Meet the Devil

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Zhao Yunlan was sleeping soundly when the butler came to wake him up.
"Sir, it's time for your breakfast".
" Yeah I am coming" Zhao opened his eyes not knowing what awaits him, he took his shower, put some clean clothes and went downstairs to have his breakfast in the garden beside the pool.
"Old man you are awake" said Yunlan.
" Have you slept well, Yunlan" his dad said.
" Yeah, where are the others" he lives with his grandfather, uncle, his wife and cousins.
"They went to the church, but your grandfather is at the company. Yunlan I have something to tell you" his dad said.
" What is it?" Asked Yunlan.
" It's about your mother" he couldn't finish his sentence because this is not gonna be a good news for his only son and was afraid of his reaction.
" What's wrong with her?" Yunlan was so worried waiting for his dad to finish his words.
" Well she got married last week" his dad was very sad but remained calm and strong even that he felt devastated by that news.
"What? " Yunlan stopped drinking his coffee and looked very surprised.
"Dad are you sure?"he was astonished by that revelation.
"She married a man your age Yunlan.. that's a big problem, he sure is after her money" Mr. Zhao was biting his lips inside, wanting to do something but he can't.

" What do you mean my age?" Yunlan was confused, he frowned his eyebrows and looked very mad.

" She is here now, she transferred all of her money and work to china. I think she wants to live here" Mr. Zhao added.
" That old lady is sure is going crazy, I am going to see her and talk to her maybe she will reconsider" Yunlan didn't finish his breakfast and left very angry.
He took his car and called his mom in the way to visit her.
" Hello mother" Zhao was having a heavy feeling inside his chest.
"My boy, how re you doing?" Asked with a lovely sweet voice, she misses him a lot as she can only see him once  a year.
" I am fine as long as you are fine mother, how are things going in your life?" Asking to get the news from her own lips.
" Can't be anymore great, by the way sweetheart I moved here definitely.... mm I am so happy that I am this close to you" Yunlan's mother was very happy from her tune, it was clearly seen.
" That is a great news mother, anything else?" He sure wanted her to add something more.
" Babe..... can you come to dinner tonight there is someone I want you to meet" her voice suddenly changed to be shivering and sad.
"Mm you mean your new husband right?" Yunlan asked with a mocking tune.
" So you know?" She said.
" I want to see you first, I don't want to see him for now" Yunlan was a bit angry but can't get his anger on his mother who did not see her in a year now.
" Babe, he is a nice person and did help me a lot in my life until now and...." She was trying to defend her husband.
" Listen mother, he is the last thing I want to talk about and I don't want to hear anything about him for now that son of" he cursed hitting the wheel very hard dropping his phone in the car.
"Babe is everything ok?" His mom was so worried.
"I will call you back" he was trying to reach at his phone when he crushed into the car just infront of him.
The crush was very strong that Yunlan hit his head hard into the wheel and injured his head.
The other driver went out to check the back of his car, that was a bit damaged. He then turned to see Yunlan and talk to him.
Zhao Yunlan was holding his neck as it aches with blood flowing from his head.
" Sir are you ok?" Asked the driver of the car being worried a bit.
" What the hell why did you stop your car suddenly?" Yunlan was curious, very furious and that was the moment for him to take his frustration out somehow.
" Sir this is the traffic light, can't you see?" The driver was very calm eventhough it was Yunlan's fault. He was busy collecting his phone.
" You what did you say?" He was about to hit him when his boss came out of the car.
" Excuse me Sir, people are waiting to pass we are blocking them can we park the Cars aside and talk please?" That was a very elite person with a very elegant soft voice.
Yunlan looked at him furiously when seeing him he quickly calmed down.
" And who the hell are you?" He got close to him.
" Boss please stay inside, I will deal with him" the driver rushed to protect his boss from this angry man.
" No I will deal with him" said Shen Wei.
Yunlan was amazed by this very dignified man as he smiled gently to Zhao Yunlan getting slowly close to him.
" My name's Shen Wei and I am a businessman, can we fix this problem clammy please?" He said being very careful of his status.
" I don't care about who you are, I am sure the one at fault here is me so give me your account number I will send the money for you to fix your damn car rich man" Yunlan was being so rude while the other gentleman was totally the opposite.
" I don't need any money, I won't ride it again anyway" Shen smiled.
" Oh really" Yunlan said mocking his words and laughing.
" I will simply tell them to replace it for me, so don't worry any further" Shen Wei adjusted his glasses and was having a happy smile in his lips.
Yunlan looked at him with a very confused face, he couldn't know how this man could be this calm.
" He is so beautiful, is this even a man?" Zhao murmured slowly between his lips.
" Are we fine now Mr,.?" He wanted to know his name, Shen wanted for Yunlan to introduce himself to him.
"Ah sorry my name is Zhao yunlan" he finally came to his sense and calmed down.
" Oh you are from the famous Zhao family?" Shen Wei smiled and asked nicely.
" Yeah, you probably heard of us" Yunlan said.
" Who doesn't, Mr. Zhao.... My apologies for any inconvenience I may have caused you or my driver" he bowed in respect.
Zhao Yunlan felt ashamed and guilty for being rude to this gentleman.
" Now I am the one who supposed to apologize Mr. Shen Wei, I was a bit angry before all this happen" he apologized and draw a faint smile, he was a bit envious of his appearance and attitude.
" Oh my bad I didn't payed attention to your injury, you must go to the hospital now" Shen looked very worried and his face changed expression in the very fast moment.
" It's ok nothing that serious thanks anyway, I think I must leave now you re probably busy" Zhao didn't want just to leave as he said that but still standing there
" Well please go to the hospital and take care of your injury, we sure gonna meet again take care Mr. Zhao" he bowed again then rode his car and left.
" What the hell I can't just get over him, he is so not the type you can forget easily..... Shen Wei I will remember that name and I will make sure to meet you again" Yunlan was watching the car as it fades away far from his sight.

Zhao went to the hospital and kept thinking of Shen Wei all the way to there.
Shen Wei arrived at his company and met with his newly wife.
" Hello there" he kissed her forehead.
" Darling why are you late?" She hugged him and asked.
"I met someone on my way here" he didn't want to tell her whom he met.
" I didn't expect to meet you this fast Zhao Yunlan" Shen Wei said inwardly when he kept smiling innocently to his wife.
" Shen Wei...... Yunlan is in his way here.... mm and I still want you two to take some time before you meet" she wanted to give her son the time to accept her new husband.
" Yeah sure whatever you want I will go with it" said that as he already met him unexpectedly.
She was with Shen Wei in his office when she got a call.
" Yes Ah Lan, ok dear I am coming" she was fast to leave made Shen laugh at her and very furious inside.

"So he doesn't want to meet?" He bite his lips very mad.

Hello everyone I am new here so please don't hesitate to give me some advices or share your opinions with me please.

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