Chapter 1. From the beginning, please.

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In the beginning, there were the powers that be. They were just and kind, with knowledge surpassing any others among them. One day they began to make new things, fantastical things, thusly humanity and beasts were created, and for a time they lived together in harmony. Humanity was given dominion over the beasts and was kind to us. They were our caretakers, our masters and us, their servants, ever faithful to their wishes. We were so happy, so thankful to the powers for our creation.

However, one-day humanity angered the powers that be and we were separated from them, as punishment for not serving our masters properly. We mourned our failure because now we thought we would never share a relationship with humanity again. Some of us eventually moved on, whereas others still yearned for our masters' warm smiles and reassuring touch, once more. Therefore, some of us petitioned the powers that be to grant us the ability to rebuild our bond with humanity. After some time, the powers that be granted our request, in a sense. 

Our first task was to learn what it meant to be human. We were granted human forms, to walk among our previous masters. Emotions might have been the hardest thing to understand, as the first of our masters died. Our tears overflowed, sadness choked us as we screamed in loneliness, for thou, we could not share our identities with them, we had now lived two lives alongside them. 

After this, almost all of us had given up on our goal, for what was the point if our masters were dying before our eyes? We could never share that bond with them ever again. But, just as we lost hope, the wisest among us spoke up.

"We may not be able to share our bond with our previous masters, but we owe it to them to better their future offspring. Let us continue, in their memories, to rebuild the broken bond and protect their legacy." A man says with conviction and confidence, tears still flowing from his eyes. "Please, brothers, sisters, join me as I move forward to a brighter tomorrow for all of us."

His speech was heartfelt and moved us to push forward, in the hopes of reuniting with humanity. But humanity found new ways to deter our goals, as war broke out amongst their own. We fled for a time, wary of the aftermath, as we surely thought they would kill each other. But as the smoke cleared we saw a new, smarter humanity take root and blossom. We sighed in relief that there was yet hope for understanding. Nations began to form, trade agreements were established, and a thriving economy sprung up from the ashes. 

Sure, there were still disagreements, here and there, but it was most often the more intelligent that prevailed. Eventually, the people, of each nation, began to recognize the intelligent individuals and urged them to form nations, wherein, they would guide the lessers. Thus the term royalty was born.  

We also took notice of this and appointed a "King" of our own. He was, undoubtedly, the wisest and most powerful among us, well befitting of the title we bestowed upon him. He was and still is our teacher, our protector, our King, the black dragon Odamous. 

Odamous began his rule, in my opinion, very well. He began by appointing our people to tasks. The lessers of us began to converse with humanity, to get a better understanding of their new culture. Whereas, the others learned from this information and set to forming deeper interactions with our new masters. 

The powers that be would check in with Odamous, from time to time, to convey their pleasure or displeasure with our progress. However, after some time, the powers that be became increasingly natural in their opinions, so Odamous made one final request, on our behalf.

"Oh powers that be, I would ask only one favor of you." Odamous stated, kneeled in reverence.

"Speak your request, faithful servant of old." The powers responded.

"Please allow us the powers necessary to continue our journey to completion." Odamous responds, knelt to the ground.

There was a long, agonizing silence before the powers responded again, I surely thought I might collapse as I held my breath in anticipation. 

"We shall grant this request, however, know from here on in you must judge your own path. We will no longer guide you, thou we will oversee the completion of this righteous endeavor." The powers respond.

"I humbly thank you, our just and kind creators." Odamous bows. 

"Go, and do great works in our name." The powers voice faded away, leaving us to converse among ourselves.

"What should we do now?" I asked Odamous.

"Do not worry, I have a plan. Gather the young ones, we are going to spread a rumor." Odamous smiles.

Yes, this rumor spread across the nations of the world like wildfire. Although some dismissed it as a fairy tale, others, such as the leaders of the nations, took notice and began to search for the origin. What was the rumor, you ask? Simply that there were seven mythical beasts capable of grating any man's deepest wish. The thought alone provoked nations to comb the farthest corners of the globe, in search of us.  

Along this path of reasoning, some of us broke off to research other aspects of human culture, but fewer and fewer returned with reports of their findings. Finally, myself, lion, hawk, rabbit, wolf, monkey, and Odamous were all that remained of our previous group. After many trials, that left us set back, as it were, we decided on a final plan. Thusly we allowed ourselves to be captured by a small island nation to the east, but we knew not the cruelty we had allowed ourselves into. 

The humans that we had once admired and respected had become indifferent and greedy in their pursuit of greater power and wealth. Our capture imprisoned us in magical cages, cutting us off from our powers and leaving us vulnerable to all manners of terrible acts. We would have died there, unable to return to life, as we had done many times before, had it not been for a curious young lady who graced our presence. And so we come to the present day, where we hope we have found a pure-hearted human to aid in our endeavors. 

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