Chapter 6

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Tell me why the fuck there is a long ass line? At the vending machine? On Monday? Morning? This shit got me fucked up. I look around and see Mackenzie. Here comes Mackenzie. Oh Bitch. Why she here?

"Hey Stoke bear."

"Don't call me that."

"Why so grumpy, baby?"

I'd slap this bitch but I ain't no woman beater. She's lucky. We used to fuck, as in my hoe, no strings attached, she got it wrong. She think we dating. Like...HELL NAH. I used her to get my nut. We not dating or nor do I like her in that way, the whole school knows.

She's just dumb as hell.

"I'm not your baby and get away, please. You getting your dick breath everywhere around me."

She looked hurt. Fake hurt.
"What?? Stoke sweety? How could you say that?"

"Its too early for you. I have no time for you, it's Monday Morning and it's cold as hell." She looked at me, huffed and walked away.

More like stomped away. Acting all surprised. I. Don't. Like. You.

I finally get to the front and I get  two snicker bars, Doritos, sweets and a can of Coke for Jah. I get my stuff and leave, going towards Jah's locker.

I'm about to go closer but I look and see Jah and some dude, smile. Said dude kisses his cheek and Jahseh wanna blush and then turn around. His eyes catch mine and I turn around, leaving his ass there. TURNS OUT SAID DUDE IS THE ONE FROM THE CLUB!



No he will not. I run after him and grab into his shoulder. "Stokeley, wait up man."

Stokeley stops and turns looking at me. I let go of his shoulder. "Here."

He shoves some snacks into my stomach. He lets go of the can of Coke, I'm late to catch it and it falls. The can busts and acid was spilling on the floor. I kneeled and he dropped on his knees, seeming to help.

I picked the empty can up and he took it from my hand.

"I'm sorry Jahseh. I'll get you another one." He sighs.

"No it's cool Stokeley." I thanked him for the snacks as I got up, then walked out the building and to the back of the school."

I went and sat by the wall and sighed. Why was he mad? He shoved them shits in me, hard.

<Ten minutes later>

"Hey." Someone said next to me and I looked up. It was Tay. "Hey Taymor." I greeted and smiled at him.

He frowned.
"What's wrong Jahseh?"

"Nothing." I answer him. He sits next to me.

"I know we don't talk much but you can talk to me. What's wrong?" He asked again.

"I don't know. Me and Stoke came to school alright, everything was okay. He came back angry and shoved me." I told.

He looked at me. "And what did you do?"

I played with my fingers.
"I told him it was cool and walked away." I breath. "I don't know what I did but he didn't have to shove me like that. He looked so angry." My eyes glossed over.

Tay listened and looked at me. "Awe Jah.  Don't cry. You did nothing wrong. He was just mad and took it out in you. I'm sure he didn't mean too." He comforted me.

"Wipe those tears. Let's go in the building." He stood up, helping me up. I dried my tears and walked into the building with him.


I was walking home, with my headphones on. I had avoided Stokeley the whole day and I spent my breaks with Nick, Tay, Symere, Gazzy and Michael, behind the school building.

I was walking home when I was pulled into an alley.

I punched the person and took my headphones off and was about to scream, when I heard someone groan out a, "Oh shit, Jahseh," making me look down. It was Rakim.

"Oh god, sorry Rakim!" I scrambled to his hunched over form.

"Sorry Rakim."

"I'm sorry." I pleaded. I heard him chuckle and look up at me. "It's okay Jahseh. It's okay." He smiled. His teeth are so white.

"Can I walk you home?" He cheesed.

"Sure." I answered. On the way home, we kept talking about random stuff. He  a  funny guy. Charming too.

I turned and looked at him as we stood on my porch. "So this is it." I said.

"For now. It was nice getting to know a little about you and another side of you. You're pretty cool."

"Yeah, you too Rakim. You're great." He stepped forward and hugged me.

"Call me Rocky. See you in school, shorty."  He whispered in my ear and pulled back.

"See you at school, Rocky." I answered and watched him walk away.


JAHSEH was nowhere to be seen. I saw him in none of the classes we share. I didn't see him at lunch too. I waited for him afterschool and he didn't show up.

I left and went straight to my house. I laid on my bed and thought about today.

How Jah walked out on me. I did wrong . As I laid there, everything went through my head. How I shoved him.

I gotta make it up to him.

I took a quick shower and changed into some pyjama pants and a hoodie, with my slides. I gotta make it up to him. I took my keys and walked out the door.
Not before locking the door.

I'm not trying to get my shit taken.

After a short drive I arrived at his house and parked in his driveway. I got up the door and knocked on it.

He took some time but finally opened.

"Oh, hey Stokeley." He said and gave me a slight smile.

I smiled at him, "Jahseh"

He stepped aside for me to get in the house. I stepped inside and he closed  the door.

I walked up to him and apologised. "I'm sorry Jahseh."

He looked at me and smiled.

"It's cool Stokeley."

I looked at him and opened my arms, stepping forward, closer to him. He stepped into my arms and hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around him and put my chin on his head, that was on my chest. "I didn't mean to shove you." I started and he hummed.

"It's over and done but, why were you angry?" He questioned and I just told him.

"I guess I was jealous?" It sounded more like a question. "I saw that dude with the braids and you and--I just, I don't know, I don't wanna lose my best friend." I mumbled.

He looked up.
"Stokeley you'd never lose me. You're the best friend that I ever had." I genuinly smiled and kissed his forehead.

He hummed and pulled me towards his room.

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