It's Not Love

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The doctor just left Shen's room. Wei Lan was sitting just next to him holding his hand dear and caressing his silky hair.

Yezun was looking to Yunlan and smiles from time to time. He can't figure out what he was thinking, Zhao Yunlan grabbed Yezun wrist and took him out of the room quietly.

"Now tell me were you the one to enter the room earlier" he cornered Yezun against the wall while the man kept laughing at Zhao.

"You two looked hot" he was the one indeed.

"Luckily your mother was resting in the guest room fearing to meet with Shen Wei so she sent me to check on him, there I saw you two" Yezun was teasing Yunlan as now he has something on him.

"So you too are gay same as me and my twin how wonderful" he was thrilled.

"Shut the hell up am not filthy like you two he forced me, just remember that ok" he was clearing things for Yezun.

"And just keep that mouth of yours shut I don't want for Wei Lan to find out about what your brother is aiming for" he went back to Shen's room after he felt some relief inside that it was Yezun the one who saw them.

"Don't be too cosy Yunlan I was not the one who saw you two but I had to lie"  Yezun smiled inwardly.

"We sure gonna have some change of atmosphere in this house" he stroked his hair feeling excited.

" Is he awake yet?" Asked Yunlan.

" Nah his fever is getting down slowly, Yunlan can you please not hurt him anymore. I can't see him suffering" she was caring too much for Shen.

" I will forgive what you did today but not a second time" she felt sad for leaving him at the restaurant.

"What do you mean?" Yunlan didn't understand her words.

"This person is dear, is so precious to me. He is more important than my life" she was making him confused.

"I am your son mother is he more important than me?" He came to face her now with a confused face.

She just looked away, " no not more than you but I love him as much as you Yunlan, I can't simply choose one of you but I want you both in my life" now she came to face him and caressed his cheek having soft tears falling from her eyes.

Hours later they woke up and they prepared to go to work.

"Mother is Shen Wei ok?" Asked Yunlan.

"Yes sweety he is fine but still resting, you can go I will be taking care of him" she sent him off at the door with a soft kiss.

He wanted to check on him, Yunlan wanted to see him before he left for work.

Yezun just came out of his room, meeting Weil Lan on the stairs.

"Did Yunlan leave for work?" He asked.

"Mm he did I just sent him off" she was a bit upset.

"Did you do as I told you, did he sense that you were lying? " Wei Lan

"Nope I was  great, you didn't see his face when he asked me to keep this from you mother" he hugged her softly.

"Mom why are you doing all of this, why do you want to play this kind of game" Yezun never knew what's on her mind and what kind of thing her and Shen Wei are doing.

"Shush I don't want for your brother to know that I saw them" she grabbed his hand and took him to have his breakfast.

Shen Wei woke up now feeling tired and hot, he took a bath put his clothes and was ready to go to work when his phone rung.

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