruto will understand.
"Sasuke? Are you in love.." naruto asked
Sasuke nodded slowly.
"Of all people sasuke? You loved hinataaa..." naruto chuckled.
"Thats pretty... surprising..." naruto was glad sasuke found a partner, sasuke told naruto about his horrible deeds, but he omitted to mention it was hinata.
Now its time to tell him the truth.
"You..remember the girl that i..humiliated..i mean who blinded herself..." sasuke's voice cracked
Naruto nodded.
"The one you told me you loved her, and you wished to make it up..."naruto continued and then he realized. Naruto gasped...
"WHAT...ITS HINATA" naruto snorted
Sasuke nodded but all of a sudden he felt naruto's fist on his cheeks, punching him.
Sasuke deserved that.
"You better fix it, and bring her back, and i swear sasuke if you hurt her, i'll be the one to torture you" naruto growled and left.
Sasuke decided to go back to the cottage.

Hinata woke up, she found herself covered in bed sheets. She stretched her hands to sense natsu's body but he wasn't there. Hinata's felt her heart twist, did he leave her! Did he deflower her, took what he wanted and left. Hinata stood up, and found natsu's katana. She knew he'll come back, she smiled inwardly and decided to shower before sakuragi's waking up.
As she found her way towards the bathroom, she hit a small table, where sasuke left his kunai's and the most precious thing he has. An uchiha pendant.
Hinata heard the hitting of metals when landing on floor, so she chuckled at her clumsiness and leaned down to collect sasuke's things.
She felt the kunai and placed it back, and then she started to sense for the other thing that landed on floor.
Hinata felt the pendant, she decided to inspect and sense that circle.
She found it looks like a paper fan.
Hinata gulped she felt her heart race.
She yelled summoning sakuragi.
Sakuragi woke up and rushed to hinata's room.
Sakuragi panicked.
"Mom, are you alright?"
"Sakuragi, tell me the color of this pendant..."
"Its half red and half white mommy.,come on mommy you scared me.." he whined.
Hinata clutched her heart... she flipped the pendant, it had a word carved in the back.
She tried to feel it. It said
"U..ch..i..h..a" hinata gasped.
She got up and felt dizzy.
"Mom..are you alright..." sakuragi asked worriedly.
Sakuragi watched as hinata was wobbling. Her tears are falling down her face.
Hinata's mind was tormenting her. It all made sense now.
All the signs she dismissed, she never told her name, the crimson eyes, the sharingan, the deep voice.
The smell. Saying pain is dead, Na..he meant.. naruto.
Hinata felt she'll throw up, from pain and anxiety.
"Mom..you fine..."
And then all of a sudden that deep voice came, that voice that always hunted her, sending shivers down her spine, spamming her mind.
"Hinata..." sasuke said with a sincere voice that filled with sadness and pity and guilt. Hinata had found out.

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