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Yunlan let go of Shen seeing his mother there.

Shen felt like disappearing in the second from so much shame he felt.

"Mother you re here" Yunlan wiped his lips and smiled.

"Please leave Chu" she said.

"Do you know him?" asked Yunlan as if she was familiar with the man to even enter with her.

"Yeah" she answered then came close to sit on the couch.

Shen Wei's happiness just disappeared in a flash.

"So after all you were lying to me Shen Wei and you Yunlan" she was mad at them.

"I couldn't feel more disappointed unfortunately" said Wei Lan.

Yunlan was a bit careless and selfish.

"I never lied to you, did you ever asked me what I want or listened to us" said Yunlan coming close and sat just next to her.

"But.." she was cut.

"But what mother?, I love him and you know that, I can't just give up on him like you and dad gave up on each other long ago I am not that weak" he was fierce.

"Yunlan please stop" Shen Wei finally spoke.

"No, she needs to know. Mother please, we love each other just too much to let go" he pleaded hard.

"Yunlan you can be brothers this relationship is wrong from the very beginning and I never expected you two will fall for each other never"

"But now is different we are so in love mother, do you want to break our hearts and feel what you felt being separated from father" Yunlan tried hard to get her to accept.

"Please mother, I feel like we are not blood related please let's try a DNA test" Yunlan finally got her to accept.

She kept silent for a long moment then she gave up.

"I can't hurt you more than I already did, come here my babe" she grabbed Yunlan's hand and landed the other hand to Wei as she called for him.

"Let's do the test and if you are my real sons I won't allow you two to be together but if not let's just wish for the best" she said hugging both when Yunlan winked secretly to his Wei.

"Mother I have the test result by Yezun" he revealed it finally.

Wei Lan and Shen Wei were shocked hard.

WeiLan grabbed Shen's hand hard.

"Did you do the test Yunlan?" She asked in fear and was trembling.

"Sorry mother, I did it eventhough you objected to it" Yunlan said that being satisfied with his own acts.

Shen Wei looked pale, he was scared as both truths will hurt him hard.

"Are they....my....." Wei Lan couldn't speak as she was crying deep.

Yunlan felt sorry for her but not really for him.

"Sorry mother, they are not your real sons" his tears started to drop slowly.

"No, no....ahhh" she screamed painfully.

Shen Wei held her strong and tried to comfort her.

"Mother I am your son please don't cry, I am here mother" he was crying too.

"Ahhh Shen Wei my Wei, my poor Yezun" she couldn't stop crying and calling for his name and his brother name.

Later when she calmed down, Yunlan gave her the test results.

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