Chapter 18

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       It's still not occuring to me.I really am not believing this.😕 My dumb ass even scared to say "R.i.p". But where ever you are- fly high Jarad💜💜💕.

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"Cleo-" He let out a quick sigh of relief and stepped in the house, getting pushed back.

Cleopatra gave him a mug, standing back and Jahseh pushing him back out the door by the chest.

"Go home. " The woman gave a cold look towards the man by the door. Radric stood out there in shock, rubbing his eyes in a frustrated manner.

"I j-just wanna talk to you-"

"She said go Home." Jahseh butted in,  cutting the rough-looking man off.

He sighed playing with his hands, and figdeting around before looking at a red-faced Cleo in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm s-"

"That's the thing! That's the thing with y'all niggas- it's that y'all fuck around with our hearts and play with them, then when y'all are caught and called out- you all want to apologise! Even when y'all don't mean it! And I don't tolerate bullshit...if all you're gonna say is straight up bullshit- leave." Cleo calmly said, feeling her blood boil rather slowly...her foot tapping in anger, against the floor.

He cleared his throat, pulling his hood off of his head, showcasing a red beanie.

"Listen, please. I'm sorry...I really am sorry for lying and having it seem like I am leading you on. Yes, I do have a wife, but I don't have a baby on the way. Yeah, I'm married, but ion gon-"

"What? Do you hear yourself? You don't have a baby on the way? Why the fuck are you still lying, Radric?!"

Cleo stepped closer towards the door, Jahseh right behind her.

"I'm not lying, baby-"

"You are! And don't fucking 'baby' me." The fuming woman stared him down.

"Listen, I know you've been through shit in your life, but I've gone through shit too. I know what you're feel-"

He was cut off once again.

"You don't! You don't know what I'm feeling. Don't say you do when you don't."

"Ba- Cleo, trust me I do. Being fucked over and over and over in the head, and emotionally, physically. Being called out for being a freak and being told I can't do certai-" A slap rang through the house, shocking Jah, resulting in him jumping up high.

"Don't call me no freak!" She yelled, her anger running through her body, shaking in anger.

The hard slap across the mans face caused his head to snap to the other direction. He couldn't believe this, the woman he loved was not believing, or trying to believe him, nor trying to listen and understand him. He wasn't new to any of this shit, though. He licked his bottom lip, tasting blood, and turned back to face a lip-quivering Cleopatra.

"Don't call me no freak. I-I'm not no freak." She whispered, her voice cracking, tears threatening to fall.

"Ugh shit, please don't cry. I'm sorry, I'm not calling you no freak, baby. You just don't understand-" Radric stepped closer in the house, arms open.

"Well make me understand!"

Silence consumed them all.


"Go, Radric. Go home...I don't want you missing out on your baby's life, because of me. I'll see you at work." Radric was pushed out the door, and had the door slammed in is face.

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