Chapter 20

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Not proof read.


Solvent... Solvent? What the fuck is a solvent?! Nick, you're stressing- cut it out!

Oh no, when this period ending?

I raised my hand, impatiently in the air. The while class was quiet, people revising and reading over their notes.

Some on their phones.

"Uh, yes Nick?" The teacher asked.

"When the period ending?"

I watched as the teacher looked at his wrist.

"About n-"

He got cut off by the Bell. Everybody rushed out of their seats and out the door.

"Now. Well, good luck on the test!" He sighed and fell into his seat.



Nick sat on his seat, his stationery on his desk, his leg bumping up and down under the desk. Ways of trying to calm himself down ran through his head. His chest rising up and down rapidly as his leg bounced in agitation.

He felt a tap on his shoulder.

He looked at the teacher who was busy passing papers before looking back.

Jahseh gave him a warm smile, looking laid back.

"Calm down, Nick. You've got this." He gave a small nod

"Thanks, Jah."

Turning back around, he looked down at his lap contemplating cheating, but he knew that never worked. He always seemed to get a low grade whenever cheating, though no one saw him.

He thinks.

He lifted his head with a calm look. I've got this.

Ms Pete finally made his way to his desk.

"Good luck." He gave a small head nod.

He watched as she made her way to the front of the classroom.

"Okay, you're time starts... now."

He huffed as he picked up his pen.


Meanwhile Radric was in his office, head in his arms. It's been a few hours that he's been in work and he's already tired. Yearning to go back home. He closed his eyes, due to his heavy eyes.


"Corey, man I told you about her ass. Stop going after her! She ain't really wit you- she fucking wit yo head. One day she on you, the other she's on leeky's dyke looking ass." A 16 year old Radric stated. Him and his bestfriend- brother from another mother- sitting at the corner store, watching people pass by and laughing, talking passing time.

Leeky rubbed his aching head.

"Yeah, I know. I'm done wit her ass ...I am. Can't be loving these hoes, besides I'm focused on making it out of here, wit you man. This not a good place, there's no future over here." He gestured to all the prostitutes, gang bangers and the little kids selling crack on the block.

"I know most are doing it to put food on the table or for studies, but some really be doing it 'cause they wanna 'win' . I can't be around this place fa too long...we can't be in this place for too long. I mean look at dem kids, look at these women- shii look at us. We been selling weed and dirty Sprite since we started school. This no where near a healthy childhood." He ranted on and on.

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