Marry Me

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Shen Wei skipped a smile.

"Mother!" He turned to face her.

"Yes my dearest son to his mother, my lovely and favourite gentle boy" she kissed his cheek strongly.

"I want to see you happy Shen Wei" she smiled sadly.

"I am happy if you are happy and healthy of course" he caressed her hair gently.

"I know what you did is so strong and brave for me and I know how you feel right now, I am your mother wether your real one or not but I raised you and I know every detail about you sweetheart and I feel hurt for you darling" she gently caressed his cheek.

"Please stay strong and forgive me Shen Wei" they hugged when saw Yunlan coming.

" You sure do love him more than me, how cruel" said Yunlan while smiling.

Shen Wei let go of his mother and excused himself, " I need to go, I am late mother" he left.

"I was looking for you we are waiting"  he took her back inside the house.

"Zhu Hong don't you want to marry Yunlan as soon as possible?" His mother asked.

"Yes we waited long enough, that's what I think" she looked at her futur husband with love.

"What do you think love" she asked him.

"I want to celebrate your wedding and prepare for it myself" she felt so excited.

"Ok then let's do that" said his dad, only Yunlan was silent and thinking.

"Babe, your not saying anything" his mother said.

"I am happy if you are happy and healthy of course" Shen's words.

He kept thinking of that as he must do the same.

"Ok let's get to meet with my in-laws and fix a date" he said while smiling.

"Yes" Zhu and his mother were so happy.

"Mother" called Zhu for her mother in law.

"Why can't we do two weddings in the same  day of me and Yunlan and you and father" she suggested.

"What you want me to marry the same day as my parents no no" Yunlan felt weird and objected hard.

They all laughed at him.

Shen Wei was having a hard time at work, loads of pressure and things to take care of.

"Why don't they help me those useless bastards, Yunlan and Yezun" he cursed at them as he was the only one managing everything.

"Hey brother" Yezun came to visit Shen Wei.

"While your here give me a hand in analysing all the files and check the expenses of the 5 past years" said while throwing the files infront of his brother.

"No I am tired, I don't want to work" Yezun was sulking.

"Where did you go this morning?" He asked his twin.

"I had something to do" Yezun answered.

"What is this thing DiDi" Shen Wei was curious but also suspected him.

"You never was this curious about my life before, you always ignores me" he laughed at him.

"I am sorry, I know I was a bit cold to you" Shen felt sorry and remorse for never treating him with care and love totally the opposite of Yezun who always was obedient and listened well.

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