Under the Rain

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They packed their stuff now after it started raining heavily. Shen was the one to drive while Yezun was sitting in the front seat next to him.

Yunlan was hugging his mother in his arms and were talking about lot's of things that they missed together.

"My dad got really mad hearing that you remarried mother" he said while waiting for her reaction.

She jumped of happiness " was he? Does he still have feelings for me?" Her eyes sparkled brightly.

" Mother can't you see that all these years he was only devoted to you, he never once in his entire life had another woman aside of you" Yunlan and Shen Wei exchanged gazes when Yunlan gestured to him with his lips looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"She still loves my dad" making Shen hit the steering wheel with his hand hard.

"GeGe what is it?" He looked worried because Shen is not focusing on driving.

"I am tired someone replace me please, Yunlan why won't you drive" he made sure to separate those two.

"Go babe.... See he likes you" she smiled to her son.

"Yeah he likes me sure he does" Yunlan was cursing inside.

"Son of bitch, asshole, bastard ........ Mot.....ker" he couldn't add more.

"You don't know that devil's real personality" he said inwardly. They both were glaring at each other.

"You were teasing me Zhao Yunlan, now watch me" murmured Shen Wei to him as they passed by each other, he sat beside his wife and grabbed her hand.

"Darling I love you so much" Shen said while looking at Yunlan in the rear view mirror.

" Yeah me too" she leaned to rest on his shoulder.

Yunlan tried to totally ignore that he didn't want to look at them when Shen wanted to provoke him even more.

"Son" he was addressing Yunlan by that, when he raised his head in confuse looking at him. Rising his eyebrow very high.

" Do you have someone you love? a girlfriend for example?" He touched his lips to make him remember that hot moment from earlier.

Yunlan stepped on the brakes firmly making them all jumped of fear.

He went out of the car and went to Shen's side and opened his door pulling him out.

" You moron you think you can play with me?" He hit him hard on his face and kicked him on his stomach to fall on the ground. It was raining heavily.

His mother was shouting and Yezun tries to stop Yunlan but couldn't.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hand you asshole" he pushed Yezun hard.

"Ah Lan stop it please" his mother came in between the tow as he was about to grab Shen and hit him more.

"Why don't you fight me like a real man?" He said to Shen Wei who was wiping the blood near his eye.

Wei Lan slapped Yunlan very hard.
"What do you think you are doing?" Why are you this aggressive?" His mother was so upset.

"What did Shen Wei did to make you this angry? " She was shivering from cold and crying but her tears wasn't seen to Yunlan because of the rain.

" Now choose mother either me in your life or him, one of us must leave" he said with a very furious tune.

" Then you must leave" said Shen Wei while his mother looked away not commenting on what Shen said as if she was ok with him.

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