A Painful Break up

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Shen Wei said unconsciously wanting to be embraced by Yunlan so lovingly.

"Me, I thought you said we are brothers" he was holding him tight against the wall.

"Yunlan get away from me" he just realized now the hole situation.

"Ok as you wish" he pulled himself away with a sly smile on his face.

"Let's sit and talk" Shen was avoiding to look at him.

"You wanted to talk to me, about the DNA test probably right?" said Yunlan sitting on the couch while facing Shen Wei.

"Why are you doing this?" Shen asked.

"The test?" Zhao Yunlan laughed.

"Don't you wanna know the truth?" Yunlan added felling surprised by how Shen Wei is not excited about it.

"I don't want to confirm what we are now, I have hope that we can not be as mother said" Shen Wei said.

"Maybe yes, but if she is lying and we are not blood related how can we live coping with a fake reality" Yunlan was trying to make him accept

"I am not doing it Yunlan, I am scared" Shen said when Yunlan grabbed his hand.

"There is always another option" he smiled to Shen.

Shen Wei shoved his hand away and stand from his seat angerly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Yezun" Yunlan answered then came close to Wei.

He pulled him by his waist and whispered in his ear.

"Listen carefully, wether we are brothers or not it's hard now to forget about what we did or how we feel"Yunlan said.

"I love you so much and I am not giving up on you, let the Gods punish me if they want but no power in this world aside of death will ever separate me from you" he pressed a soft kiss on the lips of the astonished Shen Wei then left.

He went back to find his mother feeling unwell.

"Mother what is wrong?" He asked.

"I am starting my treatment next week and I can't just have the spirit to cope with two difficult things at a time" she said feeling hard to breath.

"Stop the DNA test and believe what I say sweety and about you two just forget about it can't you please listen to me" she was pleading desperately.

"The more you insiste on refusing the test, the more I want to do it" he said being so calm and confident.

His father got a bit upset.

"Yunlan your mother is sick stop giving her a hard time already" his dad said.

"Why would I give her a hard time to do a DNA test, if she is saying the truth. What's the problem then?" He shouted.

"The problem is I am not sure and I don't want to find out another unpleasant truth please Yunlan, I want to die knowing that they are my own children not otherwise so please don't do it" she blowed the last hidden piece of the truth.

Shen Wei heard what she said and was like mad, "what? she doesn't know either we are her real sons or not?" Said inwardly feeling anger and sadness, a mixed feelings of all unpleasant emotions.

Yezun just dropped the glass of wine to the floor from the shock.

"I can't add more words, I am tired please babe take me to bed" she addressed her husband that gave her a sleeping pill and took her in bed.

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