Chapter 20. Divide and Conquer, Part 1

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That night, Juliana lays in her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Her thoughts drift back to the conversation between Margaret and Odamous.

Odamous sighs. "Okay. Who was present?"

Margaret looks sadly at Odamous. "Myself, Juliana, you, Serpent, Robert, Rabbit, Lion, Hawk, and Aqua."

Odamous sits on the floor. "Tell me everything you saw."

Margaret returns to a seated position, on the floor, in front of Odamous. "We were standing in this room, discussing actions against the Queen. Before we could react, portals opened behind me, Juliana, Aqua, and Lion. A man, dressed in a flowing black cloak, appeared randomly and pushed each of us into the portals behind us. Rabbit leaped into Juliana's portal before it closed. Likewise, Hawk followed LIon, Serpent followed Aqua, and Robert followed me. This left you, Odamous, alone with our assailant."

Odamous smirks. "That is his second mistake. The first being trying to separate me from the people I hold so dear."

The king laughs. "You truly are kind-hearted."

Odamous nods slightly. "You honor me, your highness."

In the present, Juliana rolls over. She jumps in surprise when she comes eye to eye with Rabbit staring at her, from the bedside. "You scared me, Rabbit!"

Rabbit tilts her head to the side questioningly.

"Did.. were you worried about me?" Juliana asks.

Rabbit nods.

Juliana moves over, with a smile. "Come along. You can sleep with me tonight."

Rabbit smiles and leaps into the bed, snuggling up to Juliana.

Juliana slowly strokes her hair. "Are you restless because Monkey is away?"

Rabbit gently tightens her grip on Juliana's arm, signifying a yes.

"You two are very close, aren't you?" Juliana asks, rubbing Rabbit's back.

Rabbit nods, burying her head into Juliana.

Juliana holds her tighter. "Everyone will be safely together again if Odamous and I have anything to say about it."

Rabbit looks up curiously, tears slowly running down her cheeks.

Juliana smiles. "Don't think this 'Queen' will get the best of me. As it stands, I could be a better queen than her any day!" Juliana slowly whips the tears from Rabbit's eyes.

Rabbit seems to brighten up at this statement. 

Juliana leans in and whispers in Rabbit's ear. "A Queen is nothing without the people nearest and dearest to her. I would never part with you and the others, and I will fight to see this bond of our's grow even stronger."

A content smile slowly grows on Rabbit's face, as Juliana slowly lulls her to sleep. 

"Sleep well, dear Rabbit." Juliana says, kissing her forehead before falling asleep, herself.

Odamous and Serpent, from the tower of the castle, look out over the horizon. The moon shines bright, in the sky, passing slowly from behind the clouds. They peer out wearily, watching a dark cloud, that has been growing over the western mountains for the last few days.

"Is that her?" Serpent asks.

Odamous nods. "Her power has grown, it will not be long before her human form can no longer contain it."

Serpent looks at Odamous, unhappily. "And what of your human form?"

Odamous smiles weakly. "There are benefits to the blessing of a name, something she does not have."

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