A Late Night Affair

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Shen Wei made sure that his mother and his brother are in their rooms sleeping. He went downstairs and waited for Yunlan at the big gate when he saw him coming.

"Get in" Yunlan said while opening the door for him.

He rode the car when Yunlan drove fast, unfortunately someone witnessed that.

"So where are we going?" Asked Shen Wei, he was looking at Yunlan with loving eyes.

"To somewhere I know" Yunlan answered Shen while kept focusing on driving.

They arrived at Yunlan's apartment in a rich neighborhood.

"Yunlan where is this place?" Asked Wei.

"My apartment, I come here just to rest sometimes, I got it as a gift from my grandfather when I got engaged" Yunlan was explaining to him while taking the elevator.

"And what are we doing here?" Shen Wei wanted to hear something romantic.

"We need somewhere quiet so we can talk" Yunlan's tone tensed a bit.

"Talk!!!, you brought me here to talk??" Shen got suddenly furious.

"What do you want then?, we won't be comfortable at home" he screamed at him madly.

"I am leaving" Shen stopped the elevator and wanted to just leave to any place but far from here.

Yunlan couldn't control himself and hugged him inside the elevator wrapping his hands strongly around him.

"Didn't you say you missed me?" He murmured softly.

"Yeah I missed you" Shen Wei turned to be soft and gentle again.

"Stay with me tonight" Yunlan turned Shen Wei towards him and kept staring at his beautiful eyes.

"Wang was right I think I do love him, this scary little devil" Zhao Yunlan confirmed his feelings for him but just can't confess them regarding the current circumstances.

They entered the house when Shen Wei was taking a tour around its every corner, he was amazed by how it was well structured, it was so tidy and clean.

"I love it, it's beautiful" said Wei with a bright smile and satisfaction on his face.

Yunlan was watching him as he looked beautiful in his pajamas and his messy hair. He just looked too good to fit in this house as his bride.

"Come here" Yunlan called for him.

"Oh look this is Wei Lan's picture when she was a bit young and is this you here?" Shen Wei smiled beautifully.

"Yes I don't want you to remind me of that" he didn't want to remember his mother now when he is having an affair with her husband.

"I said come here" Yunlan's mood was spoiled by saying his mother's name.

"I am coming" Shen just came to sit next to Yunlan.

"Aren't you going to ask me what to drink" he was feeling a bit shy now, so unlike him.

"I only have beer, wanna drink that" he asked him while standing to get one for him.

"Yeah please" he was excited Shen Wei is very excited to be alone with Yunlan just the two of them together.

"Mother, did you not sleep?" Asked Yezun when he went downstairs to grab something to eat.

He just saw his mother sitting in the living room.

"I am a bit worried Yezun, there are things that are happening which I am not ok with them" she looked unsatisfied and angry for some reason.

"What is it mother?, Can you please tell me maybe we can fix them" Yezun came close and tried to know what is bothering her.

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