Chapter 10. Pursuit of Knowledge

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A day has passed on the island as the group stocks provisions, picked from the island. Juliana organizes the stock and keeps track of the amounts, as Lion stands by, watching and learning from her.

Lion looks curiously at Juliana as she writes down notes. "My lady, has Odamous told you of our concern?"

Juliana continues to write as she speaks. "You mean the mysterious provisions on the ship?"

"Yes." Lion answers.

"I am in thought about that. When I discover an answer, I will be sure to address it again." Juliana stops and turns to Lion. "I promise if there is a plot behind this, the person responsible will be on the receiving end of our... inquiries."

Lion laughs. "You make your anger sound so proper."

Juliana smiles. "I am a princess, after all, but I am far from meek."

Lion smiles. "Surely!"

"We are done down here. Let us see if we can get this ship back to sea." Juliana turns and climbs the stairs.

Back outside, Juliana peers out to see Aqua slithering across the sand towards the ship. 

Rabbit and Monkey quickly move behind Juliana, but she pats their heads. "It is okay, she is a friend."

Monkey comes out from behind Juliana, with a smile, but Rabbit remains skeptical, clinching Juliana's sleeve. 

With everyone on board, Aqua approaches the ship as Wolf and Lion throw her ropes, from the Fore Mast. Aqua grabs it in her mouth and pulls the ship back out to sea. She stops and drops the ropes and swims beside the ship.

"Are you not coming on board, Aqua?" Wolf asks.

"No, perhaps when I need to rest, but for now, I would rather swim. I have my full mobility back, after all." Aqua smiles.

"Wolf, stop flirting and get back to work!" Serpent yells.

Wolf glares at Serpent and then turns back to Aqua with a smile. "I will have you a bed prepared fpr when you are ready." 

"Thank you!" Aqua giggles.

Wolf walks off as Juliana takes his place. "Do not overdo it, I do not expect you to guard us all day."

Aqua nods. "I will rest as needed, my lady. Thank you for your concern."

They sail on, headed back on course. After about five hours of sailing, they spot a fleet of ships, in the distance.

"Ships ahead, Juliana!" Monkey shouts from the crow's nest.

Odamous and Serpent both raise telescopes and peer out.

"Those flags are from the Nation of Malcrave." Serpent states.

"Could those be the same ships that attacked Egnor?" Juliana asks.

Odamous shrugs. "They should have had a much better lead on us, than this. A full day, if not two."

"Aqua, scout it out!" Juliana orders.

"At once, my lady!" Aqua nods, humbly and dives under the water, swimming at top speed towards the ships.

As they wait, Juliana looks towards Wolf and Lion. "Are the cannons ready?"

Wolf bows slightly. "Primed, armed, and ready, my lady."

"Excellent, stand by, in case the ships engage us." Juliana smiles.

Wolf, Lion, and Monkey man the cannons, prepared for anything. However, after a while of waiting, Aqua returns.

"What news?" Juliana asks.

"There are five ships, all loaded with items from the Nation of Egnor, but no people are present other than the crew." Aqua reports.

"Is it possible...." Lion starts.

"We will follow, from afar. They may yet lead us to the right path." Juliana turns to Odamous. "You did say it was odd that we caught up to them."

Odamous nods. "Correct, the prisoner ships would be possibly two days ahead. These have to be the pillager ships."

Lion steps forward and bows. "Please forgive me, my lady, but is it possible that the crew are residents of Egnor?"

Juliana shuffles her feet nervously as she thinks. "If that is the case... Then we will get to the bottom of this and return to Egnor to rebuild."

"Rebuild?!" Monkey asks.

Juliana turns with a smile. "A new nation where we can all coexist. Animals and humans."

Everyone's faces become excited. This is exactly what they wanted, to regain their bond with humanity. If the Princess was to establish such a nation, it would be a dream come true. They all bow before her.

"Then we will work hard to see such a nation flourishes." Odamous says.

"Then rise, and work faithfully in my name!" Juliana orders, with a smile.

The rise and go about their business of tailing the fleet to the Port of Daglen. As the fleet enters the port, Juliana and the others anchor behind a rock cliff, spying on them. The docks are full of ships, so much so that they could not dock if they wanted to. A few ships seem big enough to have housed prisoners below deck. 

Juliana orders Serpent and Monkey to investigate the dock's logs. Aqua swims them to the dock, and they sneak inside, avoiding detection. Once inside, they find the logs and check for any shipments involving prisoners. As Serpent raffles through one of the books, she discovers the log, the captain's signature is what alarms her. She rips the page from the book and they retreat back to the ship.

Back on the ship, she presents the paper to Juliana.

Juliana takes the paper and examines it carefully. "Captain's signature....." Juliana pauses. "Ehrlich? Ehrlich!!" Juliana throws the paper to the deck.

"Your... brother.." Serpent says, unhappily.

Juliana turns and storms her way to the captain's cabin, taking out a sword and pistol from a cabinet. Odamous follows.

"My lady, I..."

"No, Odamous, this is different. This is my brother who has betrayed our country, our family, my trust!! I will not stand for this!!" Juliana turns quickly. "I do not ask you to wage a war, but I do ask you to protect me as I unleash hell upon my enemies. Will you do this for me?"

Odamous smiles and nods. "I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and see that you do not fall off."

They both walk back out of the captain's cabin. Juliana adorned for battle.

"Aqua, we wait till nightfall. Push one of the docked ships out to sea and sink it. Serpent, after she does that, take us in. After that, follow my lead." Juliana orders.

Wolf and Lion smiles excitedly at each other, in anticipation of the coming... fun.

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