Chapter 4. Bond

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As Odamous' rampage continues to roar from above, Juliana turns her attention back to the others. She slowly and carefully chooses the next cages to open, for fear any one of them might run off an get hurt. She begins with Serpent's cage, as she seemed to be the most well mannered of the group. 

As the key turns in the lock, Serpent reaches out to the door, but rather than pushing it open she holds it closed, keeping Juliana from opening it as well. 

"Serpent, do you not want to come out?" Juliana asks.

"It is not that. I thought I should clarify my position." Serpent smiles gently.

"Go ahead then." Juliana steps back, allowing Serpent to come out in her own time.

"I have been with Odamous from the very beginning, long, long ago. I want to continue to follow him, but I am not completely sure of you, yet. If you would allow me, I will join you both, but on my terms." Serpent lowers her head in reverence.

"I would like that." Juliana smiles, reaching out her hand for Serpent to join her.

Serpent nods with a smile and opens the door. As she passes through the doorway her appearance changes as Odamous' did. Her frail body turns young and healthy, her hair begins to grow longer turning a dark brown, her eyes appear to be a luminous gold, and her clothes change to a flowing green dress. 

"Pretty!" Monkey's eyes light up with excitement.

"Thank you, sweety." Serpent bows to Juliana and moves to stand near the stairwell.

"You are not going upstairs to Odamous?" Juliana asks curiously.

"I think it would be best to stay out of his way, for now." Serpent chuckles.

"Fair point, I suppose." Juliana turns back around to the next cage, Monkey's. "Are you ready to come out, little one?"

"Serpent, is this lady is being condescending?" Monkey turns to Serpent with a curious expression.

"No, my dear, she is actually trying to be very polite." Serpent smiles.

Monkey turns back to Juliana. "Yes, pretty lady, I would like to be freed very badly." 

"Will you stay close to Serpent for me?" Juliana asks as she turns the key in the lock.

"Yes, ma'am!" Monkey leaps out as Juliana opens the door. 

His appearance changes so quickly it is hard to see the transition, but ultimately the boy stands beside Serpent with a goofy smile upon his face. He is dressed in shorts and a shirt, an attire similar to the lower class residents of the nation. His hair is curly and tan in color. He is not muscular, but rather lean. His eyes give the impression of youth but also knowledge beyond his physical years. His complexion could easily be described as bronze, which is odd to Juliana.

"Thank you!" Monkey says as he stretches.

"You are welcome." Juliana says as she moves to the next cage. 

Behind the bars is the little girl, still sitting on all fours. She looks up at Juliana silently, as she had done since she arrived in the room.

"Rabbit was it? Would you like to join us?" Juliana asks.

Rabbit nods with a gentle smile. 

Juliana looks back at Serpent.

"Oh, she is not able to speak. We are not sure if it is a physical problem, or just her unwillingness to learn a language. Either way, she has never uttered a word the entire time we have known her." Serpent responds to the curious look Juliana gives her.

"I suppose that it fair. In your own good time then okay, Rabbit?" Juliana turns the key and opens the door.

Rabbit slowly vacates the cages. As she does, the change is like that of the night to day. The once dirty little girl is now clean, her complexion white as snow. Her long straight white hair shines like a light in the partially lit room. Her eyes are a dark bottomless blue, like the deepest ocean, void of light. Her rags turn to a fur coat, as white as her hair and skin. 

Juliana pets Rabbit on the head. "Aren't you a bit warm in that coat?"

Rabbit shakes her head and scampers away to join Serpent and Monkey. 

"I am guessing you are leaving me for last?" Lion asks with a huff.

"Should I?" Juliana stands in front of his cage.

"I imagine you see me to be some strange crazed lunatic." 

"If anyone would be labeled as that, it would be Hawk." Wolf points over at the old woman. "She has done nothing but eye the princess since she arrived."

Hawk looks Wolf over for a moment then returns to examining Juliana's every move.

"Look, I get it, Odamous and I do not exactly see eye to eye. It is not like I mean the old man any harm." Lion continues. "I am just upset this plan didn't exactly go in our favor, yet here you are."

"And what is so favorable about me?" Juliana moves closer, leaving no doubt he has upset her.

Lion stands straight up and moves closer to the bars. "You care, that is not something we have seen yet. You know what we are now, yet you take pity on us. You cried for us. Mind you, I took no pleasure in seeing you crying, but the emotion was real." 

Just then Odamous returns quickly to Juliana's side. "My master."

"Did you find my people?" Juliana asks.

"There were many dead humans, but according to one soldier, many of the residences have been taken as hostages. I can not speculate as to who, exactly, you might be searching for, you may have to see for yourself who does not still remain within these walls." Odamous switches his attention to Lion. "My friend, I know you may still be upset with our previous situation, but do you not think she is worth following, at least for a time?"

Lion looks back at Juliana then again at Odamous. "She intrigues me. So yes, I will be so kind as to offer service, for now." 

"And we put our pride aside, allow her to lead us?" Odamous continues to push.

Lion looks away for a moment in thought, then turns back. "Young miss, are you prepared to wage a war if need be, to retrieve your loved ones?"

"As you have seen, if I am backed into a corner, I fight." Juliana responds.

"Not the point, any animal would do the same. I am asking, are you planning to do anything and everything for them?" Lion presses further. "Are you prepared to fight outside of that corner?"

Juliana looks at the others, then back to Lion. "Yes. Will you join me?"

Lion cracks a smile. "I vow my strength to your service, my lady." 

Juliana turns the key and opens the door. Lion steps out and reaches a hand to Odamous, which he returns in a friendly handshake. The difference between the two of them is astounding. Whereas Odamous stood at five foot, eleven inches, Lion stands taller at around seven feet. His muscles bulge, his curly blond hair and shorter beard dwarfed by the passion burning in his brown eyes. He is shirtless, wearing only ripped pants, the claw marks evidence that he got bored with them. 

"You actually came through for us, mage." Lion chuckles.

"Is all forgiven?" Odamous asks.

"Of course, my friend, I could never stay mad at you!" Lion smiles. 

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