The Devil's Mercy

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Shen Wei was crawling in his bed softly and smiling recalling the previous night. He opened his eyes wide open now and woke up with a big happy face when he was surprised by his mother sitting on a chair next to his bed and looking at him.

"Shall I say good morning or good afternoon Shen Wei?" She asked while sitting comfortably crossing her legs and glaring at him.

"What time is it?" Shen Wei was wondering for how much did he sleep.

"It's passed lunch time already, since when you sleep this much" she was very angry at him.

"Mother please clam down, I am sorry" he apologized and stood up from his bed, he came closer to press a kiss on her cheek.

With that kiss all her anger just faded away.

"My babe, I am worried about you, Shen Wei you re not being yourself" grabbing his hand and caressing his cheek slowly when she saw a love mark on the side of his neck.

"No, that's impossible it's not what I think it is, no" her face changed colour and she was murmuring inwardly as she took a step away from Shen Wei.

"I will ask the maid to prepare lunch for you come down quickly" she left in a rush.

Shen Wei was stupefy by her sudden change of attitude. He grabbed some clean clothes from the closet and went to take a bath.

He was brushing his teeth when he saw the love mark, he was surprised for why would Yunlan do that.

"Shit she probably saw this, what will she think now" he was a bit mad and it is not in a place where he can hide it.

Yunlan and his team where trying the game before they lunch it to the world, now they are working on the final touches.

"Boss shall we lunch it ourselves or use the help of an advertising company?" Asked Da Qing.

"I think I will do it myself as this game is a special we will prepare for everything ourselves, we will make sure to lessen the costs and do a good job" he was in a bad mood today as well.

"Is he serious?, It's so hard to do that" said Zhang.

"Well I agree with him this time we shall just work it all to the end" said Ling.

Yunlan ended the meeting as he gave them some remarks they must pay attention to.

"Da Qing" called Yunlan.

"Try to find a suitable date and time for our big day and make sure it's good fo our costumes so they can attend I prefer it in the evening" he was giving him notes and tasks to work on.

"Ok Yunlan" he noted every detail his boss gave him then left.

Zhao was tired, he rested his head on the back of his chair when he got a call from Shen Wei.

He didn't want to answer, he kept looking at it as it rung over and over.

"Is he busy?" Asked Wei, not having a clue on what's in Yunlan's head.

Shen Wei and his mother were preparing to head to the company when Yunlan's servent came to them.

"I am here to pick my master's belongings" he surprised them both.

"You mean Yunlan?" His mom said.

"Yes, he asked me to come and bring them back" saying that he bowed in respect to them.

Shen Wei just felt the ground moving, he was shocked. He now came to understand why he is not picking up his phone.

Shen Wei attended the meetings with his mother while being absent minded, he made her a bit worried as she took over him and spoke in is place while he was only nodding his head.

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