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Yunlan's mother was so happy to see her husband twin.

" Oh my dear Yezun..... Welcome home" She rushed to him and hugged him dear.

Yunlan was so confused seeing Yezun, he was just looking at both man with a surprise look.

" Who is this handsome man, sister in law" that sentence just killed Yunlan's insides. He looked at him with perverted look and winked at him.

" What the hell was that?" He talked to him furiously.

"Yunlan this is Yezun, Shen's twin as it is clearly seen" she was holding him and smiling.

" This only means double the trouble" Zhao Yunlan said.

"Let's go all and have dinner come on" the only excited person was Yunlan's mom.

Shen sat in the seat of the head of the house making Zhao lose appetit and kept looking at him with anger.

" Babe I prepared your favourites today" she caressed Yunlan's hand.

He turned to look at her and smiled. "Thanks mother"

" Oh am I seeing jealousy?" Yezun was picking at his brother.

"What did you say" Shen Wei was mad gazing at his twin making him scared a bit.

"Calm down little devil your the husband" he whispered in his brother ear.

"Shut up Yezun" Shen got out of his cool.

" Darling can you pour me a glass of water" he asked of his wife.

"Yeah of course" she was about to pour the water for him when Yunlan stopped her.

" Can't you be a gentleman and do it yourself, how can you ask and old woman like your mother's age to do this for you?" Yunlan wanted to ruin his confidence.

" Ah Lan stop it.... Plus he is my husband and it's my duty to serve him" she patted his shoulder to calm him down.

" You are so sweet darling, thank you" Shen smiled gently to her and grabbed her hand and pressed a soft kiss while looking at Yunlan provoking him.

" That's it enough of this shit" Zhao Yunlan pushed his mother aside and grabbed Shen by his collar and punshed him hard when both fell to the ground.

" Wow a fight, so cool" Yezun was having fun not wanting to interfere.

Yunlan's mom rushed quickly to pull them away of each other, she pulled Yunlan from the back and hugged him.

"Please stop that Yunlan please" she was crying.

He was going to punsh him more but stopped at the right moment, his shirt was ripped, lips were bleeding and his hair just was falling on his eyes in a messy way which made him look too sexy and beautiful.

Yunlan was sitting on him tightening his grip hard on Shen Wei. They were both catching their breath and looking at each other.

" Let go of me" said Shen Wei with a very soft yet weak voice as if he was hurt by what Yunlan did.

Yunlan let go of him and fixed his clothes then prepared to leave.

" I don't think I can fit in here, just enjoy your dinner with your two new men" he looked at her with anger and left.

" No please don't go please" she was holding him dear from the back.

" I need you my babe Yunlan please" she was crying again when she fainted suddenly.

Moments later Shen came out of her room. " She is gonna be ok, that was from the shock" he said sadly.

" Will she be fine GeGe" Yezun seemed very worried same as Shen Wei.

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