Bloody Tears

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Yunlan took off of Shen Wei, he was little confused as he did not believe what rubbish this Shen Wei is saying.

He could expect anything from him to hurt Yunlan or do crazy things and threatens him as he always do.

"Shen Wei if you are lying just say it already don't let me fucking kill you right now and regret this later" Yunlan said in a very confused tune.

"I just said that to make you get away from me, how stupid of you to believe that Zhao Yunlan" he laughed trying to fix the mistake he did.

"What?" He was shocked.

"Sometimes I think of you as a normal human being, but some times you are just a bastard with no fucking emotions your heartless. You love me?, I don't think so Shen Wei you are toying with me, you son of a bitch" furiously talking, Yunlan is out of his mind.

"How funny, if you only knew who you are cursing by those words" Shen Wei smiled mocking Yunlan's words.

"What? Stop your game you are driving me crazy" said Yunlan.

"That's the purpose, I want to drive you crazy, I just want you to feel shit like I am feeling now because of your mother" Shen Wei now started to get out of his sadness to be very mad.

"All of my sufferings were because of you, she was the one that made me fall in love with you in the first place never for once stopped talking about you, she made me marry her in roder to protect your feelings but she didn't know that the game she played turned to be against her plan" he was saying nonsense to Yunlan that he didn't understand.

"What the hell are you talking about?, Are you here seeking revenge?" Yunlan was in a dilemma.

"No, but I wanted to be with you, I wanted to have you but she is not allowing me she is trying to get me away from you and my heart is just too weak and can't take it" he was angry at the very cruel situation he is living.

"I told you just stay near me, don't let go of me Shen Wei, please babe let's just be together" he came close to him and wanted to hug him.

Shen Wei felt weak and threw himself in Yunlan's arms.

"If you just knew the truth what will you do" he kept thinking inwardly fearing Yunlan's reaction as he couldn't tell him the truth.

Yunlan kissed his lovely man that has more than an attitude in one hour, he was trying to figure out this uncanny man in his arms.

They went out of the hotel room, Shen Wei just put his belongings in Zhao's car and was doing the check out in the reception while Yunlan was waiting in his car.

Shen's phone was ringing non stop made Yunlan so curious for who is calling him.

He took the phone from his bag and saw the ID was mother, Yunlan just was wondering for Shen Wei to never mention his mother before.

Yunlan's curiosity made him just answer the call.

"Xiao Wei, my babe where are you?" that was the biggest shock for Yunlan to hear his own mother's voice.

"Are you still mad at me sweetheart?,  I am sick Shen Wei and I want to spend what left of my life with you near me my son please come back to me please" she was pleading and crying.

He couldn't utter a word but hang up the phone on his mother feeling his world turn upside down.

"We re brothers"   Shen Wei's own words.

"My son" his mother's words.

Yunlan put back the phone in his place and waited for shen Wei silently in the car boiling inside of him but kept silent to see what will come next from this man.

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