Chapter 8. Go With The Flow

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As the ship sails on, a dark object moves beneath the water, ever aware of the ship's position, staying hidden from sight. Odamous walks slowly out to the deck and takes the wheel, steering the ship back to its proper course. The shadow, under the water, moves quickly to stay hidden.

"I don't want to have this discussion. I feel like it will cause my master great discomfort." Odamous says to himself.

"We don't always get to choose our paths, my friend." Serpent says as she walks out.

"It is not a pressing matter. Our mission is still a priority." Odamous argues.

Serpents turns and looks Odamous in the eye. "You tell her, or one of us does. Your choice."

Hawk sits perched on the crow nest, asleep.

Odamous sighs. "Fine."

The sun begins to rise as a small island comes into sight. Just as the ship begins to sail by the island a force pushes the ship aggressively towards land. Everyone is knocked around, off their feet or out of their bunks. Odamous attempts to stead the ship with magic as it is run aground, sideways.

Lion, Wolf, Rabbit, Monkey, and Juliana rush to the upper deck.

"What happened?!" Lion asks, excitedly.

"We have been run around by unknown means." Serpent responds calmly.

Monkey jumps quickly around long with Hawk, checking for damage. "The ship has no holes!!!" Monkey shouts.

"Thank goodness." Wolf sighs.

Rabbit looks around curiously.

"Can you get us free?" Juliana asks Odamous.

Odamous looks around. "I might, or we could wait for high tide."

Juliana peers out at the island, fruits hang from nearby trees. Juliana turns back. "Conserve your strength, let's explore til then. We could always use more supplies."

"Debs on wood!" Wolf says.

"I will help!" Lion says as they jump off the ship, almost immediately chopping down trees with their hands.

Odamous helps Juliana off the ship, followed closely by Monkey and Serpent.

"Stay on the ship, you two!" Serpent shouts to Rabbit and Hawk.

Hawk looks at Rabbit as she responds with a shrug. Rabbit runs around the deck on all fours, circling the masts repeatedly. Hawk shakes her head.

Monkey begins climbing and throwing fruit to Serpent, while Odamous and Juliana walk on.

"Juliana.... I... need to discuss something with you." Odamous says nervously.

Juliana stops and looks at Odamous. "Yes?"

"Do... you know who stocked the ship before the attack on the kingdom?" Odamous asks.

Juliana thinks for a moment then looks away. "There are few people who were allowed to venture out to that cave. Myself, my brother, and a few guards."

"Is it possible any of them expected the attack?" Odamous asks, boldly.

Juliana turns and stares at Odamous, her face changes from curious to a hurt expression. "Are you suggesting my brother may have had alliances with the enemy?"

"I do not mean to upset you, but the provisions are only a day or so old." Odamous rebuts.

Juliana begins to back away. "No. NO! He couldn't... he... he wouldn't!!" Juliana's eyes dart wildly at the ground then back up at Odamous.

"Master... I...."

Juliana holds out her hand. "I... I need some time to think about this, Odamous. Help the others." Juliana turns and walks away.

Odamous sighs and goes back to the others.

"How did it go?" Serpent asks.

Odamous hangs his head and sighs.

"That great, huh? Well, give the dear some time, she is a sharp girl. She can figure it out." Serpent pats Odamous on the back.

Elsewhere, Juliana walks on, breaking through to the other side of the island. She sicks a rock into the water. 

"Could I be this stupid? Did someone ally with our enemies?" Juliana stops and thinks. "What were they after when they attacked?!" Juliana looks around quickly with a shocked expression. "Is this?"

Before she can finish her sentence, a tail emerges quickly from the water, wrapping around her mouth and arms. Juliana is turned to face a large sea serpent.

"Poor human. Your mind races with despair and confusion. Would you like to be freed from your bonds?" The sea serpent asks, in a gentle almost regal female voice.

Juliana glares at the sea serpent.

"Ah! I see that fire in your eyes, little one. But what will you do? You have no power over me. Your life is in ruin, you don't even know what step to take next." The sea serpent chuckles. "Give your soul to me."

Juliana struggles, but can not free herself, as the sea serpent squizzes tighter. The sea serpent looks around then back at Juliana with a sharp smile.

"Tell you what, if you do something for me, maybe I forget I saw you and your crew sailing after those ships. What say you?" The sea serpent asks, letting Juliana's mouth free.

"If I do something for you, then you help me. That is my counter offer." Juliana glares back.

"Your price just went up, for that request, little human. I need a healer. I would have been just fine taking your soul.... but your eyes scream passionate revenge. That intrigues me." 

"A healer? For what?" Juliana asks.

The sea serpent comes out of the water further, reviling ten harpoons in her side. "I was attacked a few days ago, I lost a lot of blood already. I think one of the harpoons even pierced one of my lungs."

Juliana looks the sea serpent in the eye. "Let me down, I will get my healer, then you do one thing I ask. After that, we are even and you can be on your way."

"How do I know you will not try to trick me?" The sea serpent hisses.

"Do you know a man named Odamous?" Juliana asks.

The sea serpent hesitates for a moment. "I... know of him."

"He and I are traveling together as per our agreement. He can help you!" Juliana responds.

The sea serpent puts Juliana down slowly and lets her go. "Please... don't tell him I was rough with you. I would rather not be on the receiving end of his anger."

"Is he all that terrifying that someone like you should fear him?" Juliana asks.

"Sweet, stupid human, that man could destroy a whole kingdom with just a finger. Powers that be forbid he should get really angry, he might be capable of destroying the world, itself."

Juliana turns for a moment, then turns back to her. "Good thing he agreed to serve me then, huh?" Juliana runs off to get help for the sea serpent.

The sea serpent shakes her head. "You are under his protection? I almost screwed up big time."

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