Chapter 18. Predator, Prey, and Opitunist

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From on top of the tower, Robert scans the skies, looking for any movement that would suggest Vulture's approach. The sky is dark, lined with clouds as black as the mountains to the west. 

"A storm is fastly approaching. We must deal with our tasks quickly." Robert frowns.

Down, under the wagon, Monkey keeps an eye on the dungeon, peeking his head out every so often to check for the other bandit.

Inside the dungeon, Rat continues to rub the ropes against the bars, his wrists now barely hanging on by their bones. "Either way, I am free!" Rat says, his teeth clenched, groaning in pain.

While all of the attention is on Rat and the sky, a hooded figure appears suddenly at the front gate. The guards scramble to draw their weapons, as the stranger raises their hand and sucks them silently into a black void. The guards do not have time to speak nor raise an alarm, they disappear without a trace.

"Yum! Humans taste so good!" The stranger moans, while strolling through the open gate.

Serpent and the others, in different parts of the castle, suddenly turn their heads in realization.

"What is wrong?" Juliana asks.

"The smell of death is imitating strongly, in the air." Serpent replies. "Vulture is here."

Rat stops his struggle with the bars, sniffing the air with a smile. "It is about damn time!" He sighs, inhaling deeply. He then raises his arms and slams his hands against the bars, snapping his wrists, as the ropes drop to the floor. Rat takes a few steps back, examining his wrists with a historical laugh. "Parting is such sweet sorrow!" Rat then begins to gag, regurgitating acid onto the bars, in specific locations.

As the hooded stranger walks slowly through the courtyard, she stops and leans to the right as an arrow flies past her head. "Is that any way to welcome your employer, Crane?"

Robert falls gracefully to the ground, from the tower. Once on the ground, he draws back another arrow. "My name is Robert now, Vulture." 

Vulture pulls back the hood, revealing a very pleasant, beautiful woman's face. "Ah! You received the blessing of a name. How many blessings does that make it? Three.. four?"

Robert aims his arrow. "More than you, and that is all I need to stop you!"

Vulture shakes her head and shrugs. "You will never learn until someone beats sense into you." Vulture opens a black hole in her left hand and reaches inside, pulling out a sword belonging to one of the guards. 

Robert lowers his bow, putting his shoulder and head through it, then draws his daggers. "It is a dual then."

Vulture lunges forward without another word, swinging the sword down at Robert's head. Robert blocks with his daggers and then kicks her away.

Vulture slides back. "When I am done with you, your family is next."

"Over my dead body!" Robert growls.

Vulture smiles evilly. "If you insist."

As Robert and Vulture clash, Monkey hears the crash of the dungeon bars.

"That took him long enough." Monkey thinks, watching Robert and Vulture. "Best that I do not butt in. Those two seem to have a history."

Monkey stays under the wagon, now turning his full attention to the dungeon. Before too long, an explosion goes off, opening a hole in the dungeon wall. 

Rat crawls out laughing. "No prison can hold me!"

Before Rat can take a single step to escape, a shinning arrow hits him in the forehead. Rat hits the ground, rolling about screaming. "What the fuck, Crane?! That fucking hurts!"

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