Chapter 12

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Starting from now onwards...I'll be dropping a new Chapter every Friday. That's cool?  Okay? Fine? Good? How's that?
Eh, just go and read and make sure to vote. Enjoy.


"I'm so happy Gazzy got Omar back. He seemed really sad." Jahseh said. I nodded and smiled, looking over at him then looking back at the rode before me.

I was driving Jahseh to his house after the whole night at Rakims place. I've learnt that he's not that bad of a guy- but there ain't no rainbows after that. I still don't like him. He likes Jahseh and we all know he mine.

There was a comfortable silence, me looking over at him, a couple of times. I coughed, trying to get his attention. It seemed to work 'cause he was looking at me.

"I saw y'all kiss." I blurted. He sat there, quiet.

"I heard y'all confess to each other." He looked away.

"I heard what you said about me. I heard and saw everything." I finally said. He nodded, still silent.

"You meant that?" I questioned, hoping he'd say yes. He took some time.

"Yeah, I meant it." He said. I smiled, still looking ahead.

"I like you too." I looked at him and found him already looking at me, with a big smile.

"You're too beautiful." I laughed.

"Same to you." I didn't seem to realize that we were pulling up to his house already. I looked over at him as I turned off the ignition.

"I had a great- stupid day today." He said, laughing. I chuckled.

"Yeah. I did too." I said, looking into his eyes as the moonlight shined on him from my rear view.

"I have to say, you're really pretty." He tilted his head.

"Shawty, you look good in the moonlight." I praised.

He giggled.

"Stokeley stop! I'm lying. SHOWER ME IN COMPLIMENTS! " He bust out laughing.

"Thank you, Stokeley. " I held his face.

"Of course." I captured his soft lips in mine. Moving slowly against his lips, I was savouring his taste. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He kept his mouth closed, though. He pulled away, dragging my bottom lip. He let it go and it popped back in place. I pecked his lips.

" 'night  Stokeley." He had a small blush spread on his cheeks.

"Goodnight Jah." I said after giving him a  kiss on his forehead.

He unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out the car and walked away and onto his porch. He looked back and waved as I waved back. I drove off after seeing his front door close.


I closed the door after waving goodbye to Stoke. I turned around with my back on the door, sighing as I slid onto the floor.

"Where were you?" The voice of my mother startled me.

"Ma!" I yelled in shock as my hand flew to my chest.

"Where you been Jah?" She repeated. She had her legs crossed over and both her hands on a cup of coffee, softly blowing on it.

I stood up from the floor and looked down at my shoes. I kicked at the floor as I played with my fingers.

"Uh, I was with Stokeley." I answered after a couple of silent minutes.

"I know that. It's always with him and I'm afraid that you can't keep going around with Stokeley, if he brings you back this late everyday. It's 4 minutes past midnight!" She said. That made me snap my head right at her.

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