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Sasuke carried hinata inside, she was drenched, exhausted, with barely chakra to keep her alive.
Sasuke looked at the limp form of hinata. Such a beauty, so deadly. He thought.
He took her to the inside, laid her gently.
He brushed some wet bangs from her face, how she reminds him of Mikoto.
Jugo watched sasuke's treating hinata like a piece of vase. Careful though he had said he'll make her life a living hell.
Jugo was confused however, he watched intently. Sasuke asked jugo to bring him dry cloth and a towel to dry off hinata. Hinata was getting bluish, her lips were turning shades of purple, she was shivering.
Sasuke placed his hand over her forehead, she was burning.
He tried to take her cloths off, as he removed her cloths he saw multiple scars over her abdomen, and on her thighs.
He inspected them intently, Caressing each scar as if he is asking what caused them, waiting for an answer.
Sasuke can't deny hinata's beauty. Her skin is smooth like a newly born child.
However, he snapped out of it, dressing her with another cloak, and covered her with multiple blankets, he brought a piece of damp cloth and placed it over her forehead.
Jugo watched sasuke and then cracked the question.
"If you hate her that much, why don't you leave her? Why are you caring..." but jugo was cut by sasuke's snap
"Just to make her life a living hell.." sasuke said.
But again, he wasn't sure why he didn't kill her, and the answer was simply, because he doesn't want to.
Sasuke watched as hinata shivered, she was sweating, and murmuring in her sleep.
Her words were kind of fade, like itachi, why..and you..and please wait.
So sasuke decided to get into her dreams, fusing chakra together.

Sasuke opened his eyes to find himself inside Itachi and hinata's lair.
Itachi talking to hinata but still his voice was vague, he saw his lips moving but he Couldn't read it. But he could read his expressions and hinata's.hinata was in shock, her mouth was gaping and her eyes were twitching, itachi was looking down in shame.
And then all of a sudden hinata ran past sasuke. Now he heard itachi yelling.
"Hinaa please wait..hinaaa..." itachi said, struggling to get up clutching his chest.
Sasuke followed hinata and itachi.
"Hina wait...please.." itachi begged as he tried to reach for hinata, he finally grabbed her hands stopping her, he turned her around.
"You..why..itachiii why?..you..i... my life is a lie..." hinata sobbed.
"Hinata listen please... i had to do i had no choice..." itachi pleaded.
"How.. you killed innocent children itachi, i was sure that you had a choice.. we all have ones.. its a silly excuse..ita..." hinata cried.
"And..what about sasuke.. haven't you thought of him... his, his state... seeing his family murdered... he'll hate konoha and the vengeance cycle will never end..." hinata continued.
"I know i was wrong hinata i was..i know i made a mistake.."itachi tried to explain with sad shameful voice but hinata interrupted.
"Murder is not just a mere mistake itachi... its not.." hinata tried to discuss.
Sasuke was listening intently at the two sides, his mind couldn't comprehend the situation. He couldn't understand but that hinata is scolding itachi, and something about konoha.
"Thats why... i am waiting for sasuke to kill me..."
hinata gasped.
"I fear for sasuke's well being itachi... haven't you consider his pain... he must be tormented.. i..can't imagine how scared and traumatized he would be..and he is..." hinata sobbed.
"I deserve to be killed..." itachi continued.
"I..i am confused itachi... i am.. you.." she sobbed
"You are too gentle to me, you..breathed the life back in me.. but you are not who i thought you were..." she cried
"Neither all of us hinata... we are all bunch of criminals..." itachi said
Hinata cried hysterically.
"My..whole life is a lie..." she sobbed.
Itachi wrapped his arms around hinata, but she pushed him away.
"I am sorry..please.. i need..to be alone.." hinata sobbed. Itachi's face was grumpy. He looked at hinata with a single tear in his eyes and walked away.
"Just.. i know i deserve to die, and suffer and karma is torturing me with my disease..." itachi murmured as he walked away.
Sasuke was confused.. and suddenly all went black.

Hinata opened her eyes opal eyes. Sasuke took his hands away from hinata's chest.
Hinata looked at sasuke.. then she turned her head away and fell back to sleep.
Her body was burning, aching, her face had sasuke's knuckles mark due to slapping.

Hinata eyes snapped opened on sasuke's screams by her side.
She woke up panicking with severe racing heart, sasuke was clutching his curse mark, with a black aura surrounding him, his screams were high, he clutched his eyes and screamed again.
Hinata got up, and ran towards sasuke, she tripped a little bit, she was somehow dizzy, she ran to sasuke and rested her hands over his shoulder.
"Sasuke..kun..you okay..." she asked.
"Get off me..." he growled and pushed her away, sending her on the ground.
Hinata got up again and marched as sasuke screamed again.
"Sasuke.." hinata walked again.
"I said back off..." he growled.
But sasuke 's curse mark was hurting him like he felt his soul was tearing apart.
He knew the cause of such distress, hinata's dream.
He was confused and he couldn't comprehend, hinata was truly defending him, and feeling his sorrow. But whats of konoha! Whats of itachi's disease.
Many questions he'll need to find an answer to. And he will.
"AAARGHHH" and he screamed again.
Hinata moved towards sasuke and wrapped her arms around his head, pulling his head closer to her chest, she patted his back and rested her head over his.
And all went calm.
Sasuke tried to push her away but she kept her firm grip.
"Stay..away.. don't you see i am a ruthless murderer, i will make your living life a hell.."he tried to keep his voice but his voice betrayed him and started to shake and crack.
"No..you are not...it'll be fine sasuke..everything will be fine" and that exactly what sasuke wanted to hear.
That everything will be fine.
Sasuke let out a quite sob, a silent one, but inside he was screaming for someone to help. Anyone.
He was drowning in despair, pain, solitude, he needs a hand to help him from drowning. Anyone.
And here he is, being hugged by his only rescuer, he felt undeniably comfort, safe, like a mother's hugging her child after being scared from a dream, or crying out because he bruised his legs.
A feeling he almost forgot, and hinata is here, embracing him, taking all his pain away.
He wanted to savor the moment, everything, her scent, her hug, the feeling, she hummed a tune his mother used to sing before sleep. She rocked his body back and forth. Hinata was his comfort.
He stopped and calmed down, for how long have he been in her hug, he didn't know. He only heard her quite murmurs.
" i'll keep my promise, and always will keep mine, i'll be your sword, your salvation, your comfort.. sasuke kun, you don't have to worry anymore, i'll bear the pain with you..i'll take the pain away..., and no one shall harm you, as long as i am alive..sasuke kun" hinata's soft voice felt like a balsam soothing sasuke's soul. He wanted to stay like that forever.
But then he snapped and pushed her away.
Hinata winced in pain.
Sasuke gripped her hands firmly and dragged her back to the bed, bonded again her hands with the shackles.
Hinata was puzzled her mouth gaped.
"Know your place slave" he said with a stern devilish voice.
And he walked away.

This is dedicated to KalyseQueen For her infinite support, and votings , you always motivate me to write :* thank youu

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