You are Mine

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Yunlan was very angry he pulled himself away when Shen Wei gave him a sly look.

" I will kill you" Yunlan just hissed at him when Shen just smiled mocking him.

"Will see" he talked back to him.

They finally arrived home, Yunlan was resting in his room when images from that night came to him.

" Please kiss me"

He recalled Shen's sweet words and sweet moans. He felt hot for a second so he went to take a cold bath to cool his body.

Shen Wei was in his office working after he took a bath and changed his clothes.

"GeGe, what happened earlier when I came to see you two being so close in the car?" Yezun was dead curious, he wanted to confirm what's on his mind.

Shen gazed at him with anger, not wanting to answer him.

"My lovely twin, you two look awesome" Wei Lan came to press a kiss on both her twins cheeks.

"Shen Wei we have a meeting tomorrow about the new product with the advertising company, did they email you the final design?" She poured some tea and sat there discussing work.

"I was just looking at it and I think it needs some additional details, I will tell them tomorrow" he said.

" Well I think I need to go now, I have a party to attend" said Yezun while taking his leave.

"You don't just make trouble with that face of yours and give me some hard time ok?" Shen maid sure to tell his brother to behave.

"Ok GeGe, I will be a good boy" Yezun is just so sweet.

"Mother I was looking for you, I am going outside to meet with Zhu Hong wanna come?" He asked nicely wanting to introduce his futur bride to his mother.

"Yeah babe sure, I will dress proparly and let's go meet my futur daughter in law, I want lots of kids Ah Lan" she was so excited.

Now Shen Wei and Yunlan were left alone. They were looking at each other.

"So you are engaged?" Shen asked furiously.

"I soon will be married like you" Zhao Yunlan hit him hard with that.

"Any plans to have kids, cause being an only son feels lonely" Zhao was laughing trying to pick on the angry Shen Wei.

"I will make sure to have a beautiful twin just like me and my brother then  you won't feel lonely anymore" Shen Wei went along with his suggestion trying to anger him back.

" Now you let the devil out, I am amazed" Yunlan said while drawing a faint smile.

Shen Wei came close to Yunlan so close nearly touching their noses together.

"If I am a devil, I will make sure to do my best and break that engagement of yours you know why?" Asked Shen Wei seductively while caressing his chest.

"Because when I mark something it becomes mine, and I put my mark on you on that day we first kissed" Shen Wei made Yunlan just speechless.

He was astonished by the sudden confession of Shen Wei. He looked like his soul was ripped out of his body, Yunlan just couldn't utter a word back after what Shen said.

"You are mine" Shen Wei said his last words before he pulled away quickly seeing his wife enter his office.

She was staring at their awkward behaviour "Yunlan I think I am ready babe" his mother came close to her son.

" Xiao Wei darling we are leaving, I will be having dinner outside" she said.

"Babe enjoy your time" he gave her a soft kiss on her forehead then left to his room.

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