The Devil's Choices

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Shen Wei came close to his mother and sat just next to her after he helped her sit. He was fearing whatever coming from her mouth now.

She looked into his eyes and stroked his back, she felt somehow responsible for this mess. She can't tell him that she can be his real mother, he will sure blame her for leaving them in an orphanage on the first place and he will sure come to hate her after all these years cursing on his own parents for abandoning them.

Wei Lan never gave them her name because she was afraid of Yunlan's reaction if he knows and also as they may not be her own children after all, she protected herself and her real son but gave them love and care instead.

Wei Lan can't ask him for a DNA test also as she fears to find out that they are not her biological sons. This is something she can't tell to Shen Wei fearing whatever reaction he may have.

Yezun was eavesdropping behind the door.

"Mother, what is it?" Asked Shen Wei, being a little bit worried.

"Shen Wei my dear, did I ever made you confused?" She asked.

"About what mother?" He raised an eyebrow not fully getting the question.

"About Yunlan?" She added.

"What's wrong with him?" Shen still not understanding.

"I saw you two kissing that night, I told Yezun to lie so to protect both of you, but when I saw you riding his car last night I couldn't keep this for longer" her eyes were dropping tears.

Learning that he couldn't be more disappointed and sad.

"I am so sorry mother" Shen couldn't say more.

"Just be honest with me please, what is happening between you and your older brother?" She made it worst adding the word brother, to make Shen Wei take off any idea related to Yunlan.

She wanted to remind him that Yunlan is his brother.

"I don't think we are brothers mother" he forced a smile when his heart just felt heavy.

"My babe you are brothers, you are my son the same as Yunlan" she wanted only to made him believe that she doesn't distinguish between them.

"Just tell me Shen Wei?" She pleaded.

"Please darling"

"I love him and as far as I know he loves me too" he lowered his head feeling shy.

Wei Lan just felt horror, she quickly jumped of the idea of the two being blood related.

"I must stop this, I can't make a bigger mess in my life more than I already did" said inwardly.

"I need to give up on at least something or someone" her heart was aching, her body was trembling even if she has to half lie about the truth.

She closed her eyes bite her own lips hard and after a strong sigh she got to talk finally.

Looking at her Shen Wei was sacred to hear more, he was awaiting for something big this time to come out of her mouth.

"You and Yezun are my real sons Shen Wei" she just threw a bucket of cold water on him.

He froze completely not uttering a word, not making a move. He just felt like disappearing in that moment and never come back again.

"What nonsense is she saying, why is she doing this? Why going this far with a lie just to separate them?" Yezun was asking all these questions when he finally went to back up his brother feeling a bit disappointed in his mother.

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