Angry Beauty

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Yunlan and his mother sat in the cafeteria to have a proper talk. The silence took over the two of them. His mother didn't took her eyes off of him as she misses him, she misses her only beloved son that was taken from her long ago. Her eyes were filled with love, longing and yearning. But Zhao Yunlan was gazing away outside the window as he was feeling anger going through him all.

She was sipping her coffee quietly when Yunlan finally broke that silence.

" mother why did you do that?" Yunlan asked directly.

" I miss you a lot babe, don't you miss me?" She wanted to change the subject to ease the heavy atmosphere. She sure knows her son when he gets this angry.

" Mother I am being serious here" he said calmly.

" Me too, I said I miss you" she had drops of tears in her eyes, how can Yunlan be this cold after so long separation. Only what matters now is his mother marriage.

" I sure miss you too mother" he hardly smiled, still feeling uneasy.

" Yunlan I want you to live with me babe, come and live with me please" his mother said with so much excitement. "Please babe" she grabbed his hand and was pleading with a very sad tune.

" You must be kidding, right? you want me to live in the same house as that bastard"  he laughed after a strong sigh.

" He is a great man and sure you will love him" Yunlan's mother smiled and pressed on his hand.

Yunlan pulled away his hand and sighed loudly startling his mother.

"I thought you only loved my dad, but I think you love this man more than anyone else" he smirked.

" I do love your dad, Yunlan he is my first and my last love babe but I do also love my new husband. He is so caring and kind to me" her eyes looked very sad, he couldn't torture her more.

" Yunlan do you hate me?" She asked while lowering her head down while closing her eyes.

" Even if I want to hate you mother, I still can't" he grabbed her hand and smiled to her finally she felt some relief.

" I love you mother but I am not so sure if I could love that new husband,.....I heard he is young the same age as me" Yunlan said.

" Mm yeah I think he is younger than you... He is 27" she smiled.

"What the hell mother, he is too young for you" Yunlan now lost his cool he screamed loud.

" Do I look old?" She is beautiful and looked very young even she was old enough for him.

" Yunlan stop shouting, we are married now nothing is going to change and what if he is young, I don't care about age gap" Yunlan's mother now started getting a bit angry, she still defending her new husband.

" How funny he is even younger than me by two years" he laughed.
"You sure did surprise me mother, never was expecting that" he clapped his hands " congratulations on your marriage, be happy and just forget about me" he stood while still laughing then left her alone surprised by his odd behaviour.

She cried there by her own, her heart and body ached a lot. She couldn't tell him what is really happening.

" I am sorry babe I couldn't tell you, I am sorry" these are the only words that she kept saying inside her.

Shen Wei called her to hear her voice trembling and felt her sorrow and pain along with her.

" So, was it that bad for you to cry?" He said softly trying to console her.

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