Chapter 6. Sail!

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As Juliana makes her way to the upper deck she hears Serpent already in the process of assigning tasks.

"Monkey, you must open the sails for us, do you understand?" Serpent asks.

"Yes!" Monkey says excitedly. 

"Odamous, can you conjure a wind spell to get us moving?" Serpent asks.

"Indeed I can." Odamous responds.

"Everyone else, ready the front cannons and begin working on the others. If we get surprised by our enemy, we must be ready." Serpent orders.

Everyone responds and begins work.

"Very good, you are a natural." Juliana says.

"I do extensive research on all topics of interest." Serpent smiles. "Now then, I think it is time for the captain to take the wheel." 

Juliana looks confused for a moment but then realizes Serpent is talking about her. She moves quickly to the wheel and prepares to stir the ship out of the cavern.

Monkey jumps quickly from mast to mast letting down the sails, Wolf and Lion tie them off, and Odamous raises his staff to prepare the spell.

"Wind!" Odamous shouts. As his voice echos through the cavern, a strong gust of wind catches the sails.

The ship begins to move slowly forward, as Juliana stirs in the correct direction, but just as she gets the ship lined up another gust propels it forward at a high rate of speed.

Juliana hangs on to the wheel with all her might. "This was a bad idea!" She shouts.

The others stand firm to their positions as the ship seems to leap out of the cavern.

Once out and moving, Serpent approaches Juliana, who is still clinging to the wheel and taps her on the shoulder. "You can let go now, we are traveling at a normal speed again."

Juliana looks around for a moment then stands straight up. "That was a little scary for me."

"I apologize, master, I may have become overly zealous in my attempt to free us from the cavern." Odamous kneels before Juliana. 

The others stop and watch for a moment, wondering how the princess might respond.

"Back to work, we have not time for sightseeing!!" Serpent bark angerly.

The other clammer about in an effort to look busy.

"Odamous...." Juliana begins, shyly.

"Yes, master." Odamous continues to kneel

"I think it is time we laid out some codes of conduct." Juliana sounds more confident than before.

Odamous looks up with a puzzled expression. "Have I done something to offend you?"

"It is not so much of an offense, Odamous, as a discomfort. I am uncomfortable with you addressing me as 'master', constantly." Juliana stands straight, her eyes meet Odamous' as to get her point across without mistake.

Odamous' face returns to a gentle, understanding expression. "What is your wish?"

I wish you would address me as you would a friend, a comrade. Call me Juliana. We have no need for formalities, we are not in the castle and certainly not before the courts." Juliana's voice is tough and to the point.

The others overhear this and smile as they continue their work.

Wolf leans over to Lion and whispers in his ear. "There may be hope for this one."

Lion leans back, whispering softer. "True, but she is not his nor our equal, by far."

Serpent glares at Lion as he turns away to continue his preparations of the cannons.

"If that be your will, then I shall do as you ask, Juliana." Odamous smiles.

"Now rise, Odamous, I wish you to stand by my side, not beneath me." Juliana orders.

Just as Odamous stands upright, Hawk returns to them. Her motions are, again, erratic as she conveys her message to Wolf.

"She says, 'all the ships have gone in different directions, save two heading for the south'."  Wolf translates.

"Can we determine which is carrying the hostages?" Serpent asks.

Hawk again motions to Wolf.

"She says, 'the two heading south'." Wolf translates, again. 

"Then we must pursue them with all haste. Juliana, take the wheel. Hawk, show her and Odamous where we are going." Serpent barks orders quickly.

Juliana hurries to the wheel and grips it tightly. Odamous follows and notices her tension.

"Are you alright, Juliana?" Odamous asks.

"Odamous, have you ever hated someone?" Juliana asks.

"I can't say the emotion of 'hate' has crossed my mind yet. So, no." Odamous replies.

"Good, try to keep it that way. I would hate for your gentle smile to fade away when I need it most." Juliana smiles at Odamous.

Hawk joins them at the wheel and points, with her wing, to the compass nearby. Odamous peers at the spot she pointed to.

"South, Southwest?" Odamous asks.

Hawk nods her head in response.

Odamous hurries to the captain's cabin and grabs a map. Upon returning he looks at Juliana. "Begin turning the wheel to the right for me, please." 

Juliana does so as Odamous examines the map, thoroughly. "Stop, now straighten us out, please." Odamous requests again.

Juliana does as he requests and then peeks at the map. "Where do you think they are heading?"

"Malcrave..." Odamous says with an unhappy tone.

"You seem very unpleased with that, why?" Juliana pushes.

"There are some, among our kind, that would like to start a war, Malcrave is home to a few of them." Odamous closes the map quickly and steps away to speak to Serpent. 

Juliana looks at Hawk. "Are you worried?"

Hawk looks at Juliana curiously then shakes her head, and outstretches a wing to Juliana's chest. 

"I wish I understood you as well as the others." Juliana responds.

Hawk seems to laugh and flies to the crow's nest.

"I might be sailing straight into trouble, but I will see it through to the end." Juliana says to herself.

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